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Mike at BrashMonkey

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  1. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Jonybir in Spriter 2 Alpha build features and the current state of the roadmap   
    You can go to the properties tab and opt in beta and u can try spriter alpha.

  2. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to thegodo in Spriter 2 Alpha build features and the current state of the roadmap   
    Hi, Mike. 
    Thanks for your answer. I should take care using some expressions for my non-native english, you are right  I mean, that was the only way I found about private alpha testing. When I click on link it says: 
    Sorry, there is a problem
    We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2F176/1
    I purchased Spriter Pro as a "Spriter Pro Early Adopter License". It was on June, 11st, 2014. I think it was on BrashMonkey website, but I cannot remember. If you need more references I could send you the activation mail or whatever you require for this. Indeed, using my credentials on this web, I cannot see anything or "purchases". Is there something wrong?
  3. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Boris Shadlovskii in Small Tool Icons and All   
    Hi Brandon,
    I think Spriter is just not made to automatically adapt to 4HD monitors.
    This information might help:
  4. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from mjdalways in Spriter Pro 2 Beta on Steam?   
    Log in to steam in your browser (not the Steam client app) with the account which owns Spriter, then go here: https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/332360/discussions/1/1743355067128015969/
    Please let me know if that works for you.
  5. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Fabian1996 in swapping weapons in Construct2?   
    Have you gone through the example capx and tried to analyze it? Did you try importing your own spriter object into a construct project and then apply a character map? I think you think it's more complicated than it is and it's throwing you off.
    You don't need to use local storage or list boxes or anything else. If you want the game to switch your character's sword, you just create the character map in the spriter project that switches the sword image and then in construct use the action to append the character map and type in the name of the character map.
  6. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from GC3K in Game that I helped make with Spriter   
    Great job. it looks like a lot of fun too!
  7. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from ChadoriXD in Spriter Plug-in for construct 3   
    Sorry, he's trying to wrap up the new Spriter 2 alpha build (which got delayed... he's hoping to release it today) and updating the Construct 3 plugin will be his first task once it's out.
  8. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Trumgottist in Feature request - better zoom in timeline   
    Yes, I am on Windows, and I get the same result if I'm scrolling with either of my two mouses, the scrolling strip on my Wacom tablet or the keyboard. But I have now split it up into segments of just a few seconds each in length, which is a much better way of doing this.
    (I have not been working on this project since April, btw. I finished the video I was experimenting on back then without any animation, but I am now working on a simple animation for my next video. As it is my first attempt, it is very simple but still takes me a lot of time. I am making progress though, and it will be finished within a couple of days. I'll post in the "Your Works" section when it's done.)
    Also, I know I posted a request for movie export somewhere. (I can't find it on this forum. Maybe it was on Kickstarter?) I'm now retracting that feature request as it's not needed. Video editors (I can confirm both DaVinci Resolve and Lightworks) are smart enough to recognise the series of png files as video clips! Doing it this way is even better, as all transparency is preserved, and there are no compression artefacts. (I wish I knew that before setting up a workflow with ffmpeg and a greenscreen backdrop in Spriter.) So taking the animation from Spriter and putting it in my video is very easy.
  9. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from 1StepCloser in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    All Spriter Pro owners have access to the Spriter 2 alpha builds which are now updated on a roughly 2 week schedule. We're really sorry for all the long delays to this point and are developing it as fast as we can while simultaneously making sure we don't rush any aspect of it's data format or code base in a way that would cripple it's development in the future.  There should be an update any moment now with information on what's currently being worked on and a new build shortly after that. We're doing our best to provide frequent update  builds and progress reports as we work towards getting all the core features fully functionally and tied in with each other and the required UI as soon as we can.

    We have big plans for features and expansions well beyond the release of version 1.0, which is a big part of why it took us so long to get to this point (making sure the core code and data format are future-proof and will easily support the more advanced features we plan down the line.)
  10. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Jonybir in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    Please keep an eye out for the update notes and new builds every 2 weeks. The next few builds should get the three core features (bones, 'pins', and 'strokes') in and working together, and things should pick up momentum from then on. Our goal is to get all the core features in and working nicely as quickly as possible. Estimates are dangerous and nearly always wrong. The best way to assess progress is to keep an eye on the update build releases.

  11. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from joemid in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    Please keep an eye out for the update notes and new builds every 2 weeks. The next few builds should get the three core features (bones, 'pins', and 'strokes') in and working together, and things should pick up momentum from then on. Our goal is to get all the core features in and working nicely as quickly as possible. Estimates are dangerous and nearly always wrong. The best way to assess progress is to keep an eye on the update build releases.

  12. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Jonybir in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    All Spriter Pro owners have access to the Spriter 2 alpha builds which are now updated on a roughly 2 week schedule. We're really sorry for all the long delays to this point and are developing it as fast as we can while simultaneously making sure we don't rush any aspect of it's data format or code base in a way that would cripple it's development in the future.  There should be an update any moment now with information on what's currently being worked on and a new build shortly after that. We're doing our best to provide frequent update  builds and progress reports as we work towards getting all the core features fully functionally and tied in with each other and the required UI as soon as we can.

    We have big plans for features and expansions well beyond the release of version 1.0, which is a big part of why it took us so long to get to this point (making sure the core code and data format are future-proof and will easily support the more advanced features we plan down the line.)
  13. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from joemid in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    All Spriter Pro owners have access to the Spriter 2 alpha builds which are now updated on a roughly 2 week schedule. We're really sorry for all the long delays to this point and are developing it as fast as we can while simultaneously making sure we don't rush any aspect of it's data format or code base in a way that would cripple it's development in the future.  There should be an update any moment now with information on what's currently being worked on and a new build shortly after that. We're doing our best to provide frequent update  builds and progress reports as we work towards getting all the core features fully functionally and tied in with each other and the required UI as soon as we can.

    We have big plans for features and expansions well beyond the release of version 1.0, which is a big part of why it took us so long to get to this point (making sure the core code and data format are future-proof and will easily support the more advanced features we plan down the line.)
  14. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from IAmBest in If I buy Spriter Pro now, can I benefit from the upgrade?   
    If you purchase Spriter on Steam you will automatically get the Steam version of Spriter 2 as a free upgrade as soon as it becomes available.
  15. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from ChadoriXD in Spriter Plug-in for construct 3   
    Sorry about the delayed reply. Edgar has it on the top of his to do list and will work on the issue as soon as he can. We'll report back here when there's a new build to try which will hopefully resolve the issue for you. Thanks for your patience.
  16. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to bwwd in New Spriter 2 Alpha build and Release Schedule information   
    Great, any video tutorials about it ? I tried to grasp it but its walk in the dark as of right now.
    I hope quality of the export will be similar to original spriter, i mean i tried dragonbones and other stuff but once you go into mesh mode then mesh becomes blurry on export, with spriter i figured out to upscale my art ( bodyparts) to 200% AFTER i setup meshes , this way it gets sharper when animating and after export.Its a little trick but gets great results.
    Im not sure what happens under the hood, maybe it would be good to upscale with xbr 2x or linear internally in spriter before export, this way we will get cleanest lines possible.
    I think it is important for pixel art, maybe not with png artwork but still, would be great to have no loss of sharpness when going into mesh mode.
  17. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from jorge oliveira in animated char map   
    If the target platform is PC it's highly unlikely there will be a performance issue, unless you have a huge number of these Spriter objects or other elements to your game eating a lot of processing power. It's worth a try to switch over and see.
  18. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to joemid in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    Hope you all are safe and healthy.  Best wishes!
  19. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from joemid in Spriter 2 teaser and pre-order sale!   
    Yes, you will get Spriter 2 on Steam automatically and for free if you own Spriter on Steam. We can't estimate when it will reach version 1.0 and be officially released. Stay tuned on our forums here for updates and new alpha build should become available for testing and feedback purposes soon.
  20. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from ibiz in The condition doesn't work "Position is outside padded viewport"   
    Can you post a short example project showing the feature failing?
  21. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to igalencar in Where is the save spritesheet for projec???   
    done . great . thanks
  22. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Makoren in Spriter Plug-in for construct 3   
    We finally figured out the issue. That link from Scirra/Construct forums is linking to an obsolete and hidden post. I could see the post becasue I'm an admin, so I didn't notice it was hidden when I followed the link. It should be linking to here instead:
  23. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Falken in IK Constraints?   
    Please watch this video:
  24. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Super Meat Hands in Spriter Plug-in for Construct 2   
    Have you tried yet with a different browser or incogneto/private tab? I'm pretty sure the page is fine and it's an issue with the cache in your browser or IP.
    If that doesn't work, download and unzip this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/142IMdqqn3pSqf3F_T7Tslxm7V1pOuKDl/view?usp=sharing
  25. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Michael Gaddi in How do I easily replace parts?   
    you want to learn about 'character maps'
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