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RunnerPack last won the day on October 11 2015

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About RunnerPack

  • Birthday July 23

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    Game programming (duh), engineering, electronics, machining, cooking, reading

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  1. It's minor, but if you change something in the "Color Palette" window, then navigate elsewhere in the list, then use the arrow keys to navigate, the last thing you changed reverts back to the default. I noticed it while playing with the Radius-Wing Essentials Pack.
  2. I agree with what aiat_gamer and Mike said (including the compliments), but I have to add my two cents, too: 1. Besides being green, the back feet aren't the right shape (real canine legs are very different front-to-back; look at more source material). 2. All four feet are also a bit too splayed out. They should be closer to directly underneath their respective "shoulders" (hips? You know what I mean ). Keep up the good work!
  3. You're probably going to have to open the SCML file and edit the "w", "h", "pivot_x", and "pivot_y" properties of the relevant "obj_info" tag, keeping in mind that the latter range from 0 to 1, and represent a fraction of the box's width or height, respectively. The exact center would, of course, be "0.5".
  4. It looks great, and it's probably a lot of fun, but I'm not an FPS gamer, so the WASD/Mouse combo is not working for me. Ideally, I would like to see arrow keys for movement and a key for the lamp toggle (like maybe Z for jump and X for lamp). Both sets of controls should be able to peacefully coexist. In the mean time (or if you don't feel like implementing the above) I think I'll rig up something with Joy2Key so I can play it with my gamepad. EDIT: Also, a way to skip the intro would be nice (not that it's a bad intro, or anything...) EDIT2: I had a Joy2key preset that only needed one button change Not a bad little game, and a nice, uplifting message, too. I also played your goat game. I want to ask questions about it, but I don't want to spoil anything for others. Both games are pretty surreal and esoteric, but well done for what they are. I hope you keep making games and get even better at it.
  5. My only other idea is that the files are getting corrupted, somehow. Maybe you just tried to open them before they were completely downloaded, and they're missing a few bits at the end. Do you have another browser you can use to try downloading one of them again? Maybe also save it to a different folder (on a different drive, if you have one). If you have a Dropbox, you could use the "Save to my Dropbox" option, and let the DB app download it for you (and if you don't have one, click the referral link and we'll both get some extra space for free ;)).
  6. What software are you using to open the zips? I suggest you install and use 7zip (hosted on SourceForge). I also recently purchased some Art Packs and 7zip worked fine on the zipfiles.
  7. (Windows 7 64-bit) If Spriter was maximized when I closed it last, then when I double-click an .scml file in Explorer, Spriter opens with a window that acts maximized, but only takes up the upper-left corner of the screen (approx. 1/4 of the full screen) as if it's "restored" (i.e. smaller than the screen and floating). If Spriter was "restored", it starts up maximized when I double-click a file. All earlier versions of Spriter worked fine in this respect on the same system.
  8. Hi, Raybrite. The online help is actually a set of more-or-less standard HTML documents being displayed in an embedded browser control. The files themselves are located in your Spriter installation folder under the "docs" folder. You should be able to open and print them with any browser, or even cut/paste them together into any shape and size you want. I will warn you, though: they were made using a "WYSIWYG" editor, so don't expect them to be easy to edit... Don't forget that you can also press Shift+Esc to toggle the keyboard shortcuts list window. If you want to print that list, you should use this forum post (although I'm not sure it's still accurate or complete, so YMMV). I hope that helps.
  9. The timeline is in milliseconds, so just multiply seconds by 1000. However, if you're talking about a walk cycle, you can make it any length and just loop it to fill out the 30-60 seconds. Can you define your requirements more precisely?
  10. This happens on my Windows 7 64-bit PC just as aiat_gamer describes/demonstrates.
  11. If your game engine allows drawing sprites with different colors, you could use the "tags" system in Spriter (Pro?) to engineer a custom solution, but you wouldn't be able to preview the result in Spriter itself. For simple things, I immediately thought of the "stacked images and alpha blending" idea that Mike mentioned. Sub-entities would make this idea fairly easy to manage, too.
  12. Hi, loodakrawa, I think this was already covered in this thread. I hope that helps.
  13. 1. Please watch your language. 2. It's been stated repeatedly over the past few months that Edgar is not adding any more features to Spriter until the official reference implementation is finished. 3. The Unity importer is not an official implementation made by the BrashMonkey team, so there's no point in complaining about it to them. 4. There is a specific thread about the Unity importer where you can post bug reports and ask questions about usage (hopefully with a bit more respect and tact). Thanks for using Spriter and being part of the community.
  14. I don't know about playing animations in C2, but from an animation perspective, a properly done walk cycle will look unnatural and wrong if you play it backward (especially if you stop the forward cycle at an arbitrary frame and reverse it). If you really need a reversed walking animation, you're much better off animating it separately (hopefully with a good reference example of what bipedal locomotion in reverse really looks like). That's my two cents' worth on the subject, anyway... If it is possible, it could still be useful for other animations, though.
  15. Already answered: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/4001-paste-to-all-keys-just-for-one-image/#entry12197
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