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TroubleShooting (look here if you are having an issue with Spriter!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Im seriously considering purchasing Spriter, so I downloaded the free version to test it around a bit, but when I try to open Spriter I get this weird error message (My system is in spanish, so the rough translation would be "Disk error")

While Im aware this may be an issue with my computer and not Spriter, I use a lot of different programs all the time and so far this is the first time I see this error, and I would say my computer is clean.

No matter if I click cancel, retry or continue, Spriter just closes afterwards (The Spriter window is visible on the background, but blank)

I also tried to uninstall/reinstall to no avail. I let Spriter install with all the default options/folders.

I actually had some very old version of free Spriter already installed that I never got around to test, but at least it loaded...

Googling around I find some fixes for this involving editing the Windows registry (Im using Windows 7, if it helps) but with little context of why this error happens, so I prefer to ask you guys first before messing around.

Any help?

Thanks in advance!


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I never used maps cause i do animations from scratch with each new character and never really done character with multiple outfits so i didnt had problems you encountered, also never had detached skins , i always check before saving that everything moves correctlyu and skin setup is finished so there are no arrows to create or delete mesh segments.

Never save your project when youre still editing skin, finish skin setup and then save, not when youre still moving vertices.

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I hate to insist, but I'd like to test Spriter before the current 75%-off sale I saw on Scirra.com expires (Roughly a day left) and logically I wont spend money on something that doesn't even load to me. At full price, while being a fair price is out of my budget, so....please help me become a paying customer! :wink:

It seems that Spriter tries to load from some hdd/partition that doesnt exist...wich makes absolutely no sense.

I am the only one with this problem?


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About the error, as I said before, I messed up with the register ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows\Errormode" and changed it to 0 instead of 2), it only made windows skip the error dialog with Spriter still crashing. The weird thing is that I restored it to its original value (and then rebooted) to get again the dialog and check if the error was the same on the exe than on the shortcut as you advised, but now the dialog doesnt show and Spriter just shuts down (The Spriter window barely shows, blank)

Thanks for the link, I'll look into it although I dont have much hope about it since my drive configuration is pretty standard: Main hdd, storage hdd, DVD drive and a couple drives for sd cards and such...(C: D: E: F: G: respectively)

I also made sure no pendrives/storage devices were connected. Also tried to install it on D: (Storage hdd) instead of the main one to no avail.

Man....this is frustrating xD

Thanks again!

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  • 5 weeks later...

So I think this counts as an issue, I just made a topic about it but realized I should have probably posted it here.

Basically I've found that when I change the xscale of something from say, 1 to -1, in the frames in between, if it ever becomes 0, then I can't change it from 0. This kind of makes the whole animation unusable cause I don't actually want parts to disappear for a frame which is what happens when xscale becomes 0. Basically after that point, if I try to change the xscale of that sprite asset, it immediately goes back to 0.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there,

Hi all, I'm new to this forum and Spriter user. I want to give this program a real try. I had installed Spriter(free version R464) last April but didn't really get a chance to actually use it but did run it without any problems. Any who, I recently ran Spriter and i get this message:


./Spriter: error while loading shared libraries: libQtWebKit.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I"m running on Arch Linux x86_64 bit OS.

To troubleshoot I ran:

ldd ./Spriter | grep 'not found'

and it returned:


libQtWebKit.so.4 => not found
libphonon.so.4 => not found

So, I checked to see if I had those libs available on my machine:

ls libQtW*

returns nothing.


ls libQt5W*

returned the following:


libQt5WebChannel.prl       libQt5WebKit.prl       libQt5WebKitWidgets.prl       libQt5Widgets.prl
libQt5WebChannel.so        libQt5WebKit.so        libQt5WebKitWidgets.so        libQt5Widgets.so
libQt5WebChannel.so.5      libQt5WebKit.so.5      libQt5WebKitWidgets.so.5      libQt5Widgets.so.5
libQt5WebChannel.so.5.5    libQt5WebKit.so.5.5    libQt5WebKitWidgets.so.5.5    libQt5Widgets.so.5.5
libQt5WebChannel.so.5.5.1  libQt5WebKit.so.5.5.1  libQt5WebKitWidgets.so.5.5.1  libQt5Widgets.so.5.5.1

So my machine has Qt version 5 installed and I don't want to go back to version 4. 

I decided to downloaded the latest free version (R664), to see if the new version supports Qt 5 and looks like it does.

However, when i run the new free version, I get the following:


./Spriter: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Again, i run:

ldd ./Spriter | grep 'not found'

and it returns:


libpng12.so.0 => not found

I go back to /usr/lib directory, to try and find libpng12, but instead find that i have libpng16:

ls libpng*

libpng16.so  libpng16.so.16  libpng16.so.16.21.0  libpng.so

Spriter free version R464, requires libpng16.

While the latest free version R664, requires both libpng12 and libpng16.

Any reason why it uses libpng12?

Any way get this going without libpng12?

I tried softlinking libpng12 to libpng16 and it stated that it's looking for version libpng12 specifically.

Thanks for any help that can be provided.


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Heya! I'm having a problem animating a character whose limbs don't have any keyframes on frame 0 (as their animation loop is offset relative to the animation start/finish). For some reason after a certain point I became unable to perform certain animation tweaks without the program automatically creating the 0th frame for a bunch of the limbs without one. Those 0th frame keyframes also cannot be deleted nor moved.

It's rather frustrating, as the two (desired) keyframes around it have non-linear curves, making it almost impossible to tweak the new keyframe so there isn't a visible acceleration change.

The actions that trigger it range from intensive ones like deleting (an unconnected) reference sprite from every frame to something as trivial as just selecting such a bone on the 0th frame. I thought perhaps the character was simply too big, but even at 250x500px the same problem happens.

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  • 4 months later...

Spriter crashes on startup every time I try to open it. I get a message along the lines of:

"The application could not start correctly (0xc000007b). Click on OK to close the application."

Does anyone have any idea what's up? I tried looking up on the net, but didn't find anything about this.

Thanks for the help.

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On 2/7/2016 at 8:41 PM, Weasel said:

Heya! I'm having a problem animating a character whose limbs don't have any keyframes on frame 0 (as their animation loop is offset relative to the animation start/finish). For some reason after a certain point I became unable to perform certain animation tweaks without the program automatically creating the 0th frame for a bunch of the limbs without one. Those 0th frame keyframes also cannot be deleted nor moved.

It's rather frustrating, as the two (desired) keyframes around it have non-linear curves, making it almost impossible to tweak the new keyframe so there isn't a visible acceleration change.

The actions that trigger it range from intensive ones like deleting (an unconnected) reference sprite from every frame to something as trivial as just selecting such a bone on the 0th frame. I thought perhaps the character was simply too big, but even at 250x500px the same problem happens.

Hi Weasel. Sorry for the frustration. This sounds like what we'll definitely call bugs, but which are tied to how Spriter works at the core level..expecting an initial key tat zero in the timeline for things that are present throughout the animation. I'm not sure it would be possible to resolve such an issue that's part of something so integral to Spriter's core code. I'll report it to Edgar though and hopefully I'm wrong.



On 7/2/2016 at 0:46 AM, CyberDagger said:

Spriter crashes on startup every time I try to open it. I get a message along the lines of:

"The application could not start correctly (0xc000007b). Click on OK to close the application."

Does anyone have any idea what's up? I tried looking up on the net, but didn't find anything about this.

Thanks for the help.

Hi CyberDagger. Please try the following:  please install the Visual Studio 2013 C++ runtime. If you are on 32 bit Windows you only need the 32 bit version. If you are on 64 bit Windows, you will need to install both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784


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  • 1 month later...


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this problem but anyway.

I'm running window 8 64 bit.

I have downloaded and installed

  • Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2013 (x86), and Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2013 (x64)
  • Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2015 (x86), and Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2015 (x64)
  • Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2012 (x86), and Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2012 (x64)

I also downloaded Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (arm) as well as the 2012 version. Neither of them will run on my PC.

But I still can't get Spriter r8, Spriter r7 or Spriter r6.1 to work properly. It will launch but the working area will be white and a message pops up "spriter.exe has stopped working".

Previously I used spriter pro 4.1 and it worked great.

Also, when I tried to run the spriter 6.2  it came up with a message: "Qt5Core.dlll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem."

If anyone could help to fix this problem or tell me what I'm doing wrong, that would be greatly appreciated.


.spriter not working.PNGspriter 6.2.PNG



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On 8/24/2016 at 1:58 PM, Dom!!!! said:


I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this problem but anyway.

I'm running window 8 64 bit.

I have downloaded and installed

  • Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2013 (x86), and Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2013 (x64)
  • Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2015 (x86), and Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2015 (x64)
  • Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2012 (x86), and Microsoft visual studio C++  Redistribution 2012 (x64)

I also downloaded Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (arm) as well as the 2012 version. Neither of them will run on my PC.

But I still can't get Spriter r8, Spriter r7 or Spriter r6.1 to work properly. It will launch but the working area will be white and a message pops up "spriter.exe has stopped working".

Previously I used spriter pro 4.1 and it worked great.

Also, when I tried to run the spriter 6.2  it came up with a message: "Qt5Core.dlll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem."

If anyone could help to fix this problem or tell me what I'm doing wrong, that would be greatly appreciated.


.spriter not working.PNGspriter 6.2.PNG


I installed the Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 pack. Now spriter r8 is working fine on my windows 8 machine.

Here is the link to the download page if anyone else had the same problem as me. https://beta.visualstudio.com/vs/community/

Be warned that it took around 6 hours for it to install on my machine. :/


It worked well but now has stopped working again. :(


I fixed it again by copying the spriter r8 files into the spriter 4.1 folder and replacing the duplicates. Now it's working fine but it asked if I would like to disable openGL.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, AmauryH said:

I didn't find an answer on the forum. I have the Steam version of Spriter Pro.
If I don't launch Steam first and I just try to launch Spriter Pro, Spriter Pro trys to launch then crash instantly.
Is it normal ? A problem of Steam maybe ?

This is by design. The Steam version of Spriter requires Steam be running for it to work.

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  • 1 month later...

Can someone help me pls? Whenever i try to open Spriter something comes up that says ''The Program can't start because VCOMP120.DLL is missing from your computer' And it says that MSVCP100.dll is missing too. I have no idea what to do about this > . < Pls help

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1 hour ago, Nyu said:

Can someone help me pls? Whenever i try to open Spriter something comes up that says ''The Program can't start because VCOMP120.DLL is missing from your computer' And it says that MSVCP100.dll is missing too. I have no idea what to do about this > . < Pls help

You need to do the following:
please install the Visual Studio 2013 C++ runtime. If you are on 32 bit Windows you only need the 32 bit version. If you are on 64 bit Windows, you will need to install both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions.https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784

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So, I have a bit of an issue when exporting from Spriter (R9) on OSX 10.11.6 with 16gb of RAM. This is happening while using the RPG character kit. If I export to animated gif/png of a single animation, It creates the sprite sheet but hangs at 100% Here's a screnshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oe4gp3pndvjq5z5/spriterissue.png?dl=0. At this point, I have to kill the program and restart it again. If I export as a batch, it will revert a particular body part back to its base color and then export. Here's a video screen capture of what happens: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6zk2i4zazr5d60b/spriterissue.mov?dl=0. Any help would be great! Oh, I'm using an scms file to load all my character map and pallet settings prior to both of these issues.


I discovered disabling OpenGL seems to have fixed the issue. 

***update #2**

I was wrong. I guess I just got lucky a few times. The problem still persists.

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  • 1 month later...

I feel bad about this, but I hadn't used Spriter in a long while, or even logged in to Steam.  I decided to open it today.  It automatically began downloading updates.  When the updates finished and I clicked launch, nothing happened - no error message or anything.  I checked the task manager - no spriter.  I restarted the computer and tried to launch from the start menu and from steam - No message, no spriter.  I launched sprite lamp just to see if it was something wrong with launching apps from steam - sprite lamp worked.  I uninstalled and reinstalled spriter.  Click launch, no spriter, no message. 

It says spriter pro - I'm pretty sure I purchased it as part of the Humble GameMaking bundle a long time back.  I hope we can get this working.

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22 minutes ago, gamerwoman3d said:

I feel bad about this, but I hadn't used Spriter in a long while, or even logged in to Steam.  I decided to open it today.  It automatically began downloading updates.  When the updates finished and I clicked launch, nothing happened - no error message or anything.  I checked the task manager - no spriter.  I restarted the computer and tried to launch from the start menu and from steam - No message, no spriter.  I launched sprite lamp just to see if it was something wrong with launching apps from steam - sprite lamp worked.  I uninstalled and reinstalled spriter.  Click launch, no spriter, no message. 

It says spriter pro - I'm pretty sure I purchased it as part of the Humble GameMaking bundle a long time back.  I hope we can get this working.

Hi Kristen,
What operating system are you using and what are your general system specs?

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