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Mike at BrashMonkey

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Everything posted by Mike at BrashMonkey

  1. http://youtu.be/WTfq0qWjfZY?t=56m34s Thanks guys. Mike at BrashMonkey
  2. Thanks for the report ArcadEd. We'll look into this as soon as we can. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  3. Don't forget, Valerien, on English based keyboards, its called the delete key. Thanks very much for the concise bug report. I'll make sure Edgar gets this bug report forist thing in his morning. ;) cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  4. Hi perezbalen, Spriter is made to be very flexible in many ways, allowing you to animate with or without bones, and also allowing you to have a different number of objects (sprites or bones) per keyframe. This meanes nothing is automatically "persistant" between all frames. If you want to se up an animation for use with bones, the easiest way is to set up your sprites AND bones at the initial key-frame before you start animating...that way, your full set up with all bones will be in all future key frames becuase all future key frames wll start with the first key-frame as a "basis". However, if you add prites or bones later on and want them in all key-frames, then select them and choose copy from the menu (or press cntrl+c) and then choose "paste to all frames" from the menu. and it will add your bones to all frames. I suggest that you make sure to watch all of the tutorial videos to havea more thorough understanding of Spriter features and possible workflows. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  5. Awesome! Very cleverly done, and to great effect! Mike at BrashMonkey
  6. This is a planned feature for Spriter Pro 1.0 (the ability to scale entire projects...including the images it uses.) The feature is not yet implimented. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  7. Hi son1cman, All first party (made by us) art packs will come in two different versions: 1)Essentials version, Which will be free for all Spriter Pro purchasers to use for their games (free or commercial games)..these essential versions will hav the mist important animations, but not as many as the second version of the art packs. 2) The full, commercial version of the art packs, which will just have many more animations and art for its particular genre. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey PS. Sorry about the long delay in a reply...been really busy...trying to finish these first two art packs, in fact. ;) first two are "basic platformer" and "game effects"
  8. Hi Burvs, Thanks for the kind words. Easing and and out (speed curves) for tweening is a planned feature for Spriter Pro 1.0. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  9. Very glad we could help. we'll track down the cause of the mystery hidden key frame as soon as we can. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  10. Hi Misj', I'm not sure how the error was created (maybe a bug, we'll keep looking into it) but at least the solution is simple. Please watch this video: http://youtu.be/nT2k3nXpuCU Somehow a single key was created just for the hat bone which was hidden under the main key frame for everything...this single bone key was the key that was causing the issue. The solution (as seen in the video.) 1) Click and drag the last main keyframe to move it a small amount to the left. 2) Reveal the timelines for all the other objects and see the "stray" keyframe for the hat bone. 3) Delete that stray hat bone keyframe. 4) Click and drag the last main key frame to bring it back where you wanted it. fixed. :)
  11. Awesome art (and bug reporting) Misj' ! We'll see if we can get these issues sorted asap. If you want to send your project to us (mail@brashmonkey.com) we'll see if we can get to the bottom of the hat issue. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  12. No problem Ksottam, I'm glad you got the problem sorted out. Make sure you've watched all the tutorial videos to make sure you're not missing out on key workflow concepts. More will come later. Also, The as of yet unfinished manual is now built into the latest build of Spriter (b4) which you can access via "help" in the menu. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  13. Sorry Ksottam, I can't quite figure out what you mean. Images for arms don't need to have the same image size as images for the rest of the body. Are you asking how to make it easiest to use the Character Maps feature? In that case, its easiest but not critical if the alternate images are the same image size as the images they are replacing... The only critical thing is to have the alternate images designed properly and have their default pivot points set properly so that they "fit" correctly when replacing the original images. Please explain in very good detail what exactly you're trying to do and I'm sure we can help. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  14. Hi Cloak 'n Dagger, We've never seen this before. Can you send us the project as a zip (lucid@brashmonkey.com), also, do you have an older, non-"corrupted" back up of your .scml file anywhere? Can you think of anything you did before saving last time that could be at all related to this? Deleting key frames, deleting Sprites or bones across all frames, etc etc? Of course we'll try our best to figure out the cause of the issue and see if its possible to restore the scml, but can't make promise. Please everyone...back up frequetly, and under different names etc so you can revert back to earlier files if necessary. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  15. Hi BluePhaze, It's a cool idea, but the 1st party artpacks we'll be offering will include art, as many people are not artists, and will have a much easier time painting over/altering art that is already there...also, replacing images that already exist is in general going to be faster and easier (and less prone to placement issues, joint misalignment etc) than adding and assigining images to pre-existing bones. Of course anyone else is free to create any original content they want and distribute or sell it however they see fit. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  16. Awesome CptDefault! I know this will be extremely useful to a lot of people. Cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  17. Awesome job NowSayPillow! cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  18. Thanks much for reporting the issue and the cause, blkmkt. :) I'm glad Spriter can once again work on your system. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  19. @ blkmkt, Could you send your spriter project to Edgar? lucid@brashmonkey.com This way, he can test if there's something about your actual project file that is causing crashes. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  20. Hi Cloak n' Dagger, Have you watched the Spriter tutorial videos? Specifically this one: Long story short, Make sure you're at the very first key frame, then add and position your shadow, THEN select the shadow sprite and press Cntrl+C to copy, then choose Paste to all frames from the edit menu or press Cntrl+Shift+V. This will paste it to all frames in the exact same location, scale, angle, opacity etc. To fix your current issue, do nearly the same. Go to the very first key frame, make sure the shadow is exactly how you want it. Select it and press Cntrl+C, then select paste to all frames. This will change every aspect of the shadow spriter to be identical across all frames. As for it's key's being intermingled with other keys, I think it might just be a misunderstanding of how the timeline(s) work in Spriter. The keys of each object are completely independant, BUT if any object has a key at any point, it's shown on the main timeline as a key frame in general...but this has no effect on the keyframes or tweening of any of the actual objects...it just lets you know something has a key there and allows you to get to it quickly with the time-line minimised. I hope this helps, cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  21. being able to change bone colors is a great idea. I'll mention this to Edgar soon. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  22. You want to further edit your otherwise complete bone set-up without messing up your sprites. I get it. Worst case scenario, for now you can temporarily un-child the sprite and any child bone to that bone you need to edit, then edit it and rechild the sprite and any child bones. We do however have a feature planned wher you can just hold or press a key and it will temporarily free all the sprites and children from each other so you can further tweak and perfect your skeliton. By the way, you can stretch your bone to make it longer or shorter just by left clicking....little wite boxes will appear...the box near the tip is used to stretch the length of the bone, and of course you can rotate or move the whole bone. For now, though, you'd have to manually de-child the sprites and child bones before doing this, and then re-child them once you're done tweaking. I hope this helps. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  23. great lookin' art morcheebix, To answer your question we'd need more info. 1) Are you just exporting the finished animation as sequential PNG images or will you be usinge Spriter support within the game engine to recreate the animations with the individual images? 2) what exactly is the effect you're after? If you simply want the scarf's blowing motion to loop seamlessly along with the idle animation of the character, just animate them to loop perfectly in Spriter, and when you export the sequential images (if that's what you'll be doing) and it should loop seemlessly once in the game as well... thats my thoughts and questions for now..I hope I can help cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
  24. Hi lovespriter, In order for us to try and help we need a lot more information. Are you saving the Spriter animations as sequential PNG images or using a Spriter plug-in in your code to recreate the animations at run time? What Authoring system are you using? What process did you use to build the game for the app store? Which app store? Why would the animations be changed at all by submitting them? Please give us as much detail as possible. thanks, Mike at BrashMonkey
  25. Thanks much for the kind words and support JKID! Spriter's manual is not finished yet, but is still in a helpful state. You can find it here: http://www.brashmonkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=12533 In this coming build or the next one the manual will be built into Spriter for fast, easy, and web-free access. cheers, Mike at BrashMonkey
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