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B6 pre-release Bug Reports


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Last night i was animating an Archer Character and i had a serveral problems with the IK Function.

That AFTER instaling the B6 Preview, I Dont know if that affects anything.

Handling them using the Shift-Key makes that "Crack" Animation, wich i can workaround. But when using the IK Lock Feature, it just makes me want to Die.

I never had this problem, Started the animation from the Zero two times - New project, selec the Folder, Select the Sprites and put them together in the Stage and start rigging.

All seems fine, the Tween, Bones, Rigging... Even the new Easing Feature works great, but when use the Shift key to use the IK Feature or the IK Locking it all turn into hell.

I'll throw in a youtube link with the preview animaton inside spriter showing what happens.

I´m doing something wrong? Bone Setting or Rigging?

Just watched the Basic tutorial to see if i´m skipping any basic step or something wrong.

Halp? D:

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I found 2 new bugs in the lastest verion (12-4)

1. It's about the size of the timeline window.

It's too big for my screen size.

my screen size is 1600x900.

2. I have to Restore Down the Spriter window to re-arrange and docking the pannel.

I can not do it in Maximized window.




And down here is the whole screen image.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/227 ... Screen.png

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