bwwd Posted November 22, 2013 Report Posted November 22, 2013 I dont want to be major a$$hole but can i record video and send the link so you would see all the crashes that im getting because i just cant believe that its not crashing for others especially with skins, now i cant open my project cause its crashing when i want to lookup 2nd animation. Heres the entire folder , try to open project and choose second animation, its crashing. Ive got so many crashes its like sitting on a bomb, everytime i do new step i have to save and now surpruise, i cant even edit animation anymore because its crashing so everything is wasted and that makes me scary to start something serious. :shock: I dont know maybe i need to download some library so it wont crash, im on winXP.Even clicking on smurf.scml is crashing.Im after fresh system install. --- Well i just realized that opening even good projects by douyble clicking on them is crashing and this is bizarre, error says sometyhing about wintab32.dll , its tablet file or something but why would spriter care ? Quote
Mike at BrashMonkey Posted November 22, 2013 Report Posted November 22, 2013 Hi bwwd, There's no way reporting bugs, especially in a clear and concise manner can come off as offensive. Screen recorded bug reports are something we greatly value and apreciate. Please keep in mind though that you're using a pre-release beta and focussing on a still early and experimental feature which wev'e said repeatedly is likely to change. We very much appreciate your helping to find the issues with any and all features, but to attempt to create a lot of production work that you care about keeping and using with this still experimental feature in this pre-release beta build is NOT something I would recommend. We'll report back once we're able to watch your bug reports and will let you know when we have a new build to test. again, thanks a lot for helping to find the bugs. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey Quote
bwwd Posted November 22, 2013 Author Report Posted November 22, 2013 I changed wintab32.dll file in system32 folder and now spriter is not crashing when double clicking file to open it, why this happens ? You can download wintab32.dll from : Im using tablet so its in my system. So it says that qtgui4.dll is crashing spriter when i want to lookup that second animation now.What could be wrong with it ?I dont have that file in my system so it has to be inside of spriter.This is error log: Quote
Mike at BrashMonkey Posted November 22, 2013 Report Posted November 22, 2013 Great job hunting down clues as to the causes of the issues, bwwd. I'm sure this sort of info will help Edgar get to the bottom of it. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey Quote
bwwd Posted November 22, 2013 Author Report Posted November 22, 2013 I'd like to get all the libraries that you have guys so im installing QtSDK, maybe that will help, im not sure what else i need. Quote
lessthantwo Posted November 23, 2013 Report Posted November 23, 2013 Hmm, Spriter crashes a lot when trying to open older projects now and the few that I can open do not import correctly into Construct 2 (i.e., the animation is glitched). :( Quote
Mike at BrashMonkey Posted November 23, 2013 Report Posted November 23, 2013 Hi lessthantwo, Can you please be more specific? What version of Spriter were these "older" projects made with? Do you mean made with b5 or made with a considderably older version of Spriter? Can you please send us these spriter projects (images and scml in their main folders) that won't load or cause issues in C2? Please email them to Thanks, Mike at BrashMonkey Quote
tombmonkey Posted November 23, 2013 Report Posted November 23, 2013 My rat file (the one I sent you earlier) crashes the program A LOT, literally I can open the file view a couple animations and it crashes, this was made with b.5. All my older files crash the program after viewing a couple animations, they where all made with b5. Here's another file that crashes the program after changing animations a couple times I tried making a new file and make a few random animations and it worked well for the 15 minutes I did it, made over 30 random animations, used bones, image changing, etc and saved the file, when loading this file the program won't crash; so the issue is loading older files. I tried resaving my files with b5.9 but the result is the same, b5.92 crashes after changing animations a few times. There's also a strange performance issue, when I load the plant girl uploaded above I get low fps (roughly10-15) but the animation I made from scratch using this version had more parts and more frames yet playback speed averaged 20-25 fps during playback. I hate to say this but I think that adding so many features at once was a bad idea, now stability seems to have gone down in a steep curve and there's a lot of new stuff that may be the culprit. I don't know if it's possible that for future releases you hold back on the big features (if there are any left) and release a test version that only includes bug fixes and low risk features, and if no ones reports a problem on those add a single big feature and have it be tested. I know you guys are trying to catch up on spine and on lost time, but I don't think adding features like mad without having them individually tested is the way to go, as Napoleon said "Dress me slowly because I'm in a hurry". Sadly this is all the testing I will give to this new version since I can't risk working on a new char and then it may start crashing after a while like my older files, so for now I will stick to b5 which was the last usable version for me. Quote
Mike at BrashMonkey Posted November 23, 2013 Report Posted November 23, 2013 Hi Everyone, I moved these posts to a new thread specifically for b6 pre-release bugs. Sorry for any inconvenience. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey Quote
Mike at BrashMonkey Posted November 23, 2013 Report Posted November 23, 2013 Hi tombmonkey, Thanks very much for testing and for the feedback. Please keep in mind, this is a pre-release specifically for help in finding and squashing bugs and stability issues quickly with the communities help. While I completely agree under ideal sicrumstances several large features all at once is not the best rout when the specific goal is to deliver a stable incrimental update as quickly as pissible, this was not our goal for this release... please let me explain: We have many things to consider as we approace the release of Spriter 1.0. One of course is getting Spriter itself feature complete and very stable in a timely manner... but another important concern is getting the remaining features implimented, even if NOT in a stable manner specifically to prove the structure of the data for those features and to facilitate full Spriter support in game authoring systems asap. We decided that it would be best to offer the pre-release for testing, b5 for production use (for just a little longer), and to release the next serious of builds in quick sucession, foccussing primariliy on stability, bug fixes, and as we tackle all known bugs, the remaining features, which at this point are relatively small and simple. The vast majority of code related to each new feature is quite separate from the rest...therefore despite several large features being added at once, finding specific bugs related to each should be straightforward with the help of the community testing one feature at a time, and reporting assues as they arrise. We're confident that with the community's help b6 will be more stable and drastically more fit than b5 for production work in the not too distant future. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey Quote
tombmonkey Posted November 23, 2013 Report Posted November 23, 2013 I understand your decision and will do my best to test the new features/releases. Some of my tests of new features. Copy Z-order to other frames: Works well. Could you add the option to Copy Z-order / Paste Z-order? sometimes I just want to rearrange the Z-order on a few frames and this doesn't help in that. Scale project: Works well, this was a much needed feature for those intending to buy or sell assets. Skins: Wow just wow, these are awesome, can't wait to see them implemented in real time in construct of something. Haven't tested them beyond messing around for a little while. Copy/paste pivots: This one was a long time coming, does its job and saves a lot of time and tedium. Import another project into current: This works well BUT on b5.92 every time I select the newly created entity spriter would crash, I know import works because I did the merge, saved the file and then opened it on b5, everything is good. Change coordinates of entire animation: Works flawlessly. Hide timelines in widget: Works well. Good idea on this, shifting through a ton of sprites to find the bones was a pain. In relation to b5.91 You fixed the hierarchy window bug. It no longer hangs when clicking the timeline when the curve graph is being shown. The fading out of the graph could be instant as soon as I move the mouse out of the key frame, the fade out doesn't do much besides looking pretty, but it can be annoying to wait for it to end to be able to click a key that's under it/move the timeline. Some questions: Could you explain a bit what the "Custom save options" do? Besides stability updates, what is missing towards 1.0? (I certainly didn't expect skins for 1.0). In general, all new features work as intended (with no extensive testing) and the only problem are the crashes (big one). Also, I have installed b5, b5.91 and b5.92; of these only b5 says it's activated, the other two say activate and ask for the key, yet I have access to all pro features, I don't know if it's a bug or if the pro features are available to everyone for testing purposes. Quote
TheDanaAddams Posted November 23, 2013 Report Posted November 23, 2013 I haven't been able to properly take it for a test-drive, but I seem to have found at least one issue on the Mac version. Creating bones with Alt+click+drag seems to be broken - it will only create bones if they are above a certain length. I am unable to create short bones. (Though I am very happy that no matter how long it is, the default X scale is 1!) Regarding skins... I distort the sprite, then try to use the right mouse button to adjust the distortion box, and the sprite snaps back to its default position, with the bounding box all out of whack. But I think I might actually be using it incorrectly - I'm assuming the right mouse button is supposed to be used BEFORE you start distorting, not after. If that is the case, then I think there's no issue; I just tried to use it backwards. But if right mouse is supposed to allow you to adjust the box after distorting, it doesn't work right. (Though I'm pretty sure I just tried to use it backwards.) Also regarding skins, there was something in the video about using shift to sort of soft-select surrounding distortion points, but that doesn't seem to work at all. Quote
PSI Posted November 24, 2013 Report Posted November 24, 2013 I get this error when I run my layout in Construct 2 after importing one of my spriter scml files. Javascript error! TypeError: att.getNamedItem(...) is null http://localhost:50000/Spriter_plugin.js, line 821 (col undefined) This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer Thanks fellas! Quote
Mike at BrashMonkey Posted November 24, 2013 Report Posted November 24, 2013 For the new version of the C2 plug you must import BOTH an .scml AND an .scon version of your Spriter file and also in the properties of the Spriter object, change its spriter file association to .scml instead of .scon. I that perhaps the cause of your issue? Have you watched the tutorial videos for Spriter in C2? ... tion-files cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey Quote
kimo Posted November 24, 2013 Report Posted November 24, 2013 Here are few bugs I've been experiencing in B5.92 This one was not occurring in B5.91 and I attach the scml file. The file loads correctly but crashes as I try to change to any other animation. This file was made by B5 and was not modified by B6 prerelease candidate. In the forest tile animation the issue seems to be different. I started from a file which wouldn't crash. Added few sprite and put some cubic curves and now spriter will crash in the two following different cases 1. I Select bush_0 idle and then select ground idle 2. I select ground idle and then select any other animation both animation have cubic tween curves and all others have linear and won't crash. Anyway, I have hard time to identify a clear pattern but it seems to happen when changing entities. There seems to be changes that won't crash and some that will but it is really specific to the pair of animation selected. I add a third file where the problem is more clear, where the is plenty of animations that you can click that won't crash and plenty that will. Buttontest file allows you to click any animation in entity_001. But only from entity_001 idle you can jump to chraracterbox unlocked pressed. And through that pair of animation you are able to switch entity and see animations but you can't change without crashing from other animations. Quote
kimo Posted November 24, 2013 Report Posted November 24, 2013 Oh and here is the original forest animation which is not crashing, that started to crash after the modification done in the file in my previous post. forest-animation - Quote
lucid Posted November 24, 2013 Report Posted November 24, 2013 Just a heads up everyone. I believe I've found the source of the crashes, and I'll be posting a fix soon. Quote
Misj' Posted November 24, 2013 Report Posted November 24, 2013 small (kinda stupid) question related to the use of skins...or more importantly, the orientation of the sprites. I was wondering, in your animation-pack as well as the getting started guide you rotate the images 90 degrees. It was once indicated that this had to do with Spriter's scaling function (though I don't know whether this still applies; actually, most of my sprites are not in a perpendicular position and I've never encountered any problems with the scaling). Up until now, this had little to no impact on the workflow. However, since with skins you can only add additional horizontal sections, the orientation of sprite becomes much more relevant to those people who want to use that feature, since it determines how the mesh can be shaped. So my question is: is it still best-practice to rotate sprites 90 degrees prior to use (and why)? Quote
lucid Posted November 25, 2013 Report Posted November 25, 2013 Anyone who had issues with crashing, please see if this latest version fixes it: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14534 Quote
kimo Posted November 25, 2013 Report Posted November 25, 2013 Works great. Also is there a reason why the timelinekey can remove the curve constrain but the mainline doesn't have that checkbox? Quote
Mike at BrashMonkey Posted November 25, 2013 Report Posted November 25, 2013 small (kinda stupid) question related to the use of skins...or more importantly, the orientation of the sprites.I was wondering, in your animation-pack as well as the getting started guide you rotate the images 90 degrees. It was once indicated that this had to do with Spriter's scaling function (though I don't know whether this still applies; actually, most of my sprites are not in a perpendicular position and I've never encountered any problems with the scaling). Up until now, this had little to no impact on the workflow. However, since with skins you can only add additional horizontal sections, the orientation of sprite becomes much more relevant to those people who want to use that feature, since it determines how the mesh can be shaped. So my question is: is it still best-practice to rotate sprites 90 degrees prior to use (and why)? Hi Misj, Thats actually an excellent question, and one which deserves a thorough answer: It (having your source limb images at clean 90 digree angles) IS best practice for a few reasons, BUT as you've noticed, they are reasons which likely won't effect you depending on your style of animating or specific needs. Here comes the technical explaination: Lets say for example you are animating a character with limbs that can stretch, like Dhalsim from Street Fighter 2. If the source limb image is rotated to begin with, stretching it will cause a terrible warping effect instead of the nice stretch that you hope for. Whereas, if the source limb image is at a nice clean 90 digree angle, you'll be able to stretch or squash the limb without any warping issues. Of course, this eample is an extreme case so it's easy to see... but in many cases, you might want to slightly stretch or squash parts of an animation for creating the illusion of perspective, flexibility, or just good, healthy artistic exaggeration. There's more to it than that, but it all revolves around the same concept...a sprite who's source image is already on an angle cant be cleanly stretched perfectly in just its x or y axis. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey Quote
Misj' Posted November 25, 2013 Report Posted November 25, 2013 It (having your source limb images at clean 90 digree angles) IS best practice for a few reasons, BUT as you've noticed, they are reasons which likely won't effect you depending on your style of animating or specific needs. Here comes the technical explaination: Lets say for example you are animating a character with limbs that can stretch, like Dhalsim from Street Fighter 2. If the source limb image is rotated to begin with, stretching it will cause a terrible warping effect instead of the nice stretch that you hope for. Whereas, if the source limb image is at a nice clean 90 digree angle, you'll be able to stretch or squash the limb without any warping issues. Of course, this eample is an extreme case so it's easy to see... but in many cases, you might want to slightly stretch or squash parts of an animation for creating the illusion of perspective, flexibility, or just good, healthy artistic exaggeration. There's more to it than that, but it all revolves around the same concept...a sprite who's source image is already on an angle cant be cleanly stretched perfectly in just its x or y axis. Cheers. The reason I probably never noticed is, because I tend to store images (that I want to stretch or squash) at a zero degree angle; so x- and y-stretches distort the image as expected. But if 90 degrees is best practice, what's the advantage over 0 degrees? Quote
bwwd Posted November 26, 2013 Author Report Posted November 26, 2013 There is still bug with z order of skins in new update, it exists until you go to setup mode with skin, then zorder is displayed properly. Also body parts imported as skins are cloned multiple times... it happens when i add big white points, is this normal and how its gonna be ? I tried to place all skins clones under bones in hierarchy but they go back to their own place anyway. Once i do skin setup and click twice on them to approve it then i cant assign skin to bones, is this normal or bug ? I see fps performance drop is quite huge compared to version b5, is this because of skins being implemented or keyframes curves ? Just made this for fun, it crashed once , worm head was in the middle of setting up skin and after i opened it again after crash then i couldnt get head into skin setup anymore, i wish there would be way to get back to setup mode at any time. Looks like if i make animation and i want to add some new body part to it using skin then i cant copy that new skin bodypart to all keyframes, so i wanted to fix the head by adding new one and i cant, i wish there could be question when importing and you could choose import to all keyframes YES/NO and that would solve a lot of problems cause its counterintuitive when you want to import new bodypart to animation and you have to paste it to all keys by yourself, it should be pasted to all keys by default. I think the newest build is more stable and doesnt crash so often, its crashing sometimes when deleting animation or undo, also crashing when animating skins when theyre still in setup mode, i would like to have autosave for current project, i mean not overwrite project but autosave copy of it in spriter folder with 2 undos if its possible in case something would be saved with error and would crash, undos would fix it . Quote
MelVin Posted November 26, 2013 Report Posted November 26, 2013 With the latest version I get a major performance drop in my game, have been using the scml version without any problem. as soon as I change it to scon it runs at about 10-15 fps. and parts of my animation do not stay in the proper position. My animations are set to run at 5% through out my game if that helps, but besides that it is fairly generic. Any Idea why performance could drop so much? Posted this in another thread, no reply. Anyone experiencing the same thing or know what the cause could be? Quote
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