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Mike at BrashMonkey

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  1. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Matt_UK in Generic Java Importer   
  2. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Taddely in Spriter Pro for Commercial Use   
  3. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from STORMFATH3R in Export Flashing/Glitching   
    please email me (Mike) at mike@brashmonkey.com and we'll see if we can work something out. Thanks.
  4. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to malibumanjp in Requested feature: keyboard shortcuts to change the image of a sprite   
    Hi Mike,thanks for the feedback!
    I have folders organized as:
    - head
    - torso
    - arms
    - legs
    - lower_legs
    But each of these sub folders have dozens of body parts, with arms approximating 50 sprites! This makes switching sprites a real tedious task as i have to scroll to one side of the screen to be able to reach with the mouse the sprites far off on the opposite side. The lack of alternative way to changesprites makes it so that i have to do it that way. Keyboard shortcuts to circle through the list going left or right would be a real life changer !
  5. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to malibumanjp in Requested feature: keyboard shortcuts to change the image of a sprite   
    I've been using Spriter on and off for a couple years now and I've really started to pick up with it a few month ago. There are a few quality-of-life improvement I wish we could get, amongst which live switching images on a Sprite:
    As far as I know, the only quick way to change the image of a sprite is to click and hold the right mouse button, to display a visual horizontal list of the images attached to it (linked to the folder it's from or limited to the object's images), then move the mouse cursor to the image wanted and release the mouse button. The issue I have is that the horizontal list gets out of the screen since I usually have way more images in any given folder than the 15 or so items that can be displayed on my screen.
    The easiest solution I see would be to have keyboard shortcuts to circle through the folder images, backward or forward on a selected sprite object. Maybe this already exists but I could not find how to do it.
    Spriter is a great tool, simple and efficient, and it would make using it much smoother with this little change!

  6. Confused
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Geraldml in Spriter pro wont start   
    Yeah, reinstalling windows should definitely not be necessary. Let's avoid that. 

    I just noticed in the error message you posted that it mentions wintab.. I think this has to do with tablets... There are other known cases, mostly from the past were some specific tablet drivers (like some specific variants of wacom drivers) would cause crashes.
    Could you please try disconnecting a tablet if you use one and temporarily disable or uninstall the driver, just so we can verify that is the cause?
  7. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Geraldml in Spriter pro wont start   
    Agreed. It might be possible you only need to unplug the tablet or there might be a way to just disable the driver quickly without uninstalling it. No matter what, this clearly is not a "solution", just a way to use Spriter as needed while a real solution is being found.  It would also likely be a great help if you could tell us the exact brand and model number of tablet you're using.
    -Mike at BrashMonkey
  8. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Robert Brooks in Game assets and characters for game developers   
    Thanks Mike! And thank you to you and the team  for Spriter!  I've been using it for years now, It's so fast and simple to use which makes it the perfect tool for my purpose. Being able to distribute rigged puppets created in an easy to learn yet powerful and affordable piece of software which others can easily use has really allowed me to do what I do! 
    Thank you!
  9. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Robert Brooks in Game assets and characters for game developers   
    Hi all! I'd like to share my game asset library gamedeveloperstudio.com.   It's a huge library of game assets all in one style so you can mix and match assets from across site and still maintain a sense of artistic continuity within your game project. 

    If you've already got knowledge of Spriter you'll be glad to know that all my animated characters are created using this sofware and I supply all my assets with the working SCML file so you can tweak the characters to your hearts delight.   

    You can see all my work on the site check it out gamedeveloperstudio.com

  10. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Datiel12 in Multiple instances of the same Spriter Object [Construct 2]   
    We'd need to see the code, not the running game to be able to possibly help.
  11. Sad
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Angelofame in Axegroth the orc (+other sprites)   
    It's all looking really good.
  12. Confused
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Solomonmova in How to use Point, Box, Variable and Tags in Spriter and then how to use them in Construct 3 ?   
    This is it so far, I'll make more videos when I can. Collision rectangles are normal construct sprites once imported into Construct 2 or 3... look for them in the family folder of the Spriter project you imported... you can do overlap or collision checks for them just like any other standard Construct sprites.
  13. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Angelofame in How to use Point, Box, Variable and Tags in Spriter and then how to use them in Construct 3 ?   
    This is it so far, I'll make more videos when I can. Collision rectangles are normal construct sprites once imported into Construct 2 or 3... look for them in the family folder of the Spriter project you imported... you can do overlap or collision checks for them just like any other standard Construct sprites.
  14. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to MelVin in Spriter Plug-in for Construct 2   
    Thank you! everything is working now:) Great Vids btw.
  15. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Dragonseal in Axegroth the orc (+other sprites)   
    Hi, I'm a former gamedev student, graduated last summer. Here are my latest Spriter works, made last fall. They were originally supposed to be placeholder assets for future game projects, but I ended up polishing them like I would've done with final assets.
    I was originally going to show my projects here in summer 2017, but then just few days before uploading my works, I suddenly had  the hardest change in my life, which interrupted my works and affected the final year of my studies as well. Coming back here now, I'm showing my new works as opposed to those I was originally going to. In the last school Project before graduation, I worked as a 3D artist, being responsible of animations as well. As a result of this, my animation skills have been improved since mid 2017 and I'm not happy with the older material anymore, they look kinda bad comparing to new stuff. I may show the game, the old sprites were featured in, if people are interested.
    The sprites shown in this page can be used in multiple ways, but the general purposes are for a prototype of a side scrolling action game, mixing platforming and combat. The inspirations come from Rayman, Odin Sphere, Ori and the Blind Forest, Dust an Elysian Tail and Shantae.
    Axegroth, the Dragon and the golem are meant to be playable, Crusadroid is meant to be an enemy (or boss with some tweaks).
    EDIT: Sorry I'm figuring out, why I can't make YT embeds show.
    EDIT: Oh well, I just put the links here. Sorry for the mess. 
  16. Confused
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from MoonLoop in Crash when exports to .gif   
    Odds are you have an issue like the one explained in this video starting around 23 seconds in. : 
  17. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to phunnilemur@gmail.com in Possible to change shortcuts?   
    Never mind - I've discovered that holding down the Windows key (or whatever the equivalent on your keyboard - I really should get around to getting an Arch or a Tux key) before holding down Alt-Left Click overrides the window manager behaviour and allows me to create bones in Spriter. I would imagine it also works in other apps that use this shortcut.
  18. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from ModerateEffort in Char maps   
    Ah. That is odd. You're the first person to ever report such an issue. It's especially strange this is only effecting the original art folder.
    It will be very hard to fix this if we can't reproduce it and figure out what is causing this specifically for you and not other Mac Spriter users... hopefully we can figure the cause.

    In the mean-time, I think it would be easier for you to use a search and replace function in a text editor to simply modify your new character map to be pointing from the images int he original folder.  You can load an scml file into any good text editor to manually edit it.
    I'll see if I can replace this character map setting bug on my mac and report back here.
  19. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Cherezyuk in Forgotten - 2D game in the setting of ancient Russia.   
    This game will let to you to feel in ancient fantastic Russia. But you should not think that here everything is fine. You are waited by a set of adventures and difficult decisions. Depending on your choice, will depend as you finish that game, the Kind hero or darkness will get into your heart. 
    It is a little about a game.
    Game is the 2D narration in style of ancient Russia. In it you should make the choice: 
    - Life at the hero only one and from it should be chosen more carefully. After the death of the hero you begin a game from the very beginning.
    - How do you arrive, will help or will pass by?! But it is worth remembering, possibly it is a trap.
    - A game pokhodovy and each course is set off as one lived day.
    - The main subject line will pass in big cities and their vicinities.
    - Movement between the cities is carried out on means - to Open the world map - to Press the city, available to movement.
    - The way looks so. Let's say the road takes 3 days, at this distance (between the cities) 10-15 options of succession of events are prepared and these 3 options (day) drop out randomly (a cube throw).
    Facebook    VK
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    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from 4241 in Layer workflow in preparation for Spriter animation: Help   
    For me the 'sloppy" approach is fastest, because I approach the creation of the art as a very organic process where I start fast and lose, and change and improve everything as I go... so I get the majority of design and decision-making work done as 1 layer, then I break it into body parts by freehand selecting and copying and pasting and copying and deleting, and then finally clean up each body part, using a group with as many layers as I'd like per body part. 
  21. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from danosono in RPG_Heroes_Pack_Essentials palette issues?   
    Gimp is not a program specializing in pixel art and indexed color modes, so when it saves its rearanging the palette and likely removing unused colors etc to make the resulting PNG smaller. You might be able to find a setting in Gimp's options to have it "not reduce color depth" of PNG images while saving, but if not, you'll need to use a program specializing in editing pixel art, like Pro Motion NG etc. 
  22. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from danosono in Manipulate image(s) in CharMap > update portrait   
    If I understand you properly, yes, you'd have to update the portrait manually too. They are separate hand drawn images. The program has no idea if and how you modified one and can not artistically interpret your changes and translate that to the large portrait chest images.

    just find the folder with the chest images and edit that to match your new design.
  23. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from danosono in Manipulate image(s) in CharMap > update portrait   
    It's not simply enough to get the images back into indexed color mode... it must have the color indexes in the same exact order as the unedited originals for the palette changing features to work properly with it.
  24. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from danosono in Manipulate image(s) in CharMap > update portrait   
    It would help to use a graphics program specializing in indexed graphics modes (pixel art) as opposed to programs more dedicated to high res full color photo manipulation etc.
    It's ideal to use a graphics program that keeps the color palette intact when loading and saving it.
    I personally use Pro Motion NG, but any pixel art creation software should work the way you need with the least hassle.
  25. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Solomonmova in Spritesheet export not saving   
    Yes, my guess is even though the character is the same size, due to the number of resulting frames (duration of animation) AND the overall size of each frame (due to position of character, such as arms extended, tail extended etc ) combine to demand a bigger total spritesheet image than Spriter is capable of. 
    I'm glad to hear you're using Unity! This should solve all your problems! http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4477-spriterdotnetunity/

    If it has any issues importing or playing back your Spriter files, please report them on that thread.
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