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Everything posted by bwwd

  1. Ah so i can save but theres nothing onscreen that indicates that, so its hidden , well then i assume it doesnt exist and not even look for it, im not sure if other people are doing this as well but first experiences with gui can tell a lot of whats possible so i can feel "safer" cause i know for example that i can save and load. Its pretty simple to test every new feature like that, just let someone new open this beta and tell him to save then watch what happens.Yeah... So that video tutorial helped me a lot, like A LOT.I hope there will be more of that.Yup hold my hand like 2 years old cause theres new stuff and i need example . Its kinda like transforming your first transformer figure without any instructions, you can break some stuff if youre not careful and it will be irritating but once you did it 3 or 3 times or youve seen someone else do it, it gets better. So, spriter1 is easy for me now and i work fast with it but i totally get if people feel lost when working with skins even tho i dont have this feeling anymore since like 3 years. I know its a lot to take care of at once, but i have to admit that 0.18 was the last one i tried and now this one, cause first spriter works perfectly fine for me and until 2nd one will have timeline and shortcuts in place i can think about switching, i like shortcuts to jump from keyframe to keyframe so i hope that will make way soon. From what i see theres gonna be stuff thats in first spriter so ill keep testing new builds. Adjusting curve doesnt work most of the time , its just hard to click on that, im not sure if io like the way, the best way is always shortcuts, please shortcut every thing there is , adjusting curve should have shortcut too when we select the bone or something and then its child. I like auto weights, not really weights but segmenting, its a bit limited especially when i want to have a hand with multiple fingers , they dont have own segments for small fingers and small bones but it will speed up work for sure. I still would like to have control over topology and subdivide when needed witout actually having more verts to pull, kinda like 1st spriter. so with less verts i would have Z and with more it would be more like S when animating, sometimes i need sharp corners but most of the time i dont i believe default should be something in the middle, maybe tiny bit more towards sharp corners like an elbow maybe, its not super sharp but not like bendy wire either.
  2. Ok i gave it a try, its shaping up nicely, similar to first spriter with B and alt. Id change naming to "bone" not "new bone" and make it autonumber itself incrementally, i dont need to put names of the bones if its simple 3 bones object, currently theres 3 bones each named "new bone" .should be bone1 ,2 and 3, "new" is not needed , too long, save space on canvas, it can be an issue also font might be too big. Cant save or open other projects, but these are obvious so... undo is ruining everything.mesh becomes a mess.So testing it is nerve wrecking, every mistake is punishable by forcing to quit redoing everything again and im patient guy. Wheres save ? load ? its scary gui at the moment.at least let me save whatever i have or version of it or not save it.IMO diving away from typicl gui is not a good thing, your user will feel lost but i get its beta, still its such basic foundation to every software, should be somewhere. ok i pressed undo again... ok im done for today, its just not funny.
  3. it works , just have to workaround it setup and the change z order later, it doesnt work duruing mesh setup
  4. Great, any video tutorials about it ? I tried to grasp it but its walk in the dark as of right now. I hope quality of the export will be similar to original spriter, i mean i tried dragonbones and other stuff but once you go into mesh mode then mesh becomes blurry on export, with spriter i figured out to upscale my art ( bodyparts) to 200% AFTER i setup meshes , this way it gets sharper when animating and after export.Its a little trick but gets great results. Im not sure what happens under the hood, maybe it would be good to upscale with xbr 2x or linear internally in spriter before export, this way we will get cleanest lines possible. I think it is important for pixel art, maybe not with png artwork but still, would be great to have no loss of sharpness when going into mesh mode.
  5. bwwd

    Spriter 2 FAQ

    Great, i wish you guys would do another kickstarter to get this going with much more exposure , first spriter is amazing , very fast and intuitive workflow, compared to other software that might be more advanced into detailed meshes but most of the time theres no need and just in special cases. It would be nice to have more than 3x3 grid for single segment , with more blue and white dots that could be turned to light blue dots which would have more weight painted in and would affect mesh more than blue ones and less than white ones which are the strongest ones or something like that to control the mesh better or something along those lines.
  6. bwwd

    Spriter 2 FAQ

    This looks great so, so we will be able to decide how many images there will be to rotate from front view to profile view ? I would be happy with about 4 . I wish there would be something to change bodyparts depending on light placement setting ( it would not be actual light but a variable that lets spriter know when to swap bodypart thats lit from top/bottom/left or right) so characters are shaded properly and dont look 3d /artificial , it would of course require to create more bodyparts preshaded from different angles but that could bring more natural and pixel arty feel to the sprite. Most sprite lighting techniques look artificial and too 3d , maybe thats user error and could be done so it looks more like actual pixel art shadows im not sure. When you have hand straightened and then bend elbow , graphics would automatically change elbow images to the ones with shadow that looks correct for bent elbow when lit from top during entire animation, but that would require light variable or something. so spriter knows where the "light" is and is swapping premade and preshaded bodyparts automatically when you bend/ move bodyparts and entire character around.Im not 100% sure it would work in all cases but it would be great to see, from what i see on current spriter2 examples with "rotating views" while maintaining bodyparts position IT would be something completely new and never seen before.Im excited for spriter 2!
  7. As You know most animations for this game are made with amazing original Spriter using 3d meshes , Today new version of the game was released, its been 4 years and im grateful to Brashmonkey for such fantastic software.
  8. I hope You guys will enable having more than 9 segments with sub verts for skins ,now skins can be divided to maximum of 3x3 grid which is sufficient for most of the stuff but even 4x4 one would help a lot in more complicated cases , extruding skin into full verts doesnt have that nice subdivided bent, spriter is the only software that has this and its speeding up workflow A LOT cause we dont have to create each vert ourselves like in other software with meshes to get smooth results when bending meshes with bones. Also opacity for skins would be great. One more thing that would be useful is also NULL curve for keyframe, where it just passes by while keeping curve from previous keyframe soe we could have 3 keyframes - 1st and 3rd with "s" curve and 2nd with NULL curve to not disrupt smooth movement between 1st and 3rd but still trying to affect the shape of skin.Currently i do this by breaking S curve in half, 1st frame has first half, 2nd frame has linear and 3rd one has second half of s curve but that doesnt look 100% perfectly smooth, you stil feel that linear in the middle a bit.
  9. Amazing work guys! Spriter is my main tool for work, i find its implementation of skin feature fastest to work with. Best software purchase ever despite its small issues. I know it says its free upgrade but I would of buy it again ! Actually was ready to preorder it and pay until i read its free upgrade. IMO even half the price for upgrade from 1 to 2 would be very fair.Cant wait for betatesting! Any idea when beta will be ready?
  10. Dont use skin and regular sprites together in one animation, if youre using skin then use it even for simplest elements of your animation, or else some stuff wont be visible.
  11. I see youre with him on it ? How do you know what he sent me in PM ? He actually did wrote that i submitted his content to third party which is obviously not true , but his content is indeed on kingdomlikes ! I want him to find out who did it before he blames me , i mentioned to some other user that his content is on kingdomlikes so i know there is a big family reunion here on forums since this contest started. its really like a big family over here but ill wait until he will show us who submitted his video to kingdomlikes, because i know i didnt so its actualy funny for me !I only just want him to do his detective work and clear up his name , not pull out.Posting comments like that is only draggin you guys down, if youre so 100% sure i did it then you must have 100% legit proof right ? I want to see it ! Also do i gang up on you like that ? There is at least 3 new accounts who back up this guy which is really intertesting how many people chit chat about this in PM's or is it the same guy ? So i dont want him to pull out, i want him to get in as deep as he can to find out that i didnt submit his video to this website and his video is clearly over there. I would also say that i never held Heinz accounting for any loss, i never ever mentioned it ! I dont know where he took this from.But now i actually suspect he created some accounts here or asked his friends to do it so they can gang up on me without any legit proofs and it somehow will make them look good ?
  12. Heinz knows, im counting on him and i hope he wont pullout despite registering here only for the contest and instead he will clear up everything.Id also like to see IP's of all the guys who registered here recently to post trolling comments and give thumbs ups to each other cause its hilarious.
  13. I cant let this slide, i want you to ask kingdomlikes who submitted your content , till then im waiting for you to apologize.
  14. I agree , great first trollpost backed up by new accounts
  15. This is also good, judges outside of spriter community but with knowledge about game animations, so entries would be numbered and they could vote for numbers instead of youtube videos, so they wont be biased by seeing likes or votes on youtube as well.I can reupload and provide other link to video than youtube, every gmail account required for youtube has google drive space so that could be best option to provide links.
  16. It had more over 1000 views but youtube decreased it probably because they werent full 30 second long views (cause full video is about 30 seconds) what i suspect is when you watch only 20 seconds of 30 second video then it counts at first as temporary full view but later is adjusted so there have to be another 10 second from other view to count as full view , 20+10, i had this happen in my he-man video that had huge burst of views , about 50 thousand during one day with even more views disappearing , i had over 100k views and on another day i had 75k and what can i do ? It happened when i had revenue from ads and on another day i had less views = less revenue, besides i dont get why it bothers you, its my video and my loss.I dont get how bitter some users are.
  17. The only fair way is to have anonymous entries and anonymous voting by people who have registered here before contest was even started, and only by participants of the contest (animators) so they at least have some knowledge about making animations in spriter and can judge final outcome better than random friend or family member, but allow for 2 votes, so you must vote for 2 entries at least and cant vote for just one.When votes are collected then brashmonkey can reveal winners, anonymous voting is best but still there can be new contestants who are friends with each other and each vote for another in contest to abuse it, so it would be nice to not let contestant X vote for contestant Y when contestant Y voted for contestant X, thats why im really against allowing to participate people who recently joined forum only because contest was started.Cause now someone can create 2 separate bosses and let his friend join forums to share one of the bosses quickly to just give extra vote.Its really tough to figure out something fair and forbid creating new accounts just because contest was started.It might not be fair to allow only pre contest members to participate but its also not fair if people enter just because of the contest.Voting could take 2 days. Also participants must upload his video somewhere maybe google drive(not youtube cause its easy to check who is who and its not anonymous anymore ) and share + also send his spriter project file to brashmonkey admins to avoid some bullshit i took when people complained i didnt used spriter.It also would be wiser to create another boss cause now people know who made currently uploaded animations.
  18. I already have people commenting under my video that im not using spriter or boosting votes, i have mixed feelings about all this cause its very easy to do that to all others but looks like im the only one getting this cause im first so far ? We all know that friends/coworkers/relatives votes will be biased towards our creation even if we say to watch all other vids and we cant get rid of that , its the reality, i didnt want to participate at the beginning as well...
  19. I really encourage everyone to watch all spriter videos on brashmonkey youtube first and then ask questions about more tutorials because to be honest - everything was already explained by them in videos
  20. Here is my entry, i cant record spriter cause it doesnt playback animation smooth enough so i recorded gifs with transitions I hope i didnt broke the rules, im on dualcore pc now so i cant record screen without dropping frames.
  21. Deformation in spriter works great for me , i guess competely implemented means supported in game engines by opening json files from spriter, but if you would like something else maybe try blender with cutout addon http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?381203-Cutout-Animation-Tool-Blender
  22. Thats fine i suspected that, 6.2 works great for me and spriter is best cutout animation software in my opinion at the moment after trying most of them, fast and intuitive, sprite swap and deformation is nicely implemented with autosubduvisions and sub verts that follow bigger verts.Once theres big update to deformation feature i might try to install win7 again.Great work anyway ! Im really thankful for spriter.
  23. Still doesnt work on winxp, probably because some new libraries are being used since version 7... so i cant run it unless i update OS and i downgraded about month ago from win7 after bad experiences.
  24. Send them message and they will send you activation code for spriter so you can download non steam version and just enter your activation code
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