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Mike at BrashMonkey

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    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Izeck in RPG Heroes pack expansion?   
    Thanks very much for the concise feedback and requests. I'll discuss it with my team-mates, but keep in mind, even if we decided to focus on making such an expansion immediately, making art packs like these takes the better part of a year, so if it happens, it won' be very soon unfortunately.
  2. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Izeck in RPG Heroes pack expansion?   
    Yes, that is exactly what I'm talking about. I would love to have a lot of options. The character creator is great, but it only has a handful of options when it comes to hairs and such. Dresses, civilian/villager closes would be nice too. In my opinion, you guys made a very powerful tool here and you should expand on it.
     I'd like to be able to populate an entire game. Character game hub has something like this, but that is for RPG maker. On top of that, I really like that with this I can make larger resolution (128x128) characters and it has other animations, like idle and activate. I don't really care much about the portrait character though.
     I would like to have other aimations as well, but I think that's pushing it lol. Attack, jump, take damage. All the needed things to make an action RPG. Those would be amazing and I would pay for that expansion gladly.
  3. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Pebrot in Not working   
    You are very welcome. I'm happy I was able to help and sorry again for the inconvenience. 
    Best of luck with all your endeavors and cheers.
  4. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Pebrot in Not working   
    yooo thanks alot , the 86x version worked for me!! i was kind of sad cause i seen one of your videos on youtube and thought it was really cool and i get a bit frustrated i couldnt event manage to open it lol, thx alot again!!!
  5. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Gabriella Guex-Clark in TroubleShooting (look here if you are having an issue with Spriter!)   
    Hi Everyone, This will evolve into an official "troubleshooting list" which I'll update with the most frequently reported issues and their solutions. If you do not find the solution to a problem you're facing with Spriter in this list, please report it in this thread. Thanks.
    1) Spriter refuses to open! (Windows)

    The first thing you should try is downloading the following link, unzipping it, and running the resulting installers: 
    if the link above doesn't work for you, try this one: updatedDlls.zip
    If that doesn't work, try the other options below, but first try restarting your system.

    We've heard from many users that installing the trial or full version of Adobe creative suite./Photoshop resolves this issue! It must install the dll file that Spriter needs during it's install process. https://www.adobe.com/sea/creativecloud/start-with-free-creativecloud.html

    If you don't want to or can't install the Adobe creative cloud, then please do the following:

    Please install the Visual Studio 2013 C++ runtime. If you are on 32 bit Windows you only need the 32 bit version (x86). If you are on 64 bit Windows, you will need to install both the 32 bit (_x86) and 64 bit versions. http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/5/6/056dcda9-d667-4e27-8001-8a0c6971d6b1/vcredist_x64.exe
    The  32 bit version can be found here:http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/5/6/056dcda9-d667-4e27-8001-8a0c6971d6b1/vcredist_x86.exe
    IMPORTANT: If you try to install Visual Studio 2013 and the installer says you already have a newer version, then you need to uninstall the newer version so that 2013 can successfully install. Windows update will later install the latest version, but you'll keep the DLL Files Spriter needed. 
    ATTENTION WINDOWS 11 USERS: For one user, Spriter still wouldn't work after trying all of the above fixes, but then found info about another program which also woudn't start on Windows 11 and the same solution for that program worked for his Spriter issue. Here's what he did:
    "I copied (don't move!) from C:\Windows\SysWOW64:
    and from C:\Windows\System32
    ^^ Again copy those don't move them or you will break other things!
    to the base Spriter directory (C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Spriter\) and it now works."
    2) When I re-open my Spriter project, some or all images are missing!
    Don't forget, Spriter files are only text files that store coordinates, angles etc, and only make reference to the image files that are being used. This means if you move the image files to a new location (or delete or rename them) OR move the Spriter file to a new location separate from where the images were, the Spriter file will no longer be able to find the images that it needs. For this reason, when starting a new Spriter project, always create a folder just for that project, put all the images you'll be needing in that folder (organized in sub-folders as needed) and then create your Spriter project/file into that project folder you've just created.
    3) When I start Spriter, there are graphical glitches or a black canvas area and I can't drag my images to the canvas.
    There is a known graphic-driver compatibility issue that especially effects some Macs that causes these types of problems. Try choosing View/Disable Open GL from Spriter's menu and then restarting Spriter. This will hopefully resolve the problem.  We'll continue to try to improve performance and compatibility issues with future free update builds.
    4) When I try to export a finished animation as PNG images, GIF etc. Spriter hangs up or crashes.
    This sort of problem can be caused by a couple of different reasons:
    Spriter might be running out of memory during the export process.. This limit will depend greatly on your hardware's own specs, but trying to reduce the scale of your project, the desired FPS or changing the cropping of your animation to a smaller custom rectangle might resolve the issue. A French Spriter user recently discovered that having Spriter installed in a folder that uses non English characters such as "ç" or "è", or having your Spriter project folder of image sub folder names etc including such characters was the cause of crashes they were experiencing while trying to export his animations.
  6. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Pebrot in Not working   
    Sorry for the inconvenience. Have you tried the solutions for number one here yet?
  7. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to DXT10 in Collision box in construct3   
    To anyone who ends up here by a search: my problem was that I had previously imported this object using the individual sprites method, and then tried to use the automatic re-import to re-import it using the spritesheet method. This worked for replacing all the objects, but it did not generate the required "associate collision box item with spriter object" events that are required in the construct editor. 
    I renamed the file, re-imported it as a new object to check exactly what events should be being generated, then fixed my old import to add these needed association events, and now it works great. 
  8. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from MattSan in New Spriter 2 Alpha Build - Big Bone Update!   
    Yes, you'd get the Steam version of Spriter 2 for free once it's released.
  9. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Dennis Theux in Thin lines   
    I just solved my problems. I downloaded the Beta version of the Construct 3 plugin and then I found the "blend mode" when selecting the spriter object inside Construct 3. There I chose "use effects blend mode" and this solved my problems. The thin black lines have dissapeared. 
  10. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to simon@pigobo.com in Construct 3 Plugin - URGENT importing same animation results in duplicate entities.   
    Okay..I got everything Beta latest and its all working great. Thanks!
  11. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to simon@pigobo.com in Repeat Playback Button Offsets my Animation.   
    OKay, I still don't quite understand the purpose though as there is command in C3 to tell it whether to loop or not. Either way, that toggle button is still somewhat broken I think. But yes, I can work around that one and the keyframe copy issue is the biggest problem. Cheers
  12. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Malie in Copyright Question   
    You can never use any art from other games or created by artists without getting their express permission. Even if you combine or alter it differently.
    The only safe things are to make your own art or pay artists for custom art or purchase specifically royalty free art packs.
  13. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from pesij in MSVCR120.dll and MSVCP120.dll missing!   
    We've heard from many users that installing the trial or full version of Adobe creative suite./Photoshop resolves this issue! It must install the dll file that Spriter needs during it's install process. https://www.adobe.com/sea/creativecloud/start-with-free-creativecloud.html

    If you don't want to or can't install the Adobe creative cloud, then please do the following:

    Please install the Visual Studio 2013 C++ runtime. If you are on 32 bit Windows you only need the 32 bit version (x86). If you are on 64 bit Windows, you will need to install both the 32 bit (_x86) and 64 bit versions. http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/5/6/056dcda9-d667-4e27-8001-8a0c6971d6b1/vcredist_x64.exe
    The  32 bit version can be found here:http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/5/6/056dcda9-d667-4e27-8001-8a0c6971d6b1/vcredist_x86.exe
    IMPORTANT: If you try to install Visual Studio 2013 and the installer says you already have a newer version, then you need to uninstall the newer version so that 2013 can successfully install. Windows update will later install the latest version, but you'll keep the DLL Files Spriter needed. 
  14. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from PaulSaints in Skins don't work   
    Did you turn on Opoen GL support in Spriter's menu? (under view)
  15. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Rawdesh in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    great idea. thanks.
  16. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Rawdesh in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    How about add on FAQ questions, "Can I test Spriter 2 alpha version?" or something like that. Interested to test, but took while before I find how manage that.
    Looking good so far!
  17. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Rawdesh in TroubleShooting (look here if you are having an issue with Spriter!)   
    I've been able to reproduce the bug. I never ran into this before... maybe a windows update along the way broke this. There is a decent work-around. I discovered that if you select another animation and go back to that animation you'll be able to rename things in the z-order bar again. Sorry for the inconvenience. 
  18. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Rawdesh in TroubleShooting (look here if you are having an issue with Spriter!)   
    Thank you for tip and info. No prob, keep on great work!
  19. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Jonybir in Spriter Pro 2 have support in GameMaker Studio 2.3   
    Not at this time. We won't be pursuing any specif runtime other than Unity until Spriter 2 reaches a core feature complete stage.
  20. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Jonybir in Spriter 2 Alpha build   
    good progress. set goals and try to meet them. right now got no clue how to use the alpha version of spriter 2. Its a total new software which is in dire needs of tutorials of how to use it.
  21. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Gjergji in Spriter Question & Concerns   
    I'm not part of the Spriter team but I think I can answer some of your questions.

    Yes you can install Spriter Pro and Spriter 2 on the same machine.
    If you preorder you will get both spriter pro and spriter 2(not sure if they'll have the same key or 2 different ones or any other authentication method)
    I think Spriter 2 has already been released in alpha versions at least last month, and updates are almost biweekly. you can check the devs youtube channel, you can see some showcase of their latest work. last upload at the time of me writing this is 1 month ago.
  22. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from 1StepCloser in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    All Spriter Pro owners have access to the Spriter 2 alpha builds which are now updated on a roughly 2 week schedule. We're really sorry for all the long delays to this point and are developing it as fast as we can while simultaneously making sure we don't rush any aspect of it's data format or code base in a way that would cripple it's development in the future.  There should be an update any moment now with information on what's currently being worked on and a new build shortly after that. We're doing our best to provide frequent update  builds and progress reports as we work towards getting all the core features fully functionally and tied in with each other and the required UI as soon as we can.

    We have big plans for features and expansions well beyond the release of version 1.0, which is a big part of why it took us so long to get to this point (making sure the core code and data format are future-proof and will easily support the more advanced features we plan down the line.)
  23. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Jonybir in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    The file formats are completely different between Sprite  and Spriter 2, and so are almost every aspect of the way images are manipulated and displayed. It's not impossible that we will make an importer or converter, but definitely don't count on that happening for sure.

    There will be lots of tutorials for using Spriter 2, but it's too soon for that because even the core features are not fully implemented yet, and character maps will come after that.

    It's impossible to say how soon and which Alchemist features will appear. We plan for all of them to eventually become available, but since the Kickstarter did not meat its goal it will take longer than it would have.

    Please keep an eye out for our update posts and update builds for Spriter 2 roughly every two weeks .
  24. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Fabian1996 in little help would be nice   
    Hi Mike,
    Thanks, I solved it.
  25. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to SquigglyFrog in SpriterDotNet.Unity   
    yes, definitely using spriterdotnet.unity with unity 2017, 2018, and now 2019.4.8f1.  So mostly figured it out, I didnt change my code at all, but upgrading to a diff ver of unity did fix that issue. Now if only unity and spritedotnet would play nicely together - same issue as BlooberryPi3 above. Once imported, click any of the prefabs and its a constant jump back and forth between pointer and hourglass, like its constantly searching for any updates in the spriter file, which slows the editor down tremendously. Tested that on 3 different machines here and multiple unity versions, and they all do it.
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