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hippyman last won the day on October 10 2015

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  1. You're basically on your own with this extension. The developer rarely responds and hasn't updated the repo in 8 months. Somebody is working on a new generic runtime that supports Spriter, Dragonbones and Spine. It's pure GML so it's compatible with every platform and it's being worked on fairly consistently with a developer you can actually get ahold of on the unofficial GM Discord. I highly recommend you check it out. https://github.com/NuxiiGit/GML2DSkeletalAnimation
  2. It's totally okay I'm just super excited to see the new and improved Spriter! I hope I don't come off as too entitled. I know you don't owe me anything. Just really excited.
  3. What the heck is going on with Spriter 2? I know I'm acting a bit entitled but you tease us with that 20 second video and then just go dark for four months with literally nothing on any platform. Is it even kind of close to anything being released? If not then what was the point of even showing that?
  4. I'm currently working on a project where I use the guidelines a lot to line up bone lengths and angles when creating skeletons. As well as lining up animations. But I've gotten to the point where when I duplicate an animation it carries over the guidelines also. Then when I need to put guidelines down for lining up animations I have to manually remove guidelines one-by-one and results in constant tedious clicking and dragging. I can't seem to find a way to clear all guidelines quickly so I was hoping there either is a way to do it and I just couldn't find it or at the very least you might consider adding it into a future release. It would be pretty easy to implement I think.
  5. I'm not entirely sure, but since RPG Maker MV is all javascript, couldn't you use the current javascript implementation?
  6. There is no image index with this. I'm not sure what the purpose of this function is, but it's what we have to use to apparently make animation transitions work properly. The documentation is really basic so it's kind of hard to tell what some of these are for.
  7. You need to use spriter_set_time_ratio (or something like that) thats what I did.
  8. Right now the blending is really just smooth transitioning between animations. Are there any plans for implementing blending two animations based on a weight value?
  9. Okay cool after knowing this I managed to get a readout of my skeleton and found the individual IDs of each image that I wanted to color. Thanks for you help Sorry when I was saying use id, I meant to use that where you're using self. But again like I stated, I haven't used boxes or points yet, so I was just assuming from the way the other scripts work.
  10. The object index is asking for index of the object that loaded the spriter model. For object index you generally want to use "id" which is the id of the instance that uses it. I haven't messed with boxes but I'm assuming box name is the name you give it inside Spriter. @GradusGL I'm having issues with one of the functions. spriter_GetObjectInfoName always returns an empty string. I'm trying to change the color only for certain parts of my skeleton object. In this case it's for the hair and eyes. My solution at first was to check the filename but that makes a huge switch statement as I continue adding more hair styles and other parts that can have their color changed. I'm trying to be able to go from if (name == "Path/To/Hair1.png" || name == "Path/To/Hair2.png" || name == "Path/To/Hair3.png") { color = SomeColor; } if (name == "Path/To/Eye.png) { color = SomeColor; } to something like if (name == "image_hair") { color = SomeColor; } if (name == "image_eye_left") { color = LeftEyeColor; } if (name == "image_eye_right") { color = RightEyeColor; } The downside of the first solution is it requires a bunch of OR operators or a large switch statement as I add more hairstyles and the eyes are stuck to only being a single color since it's going by the filename vs the object name. I print the result of spriter_GetObjectInfoName to the console output. I call it inside the spriter_render function within the loop that runs through all the objects. spriter_GetObjectInfoFileName and spriter_GetObjectInfoString both return what they're supposed to but I don't know why spriter_GetObjectInfoName isn't working.
  11. @GradusGL Hey there! I'm currently trying to add something to this for my project. I'm trying to add the ability to change a sprites color during runtime. I added a blend variable to the CGMObjectInfo class and I added setter/getter functions. Then I added the following to the exported functions double spriter_GetObjectInfoBlend(double ModelIndex, double InstanceIndex, double ObjectInfoIndex) { if (!CSpriterGM::GetSingleton()->IsObjectInfoValid(ModelIndex, InstanceIndex, ObjectInfoIndex)) return 0; return CSpriterGM::GetSingleton()->GetSpriterGMModel(ModelIndex).GetInstance(InstanceIndex).GetGMObjectInfo(ObjectInfoIndex).GetBlend(); } double spriter_SetObjectInfoBlend(double ModelIndex, double InstanceIndex, double ObjectInfoIndex, double newBlend) { if (!CSpriterGM::GetSingleton()->IsObjectInfoValid(ModelIndex, InstanceIndex, ObjectInfoIndex)) return 0; CSpriterGM::GetSingleton()->GetSpriterGMModel(ModelIndex).GetInstance(InstanceIndex).GetGMObjectInfo(ObjectInfoIndex).SetBlend(newBlend); } The project I'm testing this with doesn't have any bones, just sprites, so I thought that zero for the object info index would be the first image. But when I call the function spriter_SetObjectInfoBlend(modelIndex,instanceIndex,0,c_blue) in GM:S, I get an "ImageFile not valid" error. I'm just trying to add a color variable to each image being used so I can change the color at runtime. Colors in GM:S are just numbers so it's easy to pass them back and forth and I already know how to get the color on the sprites by changing one line in the spriter_render script. I'm hoping you might have an idea on why this isn't working. If you could help me better understand how the object info indices work, I think I can get this working relatively easy. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Update: I managed to find a solution without changing the source code. This is a great extension. I probably sound like a broken record, but thanks again for making this.
  12. Dude you are my freaking hero. Thank you for adding in bones and IK. You just made GM fun for me again.
  13. That is awesome to hear! They need to swap our member titles. I tried making Spriter work with only GML but ended up pushing it to the side because I was having issues with getting it working, then here you come out of nowhere with this! I'm the newbie, you're the advanced member for sure! Thanks again for making this.
  14. This works great! Is there any way to dynamically change animations at runtime? Like overriding a head bone so it always looks at the mouse.
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