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Mike at BrashMonkey

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    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to t_c in Can't start...error (0xc000007b)   
    I also had the 0xc000007b error when trying to run the trial version of Spriter on a Surface Pro 4, even after trying a load of suggestions, re-install visual studio etc etc
    This error message appeared after I had the previous error 'cant find MSVCP100.dll'  Most tech forums said copy that .dll file from C:\Windows\System32\ and paste into C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ but after doing so, I then got the 0xc000007b message.
    So, I ended up re-downloading the MSVCP100.dll (32bit version) and placing it into C:\Windows\SysWOW64\   After doing so, I re-ran Spriter and it loaded as it should. It took me a couple of days to figure out the problem. (For some reason, the 64bit .dll didn't fix the error).  The MCVCP100.dll file version I used was 10.0.40219.325
    I also have Spriter on a Windows 10 64bit desktop PC and it ran first time, no problems.
    If anyone has any similar problems, there's quite a bit of help here: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/43092-63-application-unable-start-correctly-0xc000007b
  2. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Chris Newton in Please post feature suggestions here.   
    Layers within animations!
    This can be helpful for many reasons but being able to use them to animate only the legs for run cycles while being able to fire the attack animations separately would be SUPER useful. Currently UNITY's built-in animation editor is capable of doing this and I think an excellent premium software like Spriter Pro should add this to it's ever growing repertoire of features/tools.
    Thanks for your hard work and consideration gentlemen!
    - Chris 
  3. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Chris Newton in TroubleShooting (look here if you are having an issue with Spriter!)   
    We do indeed plan on making a Spriter 2 plugin for C3.
  4. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Chris Newton in TroubleShooting (look here if you are having an issue with Spriter!)   
    If you wouldn't mind, please do zip up both the spriter project and the construct project and email them to mail@brashmonkey.com so we can take a look and see what's causing the issues.
  5. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Chris Newton in TroubleShooting (look here if you are having an issue with Spriter!)   
    I would try cloning the project first, and deleting the upper body from one and the lower body from the other. but there's absolutely a chance deleting bones that are a parent of parts of the body you might want to keep could ruin the position and angle of things, so you might indeed need to redo some or all of it. This is likely more or less true depending on the features you used and the bone hierarchy structure.
    If need be you could also export as sequential images of the current fully assembled characters and then load them in and use them as guides to recreate the animations more quickly and easily.

    best of luck. I hope it goes smoothly for you whichever way you choose.
  6. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from joemid in Spriter 2 FAQ   
    Yes, and we've made several update posts and videos showing the progress, new features, etc. via our social media and here on the forums. The most recent update post was here: 
    Edgar is hard at work on the next update build, which I believe features the most additions and bug fixes for any build and also will feature all or at least most of the features which will appear in the 1.0 release once it's thoroughly tested, debugged, and polished.
  7. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Difyl in Spriter Plug-in for construct 3   
    Alright, thanks so much for all the help! No more questions... for now xD
  8. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to You Jumped Out The Box in TroubleShooting (look here if you are having an issue with Spriter!)   
    I appreciate you being forth coming and straight about the situation. The situation had me quite unhappy.
  9. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from alienorbit in Spriter 2 teaser and pre-order sale!   
    Did you previously buy all the art packs, or are you referring to the Essentials versions? The Essentials versions are the ones you should be able to download for free if you purchased Spriter Pro.
  10. Thanks
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from alienorbit in Spriter 2 teaser and pre-order sale!   
    Yup. you're all set. You'll get it as a free upgrade and will have access to early beta if you'd like.  No new purchases necessary for you. Same for people who purchased it from the scirra or clickteam store.
  11. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Destron in Spriter Won't Launch   
    I literally tried every thing I could find from existing issues and nothing worked. I finally came across another piece of software having the same issue and tried their solution and it worked. 
    I copied (don't move!) from C:\Windows\SysWOW64:
    and from C:\Windows\System32
    ^^ Again copy those don't move them or you will break other things!
    to the base Spriter directory (C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Spriter\) and it now works. I don't know if all 6 of those are needed (maybe Edgar can offer insight as to what DLLs are used by Spriter?) as I was copying a solution for different software that uses similar DLLs, but its less than a MB each and I am not going to tempt fate with a trail and error lol. The website suggested downloading them from here:
    https://mega.nz/file/KN53zKBK#CVEEkEOTIFOO1-IoNnZCua5eq6Xzbb9i0cTWZA0WU3Q I did download that and it's a legit pack of DLLs both x86 and x64 version and they scanned clean, but I already had those so I chose to copy them from my Windows directory instead, just want to post as complete a solution as possible for anyone else that stumbles across this!
  12. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Tudor15 in How to place the character in the middle of the sprite rectangle?   
    OH, You're talking about exporting the full frames OUT of spriter, and then using the exported frames in a game!
    The trick is the custom crop settings.
  13. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from brainwavecreations in Tweening Two Images in Spriter   
    You're very welcome. 
  14. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to brainwavecreations in Tweening Two Images in Spriter   
    Awesome.  Thanks for all the information, @Mike at BrashMonkey !
    Yeah, I realize the Spriter applications are used for animating, and not for image design.  For now I outsource all my art.  Most games I go with pixel art(love that old school vibe), and lately I've been working with more vector art.  So no worries there.  I can use Pro Motion NG for pixel art, then find something for vector art, if needed(mostly just work with pixel art).
    Just trying to figure out which applications to use for what, as I take on more of the artistic side of things over time.  I sent an email out to Jan over at Cosmigo earlier today regarding the installs allowed under a single license.  Just waiting to hear back regarding that, and then I'll go ahead and place an order with BrashMonkey.

    Thanks for your help clearly answering my questions!  I'm sure I can figure out pretty easy way to cut, copy animations to do what I need to do.  I'm currently working in Construct 3.  So I'll also look into plugins/APIs/whatever is needed to use the tweening features directly in the engine
    Hope you are having a fantastic day!
  15. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Izeck in RPG Heroes pack expansion?   
    I see. I'm still hoping that it will happen in the future. I'm off to look for alternatives then.
     Thank you for your honesty.
  16. Like
  17. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from DarocMike in TroubleShooting (look here if you are having an issue with Spriter!)   
    Every frame can have totally different objects and/or hierarchies of parent and children. If you ad an image to the first key frame it is not automatically added to everything. Please watch this video:
  18. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Sir Pemberton in How to shift/move mutliple objects and keep their properties?   
    Welcome Sir.
    Unfortunately there's no way to do this to many objects at once. There is, however, a way to change ALL of the positions of all objects across all frames uniformly, which you do my holding the M key and left clicking and dragging on an empty spot of the canvas. This will move the zero/zero central coordinate relative to all objects across all keys, which is actually moving all objects uniformly.
  19. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to brinsleylogic in pixi-spriter - A typescript pixi.js Spriter implementation   
    Hey guys,
    I'm not sure how many people will actually get use out of this but I've been working on throwing an implementation together for use with a pixi.js project I'm working on. I've published it to npmjs and the repo on Github is public with (somewhat) documented code. It's feature-complete (yet) and still a work-in-progress but hopefully someone will find this useful
  20. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Gustavo Marcian0 in New Spriter 2 Alpha build -   
    Don't worry, the UI is still very much not complete. We'll make sure there's a convenient on screen way to access all required features. Thanks very much for the feedback.
  21. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from mariusz947 in Lot's of Spriter 2 news in the works. Thanks for your patience.   
    We're wrapping up the framework that will not only allow for powerful expansions to the core version of Spriter 2, but over the coming weeks, we'll be showing off some GIFs for a future add-on to Spriter 2 also made possible by these investments.
  22. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from TwistdRabbit in I cannot open Spriter   
    No one else ever reported the program beginning to fail after installing either so fingers crossed that won't happen. if you've not used the Steam version for more than 2 hours you can refund it if you'd rather use the one from our store, just make sure to download and try the free one again to make sure it runs fine on your system now.
  23. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to TwistdRabbit in I cannot open Spriter   
    I'm only using the windows 10 firewall and virus protection. There's literally nothing on my pc that could have caused the issue, one day its working the next its gone to hell.

    I ended up just reformatting my pc with a new version of windows 10, Steam installed Spriter Pro with 2017 versions of the VS c++ redist, even with a new build the app wouldnt launch, I had to uninstall them and install the 2013 versions to get the software to finally work, now on to putting eveything else back onto the pc. 

    I don't know how difficult it is to create software, I'm a game development student so some day I might find out but this single program has given me more trouble than every other piece of software I've ever encountered, and I got cyberpunk 2077 at launch lol

    The program is great when its actually working, but something needs to be done with this 2013 issue.
  24. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey got a reaction from Izeck in RPG Heroes pack expansion?   
    Interesting, we'll look into this. Thanks for the successions and all the feedback.
  25. Like
    Mike at BrashMonkey reacted to Izeck in RPG Heroes pack expansion?   
    Sad, but understandable. Thank you for your consideration. Looking forward to news on this
    Would it be possible to add steam workshop support? There are always a ton of talented people who would make addons for this.
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