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Spriter Awesome Boss Contest! $1000 Grand Prize! Official Rules

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5 hours ago, ShikaUsstan said:

Huge fan of Spriter... Absolutely abhor popularity voting where grandma who doesn't know anything about games up votes little johnny just because he asked or Mr. I decided to create 20 fake emails with 20 fake accounts to up vote my video.  Worst of all are the people who have running youtube channels with followers and even though it is a stick figure that punches he gets 100 up votes because he has loyal fans.  And for this cause I am considering not participating.

Hi ShikaUsstan,

Thanks for the kind words. We completely understand your reservations and don't blame you if you want to hold off for a future contest which will be apply a different system for judging. That said, of course no one should ever enter a contest which requires actual effort in creating something if the non-prize benefits themselves don't make it worth your time, as even judged contest are not remotely a guarantee that the person you think should win actually will.

All entrants will be required to paste a specific message at the top of the video description in Youtube which will link directly to the full playlist and request that everyone watch all videos before judging and to judged based on artistic merit and not any personal feelings towards specific participants. Of course this is no guarantee, but we just wanted to offer as much info as possible pertinent to this topic so you can make decision more easily as to whether or not you'd like to participate.

If you do participate, your stuff will be seen by many people... and the more popular any particular participant might be, the more people will see your art.  Of course there's also the fact that if you enter, there's some chance of winning... however if you don't enter, there's no chance.

The last point I'll make is this is the biggest reason we made the theme for the contest so open, so hopefully most artists could submit animations the were already making for their personal projects etc.. so very little work would need to be done specifically for the contest..other than submitting the work.

-Mike at BrashMonkey

PS. If you have specific suggestions for future contests, in regards to both theme and how the judging should be handled, please don't hesitate to share them so we can consider as many ideas as possible.


@BrashAdmin Just to make it clear - the application video needs to be 100% a screen recording of spriter at work? We can't, say, export my animation and place it on top of a background, add music etc? Or place the boss in a Construct 2 project and have a spriter-animated character fight it?


I'm making a boss with elements from my game (platforms, spikes etc), so it'd be great for me to be able to display a bit of the gameplay or at least place it inside the game in order to provide some context when showing. I'll understand if it's not allowed though.


Thanks in advance!

1 minute ago, Werneck said:

@BrashAdmin Just to make it clear - the application video needs to be 100% a screen recording of spriter at work? We can't, say, export my animation and place it on top of a background, add music etc? Or place the boss in a Construct 2 project and have a spriter-animated character fight it?


I'm making a boss with elements from my game (platforms, spikes etc), so it'd be great for me to be able to display a bit of the gameplay or at least place it inside the game in order to provide some context when showing. I'll understand if it's not allowed though.


Thanks in advance!

Right. It must be from the Sprier file only.. if you want a background, you'd have to add it to the Spriter animation before exporting..same for sounds.. so long as its in the Spriter file and just being recorded playing in Spriter (and so long as its all artwork you or your team created and you have permission to use it.), you're good. for this reason its expected there would be no player sprite... there's nothing technically stopping you, except it would be a huge amount of work to animate the player and boss together in a single Spriter animation, so we suggest and expect people to not include players... lust the boss and if you want it's environment is what we're after.
-Mike at BrashMonkey

23 hours ago, BrashAdmin said:

PS. If you have specific suggestions for future contests, in regards to both theme and how the judging should be handled, please don't hesitate to share them so we can consider as many ideas as possible.

Greetings BrashAdmin and lucid ^^ I'll be submitting my Boss hopefully early tomorrow, I am well aware of the contest  rules ;however and like the rest, I must admit that the likes and "votes" system can be easily abused.

Mu suggestion, for future contests, that the admins themselves judge the entries, after all  you'll know the time and effort that was put into the execution of each and every animations since you developed the spriter program and well aware of the hardships that comes with game development. you Judge it yourselves based on the lively of the animation, execution, originality, possibility of integration on a final product, you name it.

because let's face it, making a new account in youtube and pressing a like in your video only takes 1 min,in 30 mins you have 30 likes, but perfecting an entire animation can take an entire day and you might not even get a single like for it. A different approach is that we could still upload the videos on youtube and bring audience to the spriter community (even if the number was small) but the judging criteria should be different than the most easily abused voting system. 

Sorry for the rant, but it had to be addressed ^^ see you in the contest and wishing everyone a good competition.


I already have people commenting under my video that im not using spriter or boosting votes, i have mixed feelings about all this cause its very easy to do that to all others but looks like im the only one getting this cause im first so far ?

We all know that friends/coworkers/relatives votes will be biased towards our creation even if we say to watch all other vids and we cant get rid of that , its the reality, i didnt want to participate at the beginning as well... 

12 hours ago, bwwd said:

I already have people commenting under my video that im not using spriter or boosting votes, i have mixed feelings about all this cause its very easy to do that to all others but looks like im the only one getting this cause im first so far ?

We all know that friends/coworkers/relatives votes will be biased towards our creation even if we say to watch all other vids and we cant get rid of that , its the reality, i didnt want to participate at the beginning as well... 

I think some people don't trust you because you're the only one who use skin mode in this contest and other people only use skeleton and normal deform.  I using skin mode too so I know how you work.  Maybe show Spriter project at the end of the video?

About contest, I made a Slime boss for my game too but some animation have to make in various animation and export as png/gif then merge 2 animation together for play because of skin mode limited.  Like prepare attack and attacking in different animation.  So it will look weird when play it in Spriter.  Can I show in game animation and show weird spriter animation in the end -*-

And if next contest theme is anime or girl character.  i'm sure to participate :D 


To be honest, what bothers me the most is how the video has (at the time of this writing) 716 views and 1045 likes. I mean, how can you like without viewing? Maybe someone more tech-savvy can explain this particular phenomenon.

Youtube used to freeze video count just when a video becomes viral in the past but it was usually frozen at 300ish views or the infamous 301+ while keeping like/dislike count real time. But it had been updated with a more real time solution as of 2015.

There have also been occurrences where the view count drops by glitch, so I really don't know.


Hello everyone,

We're hoping to have your help to resolve an issue that just came to our attention.
Despite it clearly being against the spirit of the contest, more than one contestant is using a third party site to basically buy likes(votes) for their animation.

This is in direct contradiction to the text we had everyone paste in their description, requesting that voters watch the submitted animations from all contestants before voting, and that the the votes be based on actual merit/quality of the work.

As you know, we had expected and accepted some bias from friends and family, but this is a different level of intentional manipulation and abuse of the system and spirit of the contest.

We realize this is the sort of thing some of you were warning could happen, and clearly (and sadly) you were right.

We'd like to change the voting system and move back the voting date, but this is only possible if we get all contestants to agree with the change (via email/electronic signature).

Of course, we want to make sure we don't change voting to another system which can be similarly abused, so please give us a few days to come up with the new system.  We're strongly leaning towards having judges, but the obvious choice of judges (ourselves) would not work, as we are friends/acquaintances or work with or more than one of the contestants.  Feel free to make suggestions in this thread in the meantime.

For now we're keeping the entry closing date the same, but what do you all think about having a second submission window to allow the people who had refrained from entering the contest due to the judging system to make an entry now that judging will be different?

-Mike at BrashMonkey


To be honest I guess you should call off the contest. It is not possible to fairly choose a winner with this amount of manipulation in the back. I apologize if I did anything wrong by sharing my entry on facebook. I am not sure anymore if that could be seen as unfair too even so I mentioned to watch the other videos, but as others stated already, having way more likes as views is slightly more problematic than maybe 5 biased votes because of ones popularity.

Even so I appreciate the thought of you to enable as many people as possible to enter the contest I guess it was not the best idea to choose a topic with such a wide range of interpretation. Simply because it doesn't help with the establishment of a reasonable way of voting either. 

Personally I have to say I really had fun creating an animation for your contest and the money was and is irrelevant to me. I was simply happy to have another reason to create something. I guess a lot of participants share that thought. Nonetheless I would hate to see somebody win the prize that had some dishonest methods used to get it.

As for the suggestion of a jury, I really think the most unbiased jury would be you to be honest. There is no such thing as complete objectivity and I figure regardless of your personal relationship to the participants you would probably be the best fit since I trust you to put at least some reflection to your votes.


The only best vote system is from all brashmonkey team itself since contestants use brashmonkey sprtier to create their animation.

Brashmonkey team should disuss about all of animation entries, about how good they are use spriter features, how realistic of their animation or any other thing.

As you said, contestant can buy like or vote easily, simply open job on third party site such as free**ncer.com or g*ru.com.

I'm sure brashmonkey open this contest too see how grow their spriter in movie or game industry, how popular their spriter, also to let peoples know about their spriter. I wish all of contestants to be honest, you can buy "votes" but you can't lie peoples about your work. lets make this contest to be clean, so we know how far our animation skill.


I belive it very difficult to change the conquest of the rules at the moment.

I can also understand that the problem of people who are not familiar with deep knowledge of art critics , can not vote . For example , I participate in a game development community facebook with 30,000 members, if I have to verify personal , and if you like give a like , what 's wrong with that ?

I believe the purpose is also to popularize and tool to make known to the maximum number of people.

Also do not believe that a person will create 500 accounts to do this fake form, it is easily auditable.


Hi guys i have an idea for a voting system if Brashmonkey them self wish to not vote themself.

If possible, Brashmonkey could open a poll here in which ONLY entrants can vote ONCE for an entry they think are worthy BESIDES their own...those numbers are pretty much solid.

Nobody outside or even inside besides the entrant accounts will be counted as a valid vote, if this seems reasonable and possible i think its a great method.


I've already presented an alternative earlier.

It's to use Google Forms.

That's less prone to abuse. Nobody can see who's in the lead and outside of spreading the form survey to friends and family, it'll be hard to manipulate. It has settings that limit people to one response. It requires a google account but you need a google account to use Youtube's rating system anyway so it shouldn't be that much of a problem.




Myself, participate in several communities in Brazil, adding all must have more than 100,000 people, if up 1 % vote he liked, will be 1000 votes I'll have... I belive this conquest too shared tool Spriter...


The only fair way is to have anonymous entries and anonymous voting by people who have registered here before contest was even started, and only by participants of the contest (animators) so they at least have some knowledge about making animations in spriter and can judge final outcome better than random friend or family member, but allow for 2 votes, so you must vote for 2 entries at least and cant vote for just one.When votes are collected then brashmonkey can reveal winners, anonymous voting is best but still there can be new contestants who are friends with each other and each vote for another in contest to abuse it, so it would be nice to not let contestant X vote for contestant Y when contestant Y voted for contestant X, thats why im really against allowing to participate people who recently joined forum only because contest was started.Cause now someone can create 2 separate bosses and let his friend join forums to share one of the bosses quickly to just give extra vote.Its really tough to figure out something fair and forbid creating new accounts just because contest was started.It might not be fair to allow only pre contest members to participate but its also not fair if people enter just because of the contest.Voting could take 2 days.

Also participants must upload his video somewhere maybe google drive(not youtube cause its easy to check who is who and its not anonymous anymore ) and share + also send his spriter project file to brashmonkey admins to avoid some bullshit i took when people complained i didnt used spriter.It also would be wiser to create another boss cause now people know who made currently uploaded animations.

9 hours ago, madbim said:

To be honest, what bothers me the most is how the video has (at the time of this writing) 716 views and 1045 likes.

It had more over 1000 views but youtube decreased it probably because they werent full 30 second long views (cause full video is about 30 seconds) what i suspect is when you watch only 20 seconds of 30 second video then it counts at first as temporary full view but later is adjusted so there have to be another 10 second from other view to count as full view , 20+10, i had this happen in my he-man video that had huge burst of views , about 50 thousand during one day with even more views  disappearing , i had over 100k views and on another day i had 75k and what can i do ? It happened when i had revenue from ads and on another day i had less views = less revenue, besides i dont get why it bothers you, its my video and my loss.I dont get how bitter some users are.


So the deadline is the 24th, but in what timezone? Where I live, it's still the 23rd (arguably it's going to be pretty tough to get something done in one day, but I might give it a shot just for fun and exercise).

Moreover, does the deadline end on the 24th itself or before the 24th? In other words: 23th of August at 12:00PM or 24th of August 12:00PM?


p.s. Just for the record: I didn't just sign up to these forums for this contest. I could've sworn I had an account on here, but the password reset request didn't find anything for either of my emailadresses. Might my account have been lost since the forum appears to be using new forum software (since I last checked in, that is)?


There's another unrelated art contest online and the approach that they're taking is:

Find 3 external judges who don't know among themselves nor the participants, who are artists that have worked or are working in the industry, so they have the knowledge to take the best decision.

The prizes could be decided for categories: Grand prize(best overall), best art, best animation, honorable mentions etc.

They have allowed the participants to share their pieces online as much as possible, this is to encourage others to enter and promote their software, not necessarily to buy votes, though there's also a minor prize to the one who has the most votes, in fact. The prize for "most votes" is minimal so there is no incentive for rigging.

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