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Repeat Playback Button Offsets my Animation.


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I just hit the repeat playback button and my whole animation became completely offset by 600 frames?!??. What is more it does not undo nor does it change back when I toggle the Repeat Playback button!!??!?

This offset also seems to happen when I increase the amount of frames (without stretch frames checked OR with stretch frames checked).

I must be doing something very wrong because nothing in this software seems to be working out for me.

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Can you make a screen recording showing these issues? Also, what OS are you using Spriter on?

The repeat playback button you might be toggling is data for in-game play-back, and not for use in previewing the animation in the editor. It's for telling the game if the animation is supposed to wrap and loop infinitely or be a one time play-through. It certainly should not in any way change the animation duration. 

Hopefully we can figure out the cause of the issues with your help. The fastest way is via a screen recording.

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Thanks for getting back to me.

The first issue regarding replay playback button can be seen in a video here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tu884rgzmiaa9do/Keyframe_CopyIssue.mp4?dl=0

The second issue regrding copying/pasting multiple keyframes is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/88t9i5j4z4ki7vi/RepPlaybackIssue.mp4?dl=0

I managed to solve the glitching issue which was object losing their parenting midway through the anim and also the offset issue which was a rogue missing frame when I copy pasted. I manually fixed that but it could have something to do with the missing keyframes issue above.

BTW my OS is Windows 10


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Thanks very much for taking the time to make these recordings. It helped a lot. Also, very nice, clean art. Kudos.

Copying and pasting multiple key frames is definately a problem. It's either a bug or a non-implemented feature. I'll talk to Edgar about that.

Regarding the playback looping. As I mentioned, that's not a bug. That loop setting toggle is tells spriter if the animation is one intended to loop, which means the last frame needs to tween and blend into the first frame. If you turn that off then the end of the animation changes to not blend back to the first frame.

For the sake of just previewing your animations in spriter left-clicking the regular play button loop plays, and right-clicking the normal play button will play it once and then stop.

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OKay THanks.

Its worth mentioning too that when I toggle the repeat playback button again it actually never returns back to its previous state and I cant even hit undo to get it back. The only way was to reload my project. This happens every time.

See video here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/llw32r40whqk6qj/Issue_ToggleRepeatNotWork.MP4?dl=0


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18 minutes ago, simon@pigobo.com said:

OKay THanks.

Its worth mentioning too that when I toggle the repeat playback button again it actually never returns back to its previous state and I cant even hit undo to get it back. The only way was to reload my project. This happens every time.

See video here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/llw32r40whqk6qj/Issue_ToggleRepeatNotWork.MP4?dl=0


Thanks. Did you happen to try hand-deleting that last row of key frames which it created when you un-checked the looping toggle?

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Yes. EVen if I delete those keyframes manually it makes no difference to the animation. If I repeat toggle the button the keyframe dont appear again but the animation remains the same (broken). 

If I hit undo this also has no effect of the animation. (Still stays broken.) So there is no option but to reload the project.

I put the complete project files and images in a zip here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/br34bccpbr57u53/Issues.zip?dl=0

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OK, thanks. there's no need for me to test with a specific project. I can confirm this behavior. At least now that you know  that toggle is only for telling the game if the animation is to be looped infinitely or play once it should be easy to avoid the problem, as typically animators know from the start if an animation (like walk, idle, etc) is meant to loop or not.

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