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Please post bugs here.

Mike at BrashMonkey

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Sorry to hear youre having an issue wit hte current beta, moscoquera. Edgar's hard at work getting the totally overhauled UI and cross-platform beta of Spriter ready for release and therefore can't invest time to fix such anomilies for the soon to be obsolete beta.

Your image link seems broken. Maybe if we could see the issue we might have an ideal to fix it...

Have you tried running at a diferent resolution, compatibility modes etc?

I hope we can get it working for you asap.



hi, i uploaded the image again:


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Hi moscoquera,

Sorry for the delayed response. Have you watched the "getting started with Spriter" video? I looks to me like you did not create a project folder with sub-folders with your images in them.. I looks like Spriter is looking somewhere where theres lots of folders, but non with images, or something like that. (it's a little blurry)

You can watch the getting started video right here:

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Hi moscoquera,

Sorry for the delayed response. Have you watched the "getting started with Spriter" video? I looks to me like you did not create a project folder with sub-folders with your images in them.. I looks like Spriter is looking somewhere where theres lots of folders, but non with images, or something like that. (it's a little blurry)

You can watch the getting started video right here:

thanks for the reply, but my problem is with the text, I can not read anything, always is blurry.

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When I try to open the beta, it opens to a white screen and when I try to go file>new project It does not work and the program crashes.

Also I missed out on the kickstarter but pre-ordered the game and I want to know if I can get access to it? or how I go about accessing it?

I use windows 7 64bit.

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I'm confused kirkieball...you pre-ordered what game? Do you mean you pre-ordered Spriter? The only game mentioned on BrashMonkey is Prophecies of Nnar, but there's no pre-order for it and theres a long time before there's any builds or copy availible.

Some Kickstarter backers have access to information about its development through a private forum, but builds are a long time from now.

Sorry Spriter crashes on your system.. There's a totally new and cross-platform build in the works..I'm guessing that one will work fine for you.



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Spriter v1a Preview, Windows.

Text overlaying text in object properties drop-down menu.



Another thing:

If I click-drag a piece from the left "Current Frame" area into the "Persistent Object Palette" area, it disappears. Then, if I drag anything from the "File Palette" and move it, Spriter crashes.

Easily replicated, happens every time.

I also have a heck of a time with the left-most keyframe. Can get lost off the edge easily.

Still haven't figured out how to group objects yet, perhaps that's not in this version.

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Thanks much for the concise bug reporting, Surefoot. Edgar is stomping out such issues at lightning speed. With the help of users like you it won't take long at all to get things rock-solid.

Grouping is not yet implimented but is definately a high priority, besides general bug fixing and stability of course.

May I ask what version of Windows you're on? Because Edgar and I both test on Windows and we've not seen this text issue and we'd love to get it fixed for the next build asap.


Mike at BrashMonkey

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Hi, I have a pretty big bug. Once I create a new project, all the "file" menu items are grayed out. Meaning I can't save my project, or even make a new one. I bought Spriter way back when, so I should have the license or full version on here. I don't know why this is happening. I'll try it on my other computer later to let you know if it's effected as well.

Thanks for this awesome program however!

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Two issues in r1a_preview on the mac:

Once I drag a file from the file list onto the canvas I can't delete it. I've tried the delete button on the toolbar, Edit | Delete, and pressing delete on my keyboard.

I've had two crashes in my 15 minutes of playing with spriter. This one happened as I was trying to reorder elements in the list on the left. I was trying to fix the z order though I'm not sure that this was the proper way to do that.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/145P ... 2JuvQ/edit

(The forum has file upload disabled for .txt files. That would have been a more convenient way to deliver the crashlog if it were available.)

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Tweening - possible missing feature.

I'm running Spriter v1a preview

I loaded the previous beta format hero SCML file (containing Arthur) and said yes when asked if I wanted Spriter to guess Tweening.

When I run the walk animation Arthur's right hand and foot behave strangely, with his hand appearing to move down the sword handle. On closer inspection this is due to the sprites being used with forearm0 being replaced at 150ms with forearm_nohand & hand_a, and foot2 with foot_2_bent. Because the two sprites are at 100ms but not 150ms the tweening matching can't find a position for these two sprites to move to so they stay put during the period 100 - 149ms while the rest of Arthur's body is tweened. The sprites are then replaced at 150ms with the other three sprites which then tween for another part of the animation.

I'm not complaining about the tweening matching algorithm - it has nothing to go on.

My question is how will the artist handle this when building something from scratch and they want to change sprite? If the original sprite isn't present in some sense on the frame where it gets replaced then tweening isn't possible.

Two ways around this that I can see.

1) The object is tweened but changes the image it uses suddenly at the frame

2) The object disappears suddenly at the frame having being tweened up to that point. This would need a switch, since if just set alpha to zero that would be tweened and fade out the sprite over the tween instead.


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Crash bug:

Dragging around an empty canvas crashes Spriter.


Open Spriter for the first time (no projects open or created)

Click anywhere on the gray background, and drag anywhere.

Spriter will crash.

This bug is on OSX version too.

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hi guys. I'll look into dragging on the gray background before a project is open crash

the crash where you drag something in the zorder below the last item has been fixed for the next version.

also in the mac version there is a visual bug, where it looks like it will reject the new position of the zorder(animates back to it's original spot in the list)

even though the zorder ends up being correctly changed. This is also fixed in the next version.

The save and load are purposefully disabled in this build, because they were too recently introduced just before release, and we knew most people(including ourselves) would ignore a 'please don't trust the save feature yet' warning. The next version will save.

Also, timpart. We will have more tutorials and make it easier to discover on your own as time goes on. But in the Persistent Object window, you can drag two items together to combine them as one persistent object as long as they both don't exist on any frame together (such as the hair on the knight sample animation). You should receive a notification that the operation was unsuccessful if there are two instances on the same frame. On the knight animation in particular, unfortunately it switches from two body parts for one hand, to one part at certain points, so though the feet and hair can be properly fixed with the drag and drop technique the hand cannot. In future versions when we have a working hierarchy system, you will be able to do this.

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I had the z-order crash as well.

One thing I would like to see changed from a useability perspective is the "nub" that you grab to rotate... it is too small. I like what you did with the pivot point, where when you mouse over, it expands to give you a) more grab area and b) area to grab without grabbing the scale controls on the corner. I'd like to see something similar on the rotate control, but a minimum make the nub larger.

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I am putting this as a bug because... well because it defies logic, and as such it is a bug.

When keyframing an animation (in other environments), there is typically a setting for speed... so 24fps, 30fps, 60fps, etc. With Spriter (so far), if I want to change animation speed, I have to reposition each frame on an unmarked scale... which means i have to get out the bifocals and count the hash marks vs. reading the numbers (that arent there). I know it is alpha, but that's pretty much floor level stuff. I get the feel you want the interface to be number-free, but that just isnt reasonable.

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