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Gillmog last won the day on February 7 2017

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About Gillmog

  • Birthday 10/24/1983

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    Belarus, Mogilev
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  1. You need to add box to your spriter project than check collision. var object_index = spriter_find_object(self, "box_000"); if object_index != -1 { var top_left_x = spriter_get_box_point_x(self, object_index, "TopLeft"); var top_left_y = spriter_get_box_point_y(self, object_index, "TopLeft"); var bottom_right_x = spriter_get_box_point_x(self, object_index, "BottomRight"); var bottom_right_y = spriter_get_box_point_y(self, object_index, "BottomRight"); //2D collision detection } Another way: var object_index = spriter_find_object(self, "box_000"); if object_index != -1 { var top_left_x = spriter_GetObjectInfoMeshPointX(modelIndex, instanceIndex, object_index, 0); var top_left_y = spriter_GetObjectInfoMeshPointY(modelIndex, instanceIndex, object_index, 0); var top_right_x = spriter_GetObjectInfoMeshPointX(modelIndex, instanceIndex, object_index, 1); var top_right_y = spriter_GetObjectInfoMeshPointY(modelIndex, instanceIndex, object_index, 1); var bottom_right_x = spriter_GetObjectInfoMeshPointX(modelIndex, instanceIndex, object_index, 2); var bottom_right_y = spriter_GetObjectInfoMeshPointY(modelIndex, instanceIndex, object_index, 2); var bottom_left_x = spriter_GetObjectInfoMeshPointX(modelIndex, instanceIndex, object_index, 3); var bottom_left_y = spriter_GetObjectInfoMeshPointY(modelIndex, instanceIndex, object_index, 3); //2D collision detection } or: if (spriter_get_box_collision_rectangle(self, enemy, "box_000") != undefined) { //Collision }
  2. spriter_GetObjectInfoName(...) return name of box, point and bone objects. spriter_GetObjectInfoType(...) return enum such as UNKNOWN = 0, IMAGE = 1, BOX = 2, POINT = 3, BONE = 4. For example: var count = spriter_GetObjectInfoCount(modelIndex, instanceIndex); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { var type = spriter_GetObjectInfoType(modelIndex, instanceIndex, i); var name = spriter_GetObjectInfoFileName(modelIndex, instanceIndex, i); if (type != 1) { name = spriter_GetObjectInfoName (modelIndex, instanceIndex, i); } } I think for the color you need to use ds_map. var count = spriter_GetObjectInfoCount(modelIndex, instanceIndex); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { var type = spriter_GetObjectInfoType(modelIndex, instanceIndex, i); var name = spriter_GetObjectInfoFileName(modelIndex, instanceIndex, i); if (type != 1) { name = spriter_GetObjectInfoName(modelIndex, instanceIndex, i); } blend = image_blend; if (ds_map_exists(color_map, name)) { blend = ds_map_find_value(color_map, name); } }
  3. Memory leak is fixed. Extension moved here https://github.com/Gillmog/spriterGM/blob/master/extension/spriterGM.gmez
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