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Mike at BrashMonkey

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Everything posted by Mike at BrashMonkey

  1. Yes, Spriter Pro owners will receive Spriter 2 for free once it's released. There's no difference in features between the Steam and non-Steam versions, but you need to be logged into your Steam account to use the Steam version.
  2. Please try the following: The first thing you should try is downloading the following link, unzipping it, and running the resulting installers: https://brashmonkey.com/forum/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1838&key=435c1b06fcf5ea5ed3c29a4f1325d850 If that doesn't work, try the other options here: https://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4457-troubleshooting-look-here-if-you-are-having-an-issue-with-spriter/
  3. Congrats of finishing this massive project!
  4. Fantastic! Sorry for the inconvenience of the broken link etc. Thanks for hanging in there. Very glad it's resolved.
  5. Ah OK.l'll look into that issue deeper, but in the meantime, please try this new link instead: updatedDlls.zip
  6. it sounds like you want to use the character maps feature. I think. https://www.brashmonkey.com/spriter_manual/what are character maps.htm
  7. The link works fine for me. Maybe it's an issue with your browser or internet provider?
  8. What do you mean by deleted data? A think maybe you mean unused images still get exported as part of a sprite sheet. Is this what you mean? If so, the only solution is to actually delete that unused image from the project folder. Just be careful not to delete images you actually are using or plan to use.
  9. @JekSun @liu tong We'll strongly consider both of these requests/suggestions and making a language-pack type file that Spriter 2 loads in is definitely the way to make it easier for us and/or the community make language packs for it. Sorry we can't promise this yet, but we'll make an effort to make this a reality after Spriter 2 reaches version 1.0
  10. Sorry, then it's likely not supported by the latest or your version of Mac OS.
  11. ok, I'm glad you found a solution. I think what I was talking about only applies to IK constraints.
  12. @Justin I recently updated the first post in this thread, please read it and download the zip file and try to run the files inside and hopefully that will resolve the issues for you.
  13. Sorry, we did not directly develop the Spriter plugin for Multimedia Fusion and your best bet for technical support for it is on their forums and by contacting its developer directly. Unfortunately we've not heard from any other Multimedia Fusion users for many years. :(
  14. @Johrivnomil Spriter 1 will still be useable, but no longer updated, as development has moved on completely to Spriter 2. Spriter 1 owners will keep access to it as a separate program.
  15. We do have plans for such things down the line, but cany promise when or to what degree any particular physics based feature might be added.
  16. @GreenRock You'd have to delete the images themselves from the project folder, then re-save your spriter file. This should do it, but when re-loading your project, Spriter will complain there are missing images if you are referencing them in a character map for example.
  17. Try holding the right mouse button while your mouse is over the parent bone, and then hovering over the inheritance icons and release the mouse button. This should toggle the child bones from inheriting things like scale.
  18. @leonard-moro If you're putting PNG files in the folder you pointed Spriter to when you chose to start a new project, they should show up in Spriter... if you're putting them in the folder when Spriter and your project are already open, you might need to close and re-open spriter and your project for them to show up. If this doesn't help you'll likely need to zip up the project folder and email it to mail@brashmonkey.com with a description of the problem so we can take a look and figure out the issue.
  19. @Centrion This website seems to give pretty thorough instructions for how to fix the issue. Hopefully a combination of these steps works for you: https://www.howtogeek.com/874113/how-to-fix-the-0xc000007b-error-on-windows/
  20. @Aahan2023 did you try any of the proposed solutions?
  21. @tobar.io Sorry, there is no direct way we know of. It might be possible but likely not without quite a bit of work and custom code.
  22. You can find it here: https://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/files/category/8-software/
  23. Sorry for the inconvenience and frustration, Ghastly97. Did you try the Adobe Creative Cloud solution? (installing the trial of Photoshop). That seems to be the fastest and most consistent way to resolve the issue for most people. Just be sure to cancel the trial before you get charged for it if you don't want to continue using Photoshop etc. before the trial period expires. Please let me know if that works for you.
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