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Everything posted by RunnerPack

  1. Actually, I can't do that, as I (thought I had) explained.
  2. I think you already hit the nail on the head. Just have a "laser hitting" animation where it disappears, and a "laser starting" animation, which you can start at the point of impact, rotated to the correct angle of incidence. If they're the same length, it would appear to be a single laser bouncing off the surface. You could even use the same starting animation for the laser initially being fired from the source.
  3. I use my HOSTS file to block ads, but I went to the URL for one of the images (for which I had to view the page source, thanks to the ever-so-helpful "lightbox" <- sarcasm), and I was able to see the image just fine - although it redirected to a webpage, rather than just taking me to the image itself. Even if I am the only one unable to see them, it just makes more sense to attach the image directly to the post. If the link ever breaks, no one will be able to see them, and the post - maybe the entire thread - becomes practically useless.
  4. Am I the only one who can't see any of ruberboy's images?
  5. Here's one that will be hard to answer and will need to be updated soon and often: #) Which programming environments and game development systems currently support Spriter animations? Unity Construct 2 Flash etc.
  6. AFAIK, there are currently two ways to achieve this: 1. Export once with "Trim rect to animation" set, find out what the resulting frame size is, calculate what percentage of your desired size that is, and then re-export with the "Output scale" set to that percentage. 2. Export at 100%, then use an external utility, such as IrfanView or ImageMagick, to batch-resize the resulting images. Note: I have the Pro version, so I'm not sure if all of the above features are available in the free version.
  7. Actually, that explanation was quite clear; thank you! I had always thought of "sprite" as referring to all of the graphics and animation data that made up a character in a game, not each individual image, but the way you put it does make more sense. I can think of two other contexts where your description holds true: "Sprite sheets" which are just that: a sheet filled with individual frames of various animations, and the older 8- and 16-bit game systems which had hardware capable of a certain number of simultaneous, on-screen "sprites" (although they are often named something else by the developers, such as "objects" in the case of most Nintendo® systems).
  8. Well, here's the thing... In the Spriter interface, when I click one of the things I included under my definition of "object", there's a panel to the left called "Object Properties" that shows the position, scale, etc. of said thing. Also, there are buttons on the top toolbar for showing and locking both "Bones" and "Sprites"; "sprites" referring to the images you drag over from the tree on the right. This would seem to indicate that "sprites" consist of "entities", which contain "animations", which are made of... "sprites"! :???: Maybe a little more consistency in the interface would clear up some confusion on the parts of myself and - more importantly - new users.
  9. Thanks, Mike. I was hoping for something a little more generic, so I could write about the technology itself, rather than the specific Spriter implementation, but those are useful, too. BTW, let me see if I have the definitions of your terms right: "Spriter character" = A uniquely identifiable person, animal, or thing, represented by at least one "entity". "...entity" = A collection of associated "animations", usually, but not always, belonging to a single "character" "...animation" = A single time-line controlling a group of "objects" "...object" = One of the images, bones, rectangles, or points that are manipulated over time to create an animation How'd I do?
  10. Hi, Spriter team and community, I'm in the middle of writing an email to a friend, and I just realized I have no idea what to call the output of Spriter to differentiate it from other kinds of "sprites". Is there an official name or phrase for these besides the somewhat clunky-sounding "Spriter sprites"? Going by the blurb on the main Spriter page, I would assume it's "modular sprites", but I've never seen that actual phrase used anywhere. I was thinking something like "skeletal sprites", but that sounds more like something that's not finished yet, like the early stages of a sprite. Besides, not all "Modular sprites" use bones... Also, I'm not sure if we need to differentiate from the output of similar tools, like Spine, or just use a generic phrase that covers the whole concept, then differentiate using "Spriter <phrase>" vs. "Spine <phrase>" etc. Anyone want to weigh in on this one? Mike? Edgar?
  11. Have you watched any or all of their YouTube videos? I can't recreate your problem, locally. The only time it changes an image for the whole animation is when I change it on the first (key) frame, and there are no other keyframes to change it to another image, which is the correct behavior. Have you tried moving the play head somewhere else on the timeline, then changing the image? This should set a keyframe at that location which displays the new image (until it gets changed later by a subsequent keyframe, or the animation loops back to the beginning).
  12. You could also check the "Last Modified" date of the files.
  13. I know what it's like to want to keep a code-base to oneself until it's "finished", but, since you're planning on opening the source, anyway, it would be cool if Edgar would post it to, e.g. github. Besides the many benefits of keeping your code in a git repo, you'd also enable the community to help catch bugs, which could be reported directly through github itself. It could even be forked, to allow the community to help squash said bugs, as well as generally contribute to the code, resulting in faster, parallel development both of the main, "generic" branch, and of specific branches for other languages/environments. You could even use the github Wiki feature to post the documentation, which could then be collaboratively developed, as well. One of the best results, though, would be the motivating factor of not having to "go it alone". (Now, everybody "like" this post and reply to show the BrashMonkey guys that you think it's a good idea! ;))
  14. Use the "Instant" animation curve. Just right-click on the white key-frame marker, and pick instant from the little pop-up menu.
  15. In case you don't want to watch a video, here's a text description of what to do: 1. Paste the video's URL into the forum editor. 2. Put your text cursor somewhere in the URL text. 3. Click the "Unlink" button in the editor tool-bar to make it plain text. Here, Opera users like myself seem to have a (dubious) advantage, since pasted links don't seem to become clickable automatically ;)
  16. I don't have an answer for your "tearing" problem (since I don't even know what that means), but I do have a comment on your beat-em-up character. Because his feet are moving, it sort of makes him look like he's floating, or maybe standing on a trampoline. You should lock the feet in one place, and move the rest of the body around them, to give him a sense of weight and stability. You did a great job on the art and movement, otherwise, though.
  17. Thanks for the update, Edgar. I would like to echo Karim's congratulations and wishes for a happy 2015 to the BrashMonkey team, and also to my fellow Spriter users. I would also like to add how much I am looking forward to a complete, working, reference implementation. My target language/environment is not widely used, so I figure, if I want to see a Spriter implementation, I'm going to have to write/port it myself. Trying to hit a moving target hasn't been working out, so far ;)
  18. For lip-sync (to actual words; not sure about "beats") just get Papagayo. Spriter has import support built-in. All you need are a handful of faces/mouths for each character, and you should be all set. Be sure to watch the YouTube tutorial about it, though. EDIT: Thanks for posting the relevant video, Mike!
  19. It's in milliseconds, so 1000.
  20. I, too, am digging the new forum software, in general, but I've come across a few (possible) bugs: 1. I don't have permission to view attachments. 2. I tried searching the forums for "lua" (no quotes), and it refused to perform the search. I know you want to reduce server load, but there are lots of useful search terms – like "lua" – that are "4 characters or fewer". At the very least, some exceptions should be made.
  21. (Insert standard firm but gentle reminder to use the search function, here ;)) Actually, this one was only about a dozen threads down when you posted yours, and the subject line is practically identical... viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15844
  22. "Stickies" are sticky for a reason, dude ;) viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12569
  23. Great job on the sprites! The game looks pretty fun, too.
  24. Yay, I win! (Win 7 64-bit) :D j/k Seriously, though... Actually, Spriter already supports JSON, by exporting a .scon file. You might also be interested in this thread. (BTW, Mike/Edgar... what does the "C" in SCML/SCON stand for? "Character"?)
  25. tombmonkey mentioned on another thread that he lost all his Spriter projects in a harddrive crash, and the sendspace links also seem to be down, so I figured I would put the ones I saved in my Dropbox and post the links here. @tombmonkey: if you have a problem with this, just let me know (or the admins can just delete or edit the post if necessary, of course). Leaf Girl "Leafy" enemy Mantis Girl
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