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Spriter R4 Bug Thread


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I just made an upgrade from ubuntu 14.10 to 15.04. I tried to launch the non-steam-version of spriter -> doenst work.


I tried to launch the steam-version of spriter. if i klick on it on steam, nothing happens.....it just doesnt launch under ubuntu 15.04 :(

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@weitnow, could you please try the Steam version once again (just updated it with a possible fix).  If either the Steam version or non-Steam version are still not working, could you run it from the terminal? Either launch non-Steam Spriter through the terminal, or Steam itself through the terminal and launching Spriter from Steam and seeing what messages show up in the terminal?  Thanks for your help.

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Hello Lucid


Wow, very nice, thank you.....i am glad to repport, that now the steam-version of spriter is running under ubuntu 15.04 (64bit). Thank you again!


My Problem is solved....because i can use the steam-version now....but just for your information, if i try the current non-steam-version of spriter, i still get the error "error while loading shared libraries: liblcms.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" under ubuntu 15.04 64bit.


Thank you for your effort and the great product...i really like spriter.


Spriter-Non-Steam-Version ->


weitnow@jarvis:~/Downloads/SpriterR4_1(64)$ ls
docs                      libMagickLicense.txt~     Spriter
gif.la                    libMagickWand-6.Q16.so.2  SpriterEULA.txt
gif.so                    libMagickWand.so.4        SpriterHelp.qch
libMagick++-6.Q16.so.5    libsteam_api.so           SpriterHelp.qhc
libMagickCore-6.Q16.so.2  png.la                    TexturePackerTemplates
libMagickCore.so.4        png.so
libMagickLicense.txt      ReadMeQtLGPL.txt
weitnow@jarvis:~/Downloads/SpriterR4_1(64)$ ./Spriter
./Spriter: error while loading shared libraries: liblcms.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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There is a bug in spriter if you dont use any "sprites" and only use "skins' , it doesnt show any objects in palette, only if you add "sprite" to your animation it will show all objects properly so if you dont have any skins like i do in most anims then objects arent visible in palette.This bug occurs when you save project and open it agan, if you have even single "sprite" object then this bug doesnt occur.

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There is a bug in spriter if you dont use any "sprites" and only use "skins' , it doesnt show any objects in palette, only if you add "sprite" to your animation it will show all objects properly so if you dont have any skins like i do in most anims then objects arent visible in palette.This bug occurs when you save project and open it agan, if you have even single "sprite" object then this bug doesnt occur.

Is this is even if you have "show objects in current frame" checked?

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Yes i openeed my animations where i dont use sprites just skins, and i could not see objects in palette no matter what i did, only when i added skin or sprite i could see it but after adding skin and saving it and opening i cant see objects, i need to have at least one "sprite" in my animation , i think this is when object icon also shows up because when you have "skin" instead of sprite then icon doesnt show up in object palette.

This is how it looks like when i open file with skins only and check objects palette:



This is when i add single "sprite" , everything shows up in objects palette but only sprite have icon:



Its not a big issue for me cause i work around that but im just mentioning that it happens and not sure if its worth to fix this if skins are going to be totally rewritten.

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Couple new bugs. I'm still using R3 because of a copy/paste bug in R4 (I'll try to explain below).


Minor issues found:


- Rename an object in the Z-order panel. Once you rename one object, you cannot rename another. Seems to work fine in the Hierarchy window though.

- When attempting to draw boxes. I hold down the alt key and drag, however 99% of the time I don't see any outline of the box to visually show what I'm making. I end up having to "guess" the rough size blindly.

- If you drag & drop bones etc in the Hierarchy  to relocate them, quite often they "disappear" and you have to undo/redo to make them show up properly.


The copy/paste bug I've found in R4 is a bit tough to describe but I'll give it a shot:


- Create an entity with animations (not sure if certain number matters)

- Create a character map for that entity to visually create a new look 

- "Bake" that character map into a new entity

- Pick the first animation in the new baked entity and make some adjustments to the objects on their bones (move the images, but not the bones)

- Choose "lock bones", but leave sprites unlocked.

- Drag/select all the objects (with bones locked, they shouldn't get selected) and copy them.

- Go into the next animation.

- Again, lock bones, but not sprites

- Select all the sprites and delete. This should leave you with just the bones.

- Now, paste the sprites from the step above onto this same frame.

- It *should* then assign your newly adjusted sprites and lock them onto the bones.

- Now, repeat this copy/paste /delete process for several keyframes over several animations.


What I noticed is that after a while the SCML file becomes overloaded with "leftover" entries and eventually becomes so large that spriter will actually crash/hang trying to load the project.


I know, it's a weird set of steps and probably something someone shouldn't do, and might not be reproduced easily and for that I'm sorry; but hopefully it can lead into something.


It should be noted that I only found these steps to cause problems in R4 and seems to be fine in R3.



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Hi guys!

I have problem - when I delete all the keyframes and then drag element to add it - Spriter crashes.

I'm using newest free version and checked for updates, both full and beta releases.


Also, is there a way to stop looping the animation? There is a button "Repeat Playback", it doesn't seem to work though.



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Hi Zax37,


What OS are you running on, and what kind of "element" are you dragging onto the canvas, and from what palette?


The button to toggle whether or not the animation loops is for in the game, not for in Spriter.  If you want the animation to only play back once without looping in Spriter then right click on the play button instead of left click.




-Mike at BrashMonkey


Hi guys!

I have problem - when I delete all the keyframes and then drag element to add it - Spriter crashes.

I'm using newest free version and checked for updates, both full and beta releases.


Also, is there a way to stop looping the animation? There is a button "Repeat Playback", it doesn't seem to work though.



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Hey, so here's a bug:


Download https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/222489/spriter-project.zipthen select all keyframes and press delete, then drag any image to the scene => Boom! It crashes. Happens in all versions we tested.


And here's the bug in action: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/222489/spriterbug.mov




PS. Check out Crazy Kings ( www.wooga.com/games/crazykings/ ) - user Spriter for animations!

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Hey, so here's a bug:


Download https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/222489/spriter-project.zipthen select all keyframes and press delete, then drag any image to the scene => Boom! It crashes. Happens in all versions we tested.


And here's the bug in action: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/222489/spriterbug.mov




PS. Check out Crazy Kings ( www.wooga.com/games/crazykings/ ) - user Spriter for animations!


I downloaded the nixarn's example and I can confirm this is happening on my PC too. I'm using the current R4.1 version on windows 8.1.


All I can assume is that it's trying to modify data that was left behind from the previous images.


EDIT: I've narrowed it down. It only happens when there are absolutely no keyframes in the timeline. If you leave any keyframe, it will not happen. My guess is that it checks position 0 first (in an array or data structure?), but since there's no data to be parsed it'll freeze.


Best of luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello! I have installed SpriterR4_1 (the free version) on 64bit Lubuntu 15.04 but I'm getting the same error as weitnow. I do not have the steam version. To be exact, I get:

./Spriter: error while loading shared libraries: liblcms.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

That is whether I run it with sudo or without it. I have re-downloaded to make sure I have the updated version, but no luck there.

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Good day.


I just bought Spriter during the Steam summer sale and installed/opened it for the first time.  I'm seeing right away that the GUI needs to be updated for high DPI displays (see image below).  As you can see, the icons appear very small and hard to use, and some of the text is clipped. I'm guessing others may have pointed this out already but just wanted to make sure you guys got it. I've seen this problem quite a lot with other software too as many developers haven't caught up yet.  Adobe solved this for the Windows version of PhotoShop by having an option in the preferences to scale UI by 200%.  Worked out great.


I'm running Spriter on an Asus Zenbook UX303LN which crams a 3200x1800 resolution into a 13.3 screen.  I imagine Apple users are having a similar issue with their retina displays.


Thanks!  I'm looking forward to testing this software out.



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1. When I drag & drop an entity in a timeline, I can't change x & y position in the object properties anymore.


2. Sometimes deleting a frame of an object is not working.


3. When there is a sub-entity, the z-order pannel forgets some images.

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I'm using a MacBook Pro with Yosemite 10.10.3.


I'm getting regular crashes. These usually happen when I try and open a saved project. Sometimes I have to try 3 or 4 times or open a different project first. I'm not talking about a specific project - I've got quite a few on the go at the moment.

It also crashes when the mac is woken from sleep mode.


I've gotten used to it and frequently save, but any improvements would be much appreciated.


Thanks - Andy





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  • 3 weeks later...

Timeline Bugs:

  • Changing Tweening Mode: When choosing a custom easing curve, hitting ENTER will close the selection window and not apply the chosen easing curve to the keyframe (probably ENTER triggers the "cancel"-button in that window instead of the "apply"-button. (Might be desired behaviour, but IMHO very unintuitive.)


Editor Bugs:

  • Sub-Entities and RMB: Clicking a sub-entity with the RMB to call the context menu doesn't work. Instead, the sub-entity has to be selected and then void space has to be clicked with RMB to call the context menu. (Might be desired behaviour, but IMHO very unintuitive. Simply clicking with the RMB could still summon the context menu while clicking, holding and dragging the cursor down could "activate" the sub-entity's timeline gizmo.)
  • CTRL-copy and panning: When panning around the scene using MMB while CTRL is held, any items selected at that time are duplicated in place, even when the cursor is not hovering over them. (Highly annoying/confusing bug. I often use CTRL+Mousewheel to zoom faster and pan with the MMB. When accidentally CTRL is still held while panning, stuff gets duplicated left and right.)
  • Deleting frame 0: When the first keyframe at frame 0 of an animation is deleted (even with no sprites in the animation) and then a sprite is added to the animation, Spriter crashes. Also, if sprites are already in the scene and this frame gets deleted, Spriter crashes the next time a sprite is drawn into the animation.
  • Keyboard focus in text-boxes: Clicking the different text-boxes around the timeline is very inconsistent:
    • play speed: Clicking the number field of the play speed will just turn this button into a text field neither putting the cursor into it nor selecting the text to be overwritten. The user has to manually click into the text field and/or select the old value to overwrite. Clicking anywhere (e.g. on the canvas) will not set the number back to the "button" state, but will remain in "text field" state. Only once the cursor has been placed into the text field, clicking anywhere or ENTER resets the button to the button state. ESC does not escape from the text field.
    • name: Clicking the name field will turn this button into a text field, placing the cursor into the text field and immediately selecting all the text to be overwritten - Keyboard input can be done immediately. Clicking anywhere (e.g. on the canvas) will set the name field back to the "button" state. ESC does not escape from the text field.
    • current time: Clicking the current time field will turn this button into a text selecting the text to be overwritten (but not putting the cursor in the field). Even though the highlighted content suggests that you can already enter a value, the user still has to manually click into the text field and/or select the old value to overwrite. Clicking anywhere (e.g. on the canvas) will not set the number back to the "button" state, but will remain in "text field" state. Only once the cursor has been placed into the text field, clicking anywhere or ENTER resets the button to the button state. ESC does not escape from the text field.
    • length: Clicking the length field will turn this button into a text field, placing the cursor into the text field and immediately selecting all the text to be overwritten - Keyboard input can be done immediately. Clicking anywhere (e.g. on the canvas) does not set the length field back to the "button" state, but the appearing "apply" or "cancel" buttons have to be used. ESC does not escape from the text field.
    • Overall, I find these inconsistencies to be highly annoying and constantly find myself jumping through keyframes or locking/unlocking sprites and bones when actually I wanted to enter a numerical value into one of the fields that suggested I could to so.


Z-Order panel bugs:

  • Z-order and sub-entities: When using a sub-entity in an animation, whenever jumping backwards through the keyframes using button "1" or the timeline play controls (even if there is only one keyframe), the z-order-panel will show the sub-entity's internal z-order. When jumping forward using button "2" or the timeline play controls, the real animation's z-order is displayed. When using several subentities, jumping backward through keyframes will always bring up the sub-entity's internal z-order that has been added last. Jumping forward still shows the real animation's z-order.
  • Renaming z-order-panel items: After renaming an item in the z-order panel, the other items in the panel can't be renamed (double-clicking will not activate the renaming). The only way to make them renamable again seems to be to switch to another animation (or create a new one) and then switch back. When coming back to the original animation, one more item in the z-order-panel can be renamed, then it's locked up again. Furthermore, this siwtching animations back and forth only seems to help when switching to a different animation than the one working on. Cloning an animation, switching to the clone and then back to the animation will not make the other items renamable again. (Though the more you click back and forth, the more confusing the results seem to get.)
  • Deleting items and readding them: When deleting an item and then readding it, still a _000 is appended to the name. Similarly, if deleting that sprite and readding it, it will be called sprite_001 and so on. The counters are reset when the animation is deleted though, starting to count the items properly again.



More  bugs:

  • I saw a lot more weird bugs while messing around with all the stuff, but those I could not easily reproduce (the ones above are 100% reproducible though):
  • Items getting undeletable when they had been deleted from the first keyframe, but still appeared in later keyframes - often their loc/rot/scale would also get messed up by deleting their copy in the first keyframe.
  • Scaling-gizmos of bones (the three white dots) not staying in place, but moving about the screen by a constant offset every time another keyframe was displayed.
  • Same thing happening to sprites.
  • Sometimes, all handling gizmos of sprites would not show, though the selection frame would show. Sometimes, zooming out far would solve that problem and bring them back, most often not though.
  • Crashing when adding subentities containing subentities (but not all of them and not consistently).
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Deleting an image from a canvas that is not use elsewhere doesn't delete from the folder tag in the scml everytime.

I wonder if this occurs when I set the pivot of the file but I'm not sure. So the image could be only deleted from the scml when using a default pivot ?

EDIT: my theory about the default pivot is wrong so I guess the problem occurs randomly?

EDIT 2 : but when I delete the files from the folder, it is now also removing from the folder tag in the scml. So this last one works.

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Hey there,

Currently just installed Spriter Pro via Steam for the first time on my mid 2014 15" Macbook Pro with Retina Display and when creating a project, the entire viewing area is black and is unable to be changed to any colour. Objects are still able to be added into the scene but will not display. It appears that the Steam Overlay when called up would result in it appearing in the viewfinder but not actually being functional. Turning this off effects nothing. Also getting an "Unexpectedly Quit" error whenever quitting the application. Thanks for any help and have a good one!

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