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  2. Seems like after no updates for quite a while (maybe 2 months) that this project going to take a few years longer. Perhaps Mike can address this.
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  5. Me too! Waiting for Chinese language settings! (I agree with Liu Tong!)
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  7. Welcome Lenny1! Great questions about Spriter Pro. Here's some help to get you started: Bones & IK: Focus on a clean bone hierarchy that mirrors your character's movement. Use IK for specific areas that need more control (e.g., tails, limbs). Practice with simple animations to refine your technique. Multiple Animations: Create a base animation (idle) and build others (walk, run, jump) on top of it. This ensures consistency. Use animation transitions for smooth flow between actions. Mobile Performance: Optimize spritesheets (reduce size), limit frames, and consider using Spine for mobile-specific optimizations (though Spriter can work too). Advanced Options: Explore Spriter's advanced deformers (mesh, squash & stretch) for expressiveness. Plugins like Easy Bone Pro can simplify workflows. Spine is a powerful option for complex animations, but Spriter can handle a lot! Keep practicing and experimenting! Many resources online can help you further.
  8. @JekSun @liu tong We'll strongly consider both of these requests/suggestions and making a language-pack type file that Spriter 2 loads in is definitely the way to make it easier for us and/or the community make language packs for it. Sorry we can't promise this yet, but we'll make an effort to make this a reality after Spriter 2 reaches version 1.0
  9. I hope Spriter 2 already has a built-in font with utf support, and by the way, it would be convenient if all the lines of the graphical interface were stored somewhere in a folder so that everyone could translate them for themselves
  10. Sorry, then it's likely not supported by the latest or your version of Mac OS.
  11. It crashes every time when I try to open it. TT
  12. I have pre-ordered Spriter 2. Will there be a Chinese (Simplified) language setting in the future?My English is not very good, so I have to use translation tools.
  13. ok, I'm glad you found a solution. I think what I was talking about only applies to IK constraints.
  14. Thank you for the timely reply. Unfortunately holding the right mouse button over the parent bone did not prevent the child bone to be scaled with it. I had to manually reset the scaling properties of the child bone in order to obtain a longer (scaled) parent bone and a non-scaled child bone.
  15. @Justin I recently updated the first post in this thread, please read it and download the zip file and try to run the files inside and hopefully that will resolve the issues for you.
  16. Sorry, we did not directly develop the Spriter plugin for Multimedia Fusion and your best bet for technical support for it is on their forums and by contacting its developer directly. Unfortunately we've not heard from any other Multimedia Fusion users for many years. :(
  17. @Johrivnomil Spriter 1 will still be useable, but no longer updated, as development has moved on completely to Spriter 2. Spriter 1 owners will keep access to it as a separate program.
  18. We do have plans for such things down the line, but cany promise when or to what degree any particular physics based feature might be added.
  19. @GreenRock You'd have to delete the images themselves from the project folder, then re-save your spriter file. This should do it, but when re-loading your project, Spriter will complain there are missing images if you are referencing them in a character map for example.
  20. Try holding the right mouse button while your mouse is over the parent bone, and then hovering over the inheritance icons and release the mouse button. This should toggle the child bones from inheriting things like scale.
  21. Hi all, my name is Giovanni. I hope this message finds you well. I am writing this post because I need help with Spriter Pro, which I acquired trough Steam. My question is: how can I scale a bone of the skeleton of my character, without affecting the child bones? For example I would like to extend the lower arm (scale on x axis), but I don't want the hands of my character to be bigger/smaller than default dimensions. The reason of the bones hierarchy is to move the hands when I rotate the lower arm. In two words I want the hands to be attached to the lower arm, but not scaled if I have to extend my character lower arm. Thank you so much for your attention, Best regards Giovanni Battilana
  22. Hello everyone, the next build will take longer than the two week release cycle to complete, as we are approaching the end of the alpha period. There are a couple of loose ends from some of the early code we'd like to tie up to prevent any further stability related bugs. We appreciate your patience. Change Log Additions Added a default easing curve option in the status bar while in Animation Mode. This automatically sets the easing curve for newly created keyframes. Added keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+1 and Ctrl+2 to skip to the previous and next frames in Animation Mode, respectively. (The keys 1 and 2 without Ctrl already skip to the previous and next keyframes.) Added the ability to create a 'Key All' for every frame between two other keys in one step (hold Ctrl while clicking the 'Key All' button in Animation Mode when the timeline is set between two keys). Bug Fixes Fixed a critical bug where projects with multiple contour deformers would load in a corrupt state. Unfortunately, this fix breaks compatibility with projects saved in prior versions. Fixed a bug where the 'Key All' button did not inverse before keying, which caused an explosion of parts. Known issues Non-mesh children of strokes don't update in real-time when using ik Visual bug when images armed for adding swappable image and mesh in reposition mode Some pop-up ui elements appear below panels Z-order window images do not change when mesh images are swapped
  23. Are you adding built-in physics to Spriter 2? There are many similar programs to Spriter, but what makes Live2D Cubism stand out from all of them and is better than others is its built-in physics
  24. I wonder, what's going to happen with Spriter 1 once Spriter 2 comes out? Are we going to be able to use it indefinitely, or will Spriter 2 replace it?
  25. Change Log Changes and Enhancements Initiated restructuring of core systems to enhance stability, paving the way for wrapping up the last features in alpha development. Bug Fixes Resolved several additional stability issues related to hierarchy modifications. Started the refactoring process to fix new bugs identified during expanded testing. Known issues Non-mesh children of strokes don't update in real-time when using ik Visual bug when images armed for adding swappable image and mesh in reposition mode Some pop-up ui elements appear below panels Z-order window images do not change when mesh images are swapped
  26. Using the spriter extension works fine until I try and flip it horizontally in which the animation turns invisible. I have tried to use two separate animations under the same entity, one flipped and one not, as well as the "Change horizontal flipping" action under the Spriter extension. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  27. When I try to run Spriter this error shows saying "The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP120.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem" I already reinstalled it many times and I still get this error is there anyway to fix it? (I couldn't provide a image because I don't know how to)
  28. Change Log Changes and Enhancements Updated core systems to lay the groundwork for upcoming enhancements. Bug Fixes Resolved several stability issues related to hierarchy modifications. Fixed various bugs that caused errors during load and save operations. Known issues Non-mesh children of strokes don't update in real-time when using ik Visual bug when images armed for adding swappable image and mesh in reposition mode Some pop-up ui elements appear below panels Z-order window images do not change when mesh images are swapped
  29. Hi! I confronted the same problem, msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll were missing. First I installed C++ redistributable version 2013, but it didn't help. I have another computer, where the Spriter works just fine. There I have several versions of C++ redistributable versions, so my conclusion was that some other package is also needed. Without further investigating, what is the exact needed package, I ended up to download the package, which includes all C++ redistributables: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/ Yes, this is not Microsoft official page, but I decided to trust this site. After running this package (super easy install, just one .bat file to run as administrator), Spriter started to work.
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