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About imarge warping - deformation


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Hello everyone,


I am a new happy user of Spriter Pro !

I bought it because I heard that it allows image warping like for example make a cape blow in the wind.

Officially , brashmonkey sais that this feature will come later in some videos.

But I saw some animation samples for users that claim that deformation exists at some extend.

If so, where are the commands for it? Is it perhaps in the "unstable" version of the software?

If yes, I installed the stable one, how do I switch to the other one?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hi Speed,


May I ask from where you heard it supported the feature? We do our best to point out that feature is not yet officially supported, and to warn people against using the current place-holder (proof of concept) skin-mode.  If there's somewhere on our site or forums that's misleading we'd definitely like to change it.

Also, apologies to all again for the continued delay.


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7 hours ago, BrashAdmin said:

Hi Speed,


May I ask from where you heard it supported the feature? We do our best to point out that feature is not yet officially supported, and to warn people against using the current place-holder (proof of concept) skin-mode.  If there's somewhere on our site or forums that's misleading we'd definitely like to change it.

Also, apologies to all again for the continued delay.


I was hired by a client who uses construct and wanted me to make the animations in Spriter. He showed me a video with a cat that had a cape which looked like

deform animation, and told me that he is almost certain Spriter has the deform feature. So, this is it...

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19 hours ago, Speed said:

I was hired by a client who uses construct and wanted me to make the animations in Spriter. He showed me a video with a cat that had a cape which looked like

deform animation, and told me that he is almost certain Spriter has the deform feature. So, this is it...

Ah, that explains it. Your client made an error in his assessment. that's from one of my Platformer Art Packs and the cape uses image swapping to look more lively and fluid while being rotated to follow the character movement.


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  • 4 weeks later...

You can use deformation the way Bwwd posted. But the problem is that it could kill your work, or generate bugs. It's not official and not stable.

While we get proper deformation on stable releases you can use a workaround. Split the target (deformable object) into pieces (different images).

Then you can use an extra bone(s) for the deformation of this different pieces. for example if you deform a torso, you can split it in various part (pectoral, abs, etc) or different pieces of cloth and then using size on the pieces or a bone deform them. Of course its not the same as skin deform, but better than anything.


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I just wanted to add that im using deformation in spriter for a year now and it never killed my work, i had some problems but i save quite often and didnt realy had to give up or start all over, this feature has some quirks but its possible to work with it.Maybe it hangs more often on other systems/computers, but i have 2 windows PC's and spriter works equaly well on both.I just think that discouraging users from using that feature is weird, because i still remember how big of a deal it was for me when i bought spriter, today there still is no software that lets you animate deformations with such ease and price tag especially compared to other software like spine.There is also blender but it has painful workflow when working with cutouts. 

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  • 3 months later...

Is this feature still actively being worked on, it seems years since it was first proposed as 'coming soon' on the pro's list of features. I've been holding off buying spriter for just as long. I noticed there is a plugin for Blender to do deformation 2d sprite animation now.

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The deforming features and many other advanced features will be part of Spriter 2, which is in very early development, and will be a free upgrade for Spriter Pro owners. The release date is not determined, so if you need a reliable deform feature, especially with run-time support, then you should definitely use a different tool for now.

As bwwd has mentioned, if you're exporting finished animations as sequential images, the current, incomplete "skin mode" can be useful, but has bugs which won't be fixed.

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  • 1 month later...

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