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Hi. The feature Jonjon show in the video is something that really seems to be missing in Spriter.

I've seen the Spriter video where it set 2 bones to a skin (the snake skin sprite), have tried it, and is really good.

It works perfectly with sprites with a longer width, but would love to do have the same option for height (a sprite with height greater than the width).


Hi rSheep,

Please be careful when using this feature. It is an unfinished/ proof of concept feature which will likely be completely replaced/redone, including with a different data structure.

We advise you not use the skin mode feature for any work you expect to be able to load into Spriter and use successfully in future Spriter implementations/plug-ins.

In other words, if you use this feature now, it will continue to load and work to the extent that it does in the current version of Spriter, but might eventually no longer work if future builds of Spriter AND most importantly will likely never work in any Spriter plug-in for any particular game authoring system.

Of course, after 1.0 is released, Edgar is looking forward to finalizing the new/full more flexible and easier to use version of the feature.


Mike at BrashMonkey

Hi rSheep,

Please be careful when using this feature. It is an unfinished/ proof of concept feature which will likely be completely replaced/redone, including with a different data structure.

We advise you not use the skin mode feature for any work you expect to be able to load into Spriter and use successfully in future Spriter implementations/plug-ins.

In other words, if you use this feature now, it will continue to load and work to the extent that it does in the current version of Spriter, but might eventually no longer work if future builds of Spriter AND most importantly will likely never work in any Spriter plug-in for any particular game authoring system.

Of course, after 1.0 is released, Edgar is looking forward to finalizing the new/full more flexible and easier to use version of the feature.


Mike at BrashMonkey

Thanks for the notice! :)

I'm currently just messing around with Spriter to learn a bit more about it.

Still, it's already looking good, and would suggest a option to make collision polygon from the skin mesh that could be altered after. :)


Ah crap, I missed this topic. So disregard my new topic.

But I'd really like to see the timeline to pop out visually something like so 65umPed. The gray matching the rest of the gui is rather disortienting.

Also I'd like spacebar to play/stop the timeline.

  • 4 weeks later...

I have some suggestions that would help during working with spriter, some not related to skins are not big but would help to avoid mistakes...


- When you are on keyframe and hit play button then animation plays and when you stop it then you will stop on currently played frame, this should be prohibited, it should go back to keyframe that was displayed before you hit plauy button, i caught myself adding keyframes in bad places becaues of this, its waste of time to playback animation and switch back to keyframe which was edited before play button was hit.


- next one is for skins, it would be great to "reset" them to their first non modified form using some kind of shortcut, so rotation and deformation etc would be reset when you need it, sometimes you can deform it so much and it takes time to go back to its original shape, so it would save a lot of time if we would have reset button .

 Rotation tools for skins also would be very nice, not necessary the same ones that we use for sprites but at least something so we could rotate them without need to use bones.


- ability to select then move around multiple skins by selecting a couple of them at once , currently you can move only one skin at a time , i know you can make this possible if you have skins assigned to bones but it should not be requirement to have bones, im not using bones and its pefrectly possible to move around regular sprites without bones, should be possible to do it with skins. It would really save some time, its hard to move complicated characters and maintain perfectly each skin placement.


- Ability to go to skin deformation mode with multiple skins at once, so currently you can only go to it when pressing twice mouse button on some skin point, but i wish we could select a couple of skins and then if we press twice on point then we can modify and deform those selected multiple skins at once , this would help a lot and speed up some time , maybe it would even make previous request obsolete because we could move skins together around in deformation mode, it would definitely suffice.

It would also be better if points would have different colours when working with multiple skins at once.


 - In my opinion by default it should paste to all keyframes when importing new bodypart, it should be default simply because it scares newcomers off, just think when you create animation and you think it came out nice then want to add somethjing then its visible only on first keyframe but not on oher ones and youre thinking OH NO! This is strange ! Its just plain weird, default behaviour should be swapped so to paste only on one keyframe we should hold some key like ctrl or something, it should not paste only on one keyframe by default, simple things like this scared me when i first started working with spriter.This is very counter intuitive right now and shouldnt be too hard to swap default behaviour ?

I know its ver easy to just use "copy selection to all keyframes" but how about making it default so it wont confuse anyone ? And if someone wants to import png only on one keyframe then just have to hold ctrl or shift, alt.

I guess it would be good idea to let total newcomers test spriter and listen to their first reaction , then you know whats counter intuitive.


- "Mode" could be scrapped and pixel art mode + smooth sampling should be simply moved to view menu because they're kinda on subject

  • 2 weeks later...



- hotkey for "Export Animation to PNG/GIF"

- in the export Animation window, could the app remember the last settings used?

- could we have by default in the window "pick a base file name for the image secuence"  the selected animation's name?


for short:

- exporting animations one at the time, is painfull. :???:

- it would be amazing if we can export the full entity's animations using the "export animation to PNG/GIF" tool instead of one by one. :-P 



  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, all, hello Lucid, this is Somebody from Construct forums and chat. Spriter has evolved nicely from what is was at first, but at the same time, obviously there's room for improvement.

I'll explain my desired design and workflow as it differs quite a bit from what seems to be the usual assumption ("artsy" free flowing placement of bones, etc.


So here's an actual example (this is placeholder art to figure out how it would behave, etc).




This is a walking battle platform, thus a precise, engineered thing, all the parts should fit together tightly and not be a pixel or two off. Like this, for example:




To achieve that these functions would help:

Define a grid, snap to grid

Snap to other points (image pivot points, bone ends)

Place inert dummy points, snap to them

Pixels in setting a pivot point - here:



Set length and with of a bone in numbers (it's in the file anyways, I do it by hand for now, editing the files in notepad)


Another useful feature would be placing full-sized images, placing their pivot points and then auto-cropping them, like Construct 2 does, which is a fantastic.




So, for example you import something like this, place the center pivot and then auto crop and get an image like the pink frame here shows:




You could just quickly throw in a bunch of images, exported with the correct placement and just add bones/animation.

In addition to this an "Auto-bone"  feature would be nice - just place a bone either vertically or horizontally over a sprite, possibly with an option to subtract half of height from left and right side, for example (thus auto-centering the bone). Like this:




Another thing are the icons - they are a bit small and at times mushy - if you would consider it I could make a full high-res icon set in a clean, modern style, like this:



  • 3 weeks later...
1) Create an option to enable/disable z-sorting in properties bar and actions and an event "if z-sorting enabled"


2) Create a "remove a sprite from associated sprites ilst" in event sheet


3) More advanced character maps - every body part/sprite is customizable




Hi GeorgeDziov,


Your suggestions are slightly confusing, but I think thats becuase at least the first two seem like Spriter Plug-in suggestions (for Construct2 perhaps) as opposed to suggestions specifically for Spriter itself.  I think your post would be better suited for the Spriter in C2 thread than here for that reason, unless I'm mistaken.


Regardless, I'm curions what your desired results woyld be for the first suggestion regarding disabeling z-sorting.  Obviously each keyframe of each spriter animation has an inherent z-order for each of its used images, and turning that off would presumabely just be asking for arbritrarily random z-sorting... or do you mean z-sorting of the entire spriter animation in relation to standard C2 sprites and or other Spriter animations also present on the screen...in which case, I'm still having a hard time picturing the desired effect you're after. Can you explain this in more detail?


Mike at BrashMonkey


Oh yeah, sorry, forgot to tell! Yeah, you're right, I was talking about C2 plugin!


Basically I want to handle z-sorting manually in C2, I think you remember me asking about z-sorting for melee stuff in my game, like throwing an enemy through shoulder or placing upper body not over legs(which are components of  lower body) but between legs, or animations where I need to switch depths for hands, legs or guns.


I'm glad to get clarification, GeorgeDziov.


That is indeed a very tricky situation that people have been working around for fighting and wrestling arcade games for decades.  Typically the animations for each character are very carefully drawn and designed so one full character frame is either above or below the other character on any particular frame.


For a more realistic look, I recommed actually breaking up each character into 2 layers, and stacking them in game so that eather character can have limbs or body behind or in front of the other character at any given time as needed.


The more realistic you want it to look, the more complicated the system will likely need to become.


Mike at BrashMonkey


Super important for me:


Lock pivot points !


I would like to enable a pivot-points locked mode. I mean, Ideally I would not like to change the pivot points of any of my images except for the first keyframe. I have seen sometimes (may be due to past bugs, dunno) moving sprites/bones could lead to silently changing the pivot point of the sprite. I do not like this happening !


Hey so you mentioned in November on page 20 you were working on a way to be able to warp images more than we can right now, besides just the rectangle resizing we can do.



Click features, the link doesnt load the right page. How soon until you implement something like the last 2 or 3 features?

If it's not finished, but the core of it won't be changed, like you said was a problem earlier up this page since you were redoing the features differently... maybe you can release it on a beta version for pro users to try out? I gotta start doing some facial animations that requires more than just the basic rectangle manipulation. You know how they animated the characters in Rayman Legends? Something like that.


A way to easily hide objects in the Z-order view would be nice, akin to turning off/on the eye icon in Photoshop layers. It would make matching up characters to a template much easier. Right now I am doing Hide/Show object by clicking on each sprite part individually, but it's a bit of a pain. If there is a way to already do this then I would love to know :)


Would also be cool if switching animations could blend into each other for programs like Construct 2.


Object Properties


- You should be able to reset values to their default values. Maybe right clicking the widget next to the text box could reset the value. Currently this does nothing for "angle" and "alpha" and has the same functionality as right clicking in the text box for the other four values, which is a bit weird.


- There should be a way to link x-scale and y-scale. 




- There is a Photoshop script that allows for exporting PSD files to SCML ready for animation, but this could be made into a native feature (convert a PSD file to a SCML file, as well as importing a PSD file as is with a hierarchy in the Palette panel). This could also allow for "dragging out" entire characters which could be useful.




Firstly, thanks! :) Spriter is awesome.


Feature wise:

  • I know it's been mentioned, but skewing assets is a major PLEASE for a feature. (Unless i've missed that implementation entirely...?)
  • Also it would be fantastic to be able to animate the IK anchor feature - will really help with feet slipping etc.



  • 2 weeks later...

Heyy, Brash! I have to say, Spriter's been amazing to work in so far. But I've got this feature, I'd love to see implemented.


  So this'd be a quick workaround for what takes a little bit of time, maybe a minute, or two, if things aren't too complex. I'd like to clone an animation so that it deletes every keyframe, except the last one and then it puts the last keyframe in the beginning of the timeline. 









bigger images, if needed http://imgur.com/07vF59R,mnymUOU,uXZSB2M#0



Also, things can get a bit, uhm.... complicated in the timeline.





It might just be my crappy animating skills that things get so out of control, but one neat change would also be, that when I've highlighted the bones, or sprites from the timeline, I'd like to scroll between the keyframes only associated with those particular bones and sprites, while using the next - and previous key buttons.








  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Here are two export options that would be pretty useful for me. 


1. An option inside trim rect to animation that would force the rect to be square by adding padding to the shorter side of the frame. Idealy with a guide to choose an anchor point similar to photoshop's "Canvas Size" dialogue box.


2. An option to determine export size in pixels or percentage points. It would be groovy if the output size area displayed "size in pixels" under the percentage, and allow the user to input a custom pixel size and let the percentage adjust accordingly.


With these two options, I could completely cut photoshop batch processing out of my workflow by creating square power of two texture sheets right from spriter. Thanks for reading :D


Helpful features:


1) Define a background rectangle that defines the size of the exported sprites. 


This way I can make sure my animations don't exceed the boundaries of the sprite I'm generating. (traditional 256x256 character image limits)


2) Display a background image to use as a reference point (e.g. animation of climbing up an object)  


Right now, I have to add an object to every frame, then delete it from all frames later.


Hi there! I've recently started learning Unity and C# and I'm using Spriter2Unity, which is a great importer. I've modified it a little bit to make it work with 2D Toolkit. I've mostly looked here and there, and tried to modify and adapt pieces of code. I'm sure it's poorly coded but hey, I've managed to get everything to work quite well so I guess it's all right haha.


Here is a screenshot. (2 SpriteCollections: Ninja-Skeleton/Player_sword-blob.)


Anyway, straight to the feature: everytime I want to assign a SpriteCollection to an entity, I have to manually open the scml and change the entity tag like so:

<entity id="0" name="entity1" Tk2dSpriteCollection="GoodGuys">
Then Spriter2Unity recognizes the element and assigns the correct SpriteCollection. However, every time I update my animations, this little addition disappears, obviously.


-> Would it be possible to add a custom element to an entity? Like right-click on the entity and have "Add Custom Tag" or something. I don't know if I'm expressing myself properly.


It's not an important feature at all, but I thought that being able to add our own tags could be a good idea. But I'm probably just being stupid, as I have little knowledge of programming. Thanks for reading!


EDIT: Ok I've just read the online manual and I'm going to use variables. Sorry for that!

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