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v. 1.1.0 update Spriter 2D: Game Maker Studio extension


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Spriter 2D: Game Maker Studio extension package

SpriterGM is DLL based extension package for Game Maker studio

Requirements: GameMaker studio 1.4+.

1.1.0 update:

  • added manual bone control
  • added two bone IK
  • minor bug fixes


1. Create new game maker project.

2. Download SpriterGM extension from Github SpriterGM.gmez or YoYo Marketplace

3. Drag and drop SpriterGM.gmez file on Extensions folder in resurces window of your game maker studio project.

4. Select SpriterGM package in Extensions folder and open propierties window (Alt+Enter)

5. Select Import Resources tab and press Import all button.

Example projects:

Example 1: Loading spriter instance

Example 2: Animations blending

Example3: Spriter event trigger uses

Project source code: SpriterGM Github

SpriterGM guide: Spriter 2D integration for Game Maker 1.4+

Tutorial video:



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Mike thanks for reply!
SpriterGM creating Game Maker child objects from spriterModel_instance and manipulate with objects parameters (x,y,image_angle and etc). In feature we are planing to add deataching functions (for example: to behead the enemy), errors handling functions, supporting spriter metadata and spriter objects like point or box
Now SpriterGM supports:
playing animation from scml
blending animations
character maps
trigger events
sound events

For example:

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15 hours ago, saga55555 said:

I testing the tutorial and everything work fine.

But I noticed one problem.  The animation caused memory leak!

The memory slowly increase.  I try to put 20+ moss golems in and memory increase faster :shock:

Is memory increase because of bone moving?

Memory leak is fixed. Extension moved here https://github.com/Gillmog/spriterGM/blob/master/extension/spriterGM.gmez

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14 hours ago, GradusGL said:

hippyman Yes, it will be ready soon)

That is awesome to hear! They need to swap our member titles. I tried making Spriter work with only GML but ended up pushing it to the side because I was having issues with getting it working, then here you come out of nowhere with this! I'm the newbie, you're the advanced member for sure! Thanks again for making this.

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I've been playing around with this plugin, and it's absolutely amazing! However, I'm running into two difficulties:

1: Whenever I try to spriter_load on a scml file from the RPG Maker set, I get a crash with the following text:



action number 1
of Create Event
for object player:

Trying to get texture from non-existing sprite.
 at gml_Script_spriter_load (line 23) -         var texture = sprite_get_texture(spriteIndex, -1);

stack frame is
gml_Script_spriter_load (line 23)
called from - gml_Object_player_CreateEvent_1 (line 1) - spriter_load("RPG_pack_32/Male_32.scml", "Male_high-res", false);



I have no idea why it's happening, if it's something I'm doing wrong, or if the plugin is having difficulty with something in these specific files. I've tried both the Essentials version and the purchased version.

2: Thinking that it might have to do with the ability to change palettes, I loaded the Radius Wing pack, and it loaded fine. But I can't figure out how to select the palettes I want to use.

3: I just don't understand what some of the commands in the plugin do. Is there a manual, akin to Game Maker's manual, with a breakdown of all the functions and their arguments? If so, please tell me it isn't linked up above and I just blindly missed it.


Thanks for the amazing plugin!

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This is just a guess, but it sounds to me like its hitting what Spriter thinks is a missing image... though no image that is used is actually missing, there might be a reference in the Spriter file to an image that it thinks it needs, but does not, and which is not present..


If this is right, the way to test might be to find out what image is reported as missing and just create an image with that name and put it in the appropriate folder in the art pack.

-Mike at BrashMonkey

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This seems to work quite well in 1.4 but errors out in 2.0.  Hopefully it's an easy fix.  I realize GMS2 is still in beta and subject to change, but I am quite new to GMS so I am not sure how to fix it.  I like GMS2's interface quite a bit more than GMS1.

action number 1
of Create Event
for object Player:

SpriterDocumentLoader::loadFile - invalid Spriter file : missing "spriter_data" element File not founded PlatformerPack/player.scml 
 at gml_Script_spriter_check_errors (line 13) -     show_error(Error, true);
stack frame is
gml_Script_spriter_check_errors (line 13)
called from - gml_Script_spriter_load (line 6) - spriter_check_errors();
called from - gml_Object_Player_Create_0 (line 1) - spriter_load("PlatformerPack/player.scml","Player",false);


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