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Which platforms would you like Spriter support on?


Which platform would you most like to be able to load your Spriter characters?  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. Which platform would you most like to be able to load your Spriter characters?

    • Unity
    • Construct 2
    • Multimedia Fusion
    • GameMaker
    • DarkBasic
    • Unreal Development Kit
    • Language API (For programming your own engine, such as C++, or python, please specify which language)
    • Other (Please specify)

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We're determined to get this on EVERY major game engine, as well as APIs for easy integration into custom engines built from scratch if there is a demand for it. We will do some ourselves, and some will be outsourced, and free support will be given to anyone who wants to add Spriter animation to any engine. To this end, developer support will be given through this forum, and in the future we will release documentation so anyone can get started on their own. Now that free beta is complete, and we have moved to a super easy to parse XML based format, Spriter will be much more attractive to third party developers, so we expect to see the format expand rapidly.

This list may not determine the exact order we pursue a given platform, but we're interested in knowing how much interest there is for the various platforms, and we can use this information to inform potential third party developers of the audience. Please take a moment to let us know which platform you're most looking forward to.

You can choose up to three options, but please only select those which you think you will actually be using to load your characters. The Construct Classic plugin is feature complete, and the beta version of this plugin will be released shortly after the new beta version of Spriter itself)


The following is a list of all platforms where loading and animation playback of the current beta format has been accomplished during this kickstarter. While these implementations will need to be updated before 1.0, it should inspire confidence that your chosen format will be supported:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weird my original reply is nowhere to be found...

I plan to use ORX which is a free open source 2d data driven engine. It can interface with C so you can use C# or C++ etc and support for that would be great. I am not sure if support through a plugin would even be possible considering how ORX works though.

I think simply being able to create the art and build frames rapidly is good enough for me if I were able to simply export those finished frames. I find the biggest time killer of all is spriting individual frames in photoshop so if this can eliminate some of that time then we are golden and I am sold. I am even willing to take finished frames exported from this program and arrange them myself in photoshop as long as I can build out all the needed frames quickly.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm a developer of the SLUDGE adventure game engine. I only heard about Spriter a few hours ago, so I don't know much about it yet, but you've certainly caught my interest. I haven't found any information on what's required to put Spriter support in a game engine - is this because I haven't looked in the right place yet, or because that information isn't publicly available?

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Libgdx is supported at the moment (to my understanding by 3rd party developer). I hope also the release file format will be supported, when new version of Spriter is published.

Hi, I definetly plan to update the importer for libgdx when a new spriter version comes out. And since its a very low level implementation with opengl and java it should be easily portable to c++, too. If somebody writes an importer for c++, too, I would also like to connect each other to improver our implementations.

So, It would be nice, If I could get recent updates with new spriter versions even if I am only a 25$ supporter.



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I voted for:

Unity - because its a lightweight but powerful engine, and probably the next engine I'd be working with after I've learned more game design.

Construct 2 - because Its the one im currently using and its good engine to to work with if you don't have a lot of programming.


Language API - because I know of a few people who have written their own game engines and they would most likely benefit a lot from using Spriter.

Though if your looking for $$ then I'd say the UDK might be the way to go. =P

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  • 3 weeks later...
We're determined to get this on EVERY major game engine, as well as APIs for easy integration into custom engines built from scratch if there is a demand for it. ...

  • [*:2femjtz6]Cocos2d(by @TacoGraveyard)

Sweet! Has @TacoGraveyard made the cocos2d port available somewhere? I couldn't find it. I definitely want to try it out in my app. Thanks!

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  • 6 months later...
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  • 1 year later...

I second the cocos2d-x and "It would be awesome if the Unity support would include the 2DToolkit.".

It would be awesome indeed. I read around the web a bit, and it seems the spline guys made an implementation that gets the anims loaded directly into 2dtks format, so it is possible.

They contacted the guy who works with 2dtk, maybe brashmonkey should do the same, see what needs to be done.

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