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Spriter B5 Bug Thread


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I'm finding myself unable to delete the first animation in my animation set. I can delete any of the others without issue but the first one always just sticks around. I'm able to work around this by opening the file in a text editor, manually deleting the animation and reordering the remaining animations but it's a bit of a tedious process.

Some features that would be very nice to have in the future:

-The ability to toggle layer visibility.

-The ability to reorder your working set of animations.

Really enjoying working with the tool so far. Keep up the great work.

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I had some time to play around with Spriter, and found the following:

A. To test some things, I was setting up the hierarchy of a cat-character (top image), and suddenly I noticed that some of my sprites didn't want to be attached to bones (while most do so perfectly well). So I get the following:


I select one or multiple sprites from the hierarchy pane, and drag-and-drop them onto the corresponding bone (Bottom row, first image). This seems to work nicely (Bottom row, second image). However, if I click the main panel (or re-open the scml file), the sprites are 'thrown' back to their original place (Bottom row, thirds image).

B. When setting up the character I also found that the following occurs when you use (too many?) sub-folders. I have the following file-hierarchy (sorry, the names are in Dutch): The leg folder (Benen) has two sub-folders: Links (left) and Right (rechts). These too have two sub-folders: Voor (front) and Achter (back). Each of these folders have both sprites and a sub-folder containing the sprites for each foot (Voet).


Now, when I select one of the sprites from a foot in the main panel (image below, red outline shows its position in the palette pane), and right-click on it. Rather than getting a selection of its siblings in its own sub-folder (Voet), I get to select from the sprites in the parent-folder (Voor).


C. A VERY minor thing I noticed: I have a number of sprites in my work-folder (let's say: head, eyes, nose, mouth, neck, chest). I then opened Spriter to create a new project, and directed the application to this folder. The sprites will show up nicely in the palette. I then - while the application is open - start to organize my folder, and I create two subfolders (head and body), and place 'head, eyes, nose, mouth' in the head folder, and 'neck, chest' in the body folder. Spriter will now update the palette live. However, since the sub-folder 'head' and the sprite 'head' shared the same name, the subfolder will get the head-sprite as its icon. Until I restart Spriter of course.

D. Also - and I think I already mentioned this one, but am a bit to lazy to check my previous post - changing the Z-order using the keyboard in the main panel is live, doing the same when the z-order-panel is active is not; and the Z-order will not update (neither in the list, nor in the main panel) until the main panel is selected.

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Can't move the keyframe. When deleting it, Spriter crashes.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/27681596/Spriter/KeyframeBug_b5.zip (and where does that weird looking Right.scml_000.png come from?)

Some minor issues:

  • [*:3c043pm8]Stuff still seems to disappear from the hierarchy. Selecting the object elsewhere makes it pop up again.
    [*:3c043pm8]Parenting in the hierarchy sometimes doesn't work
    [*:3c043pm8]Images look very blurry in the main window.

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Hi Pfaeff,

http://www.brashmonkeygames.com/brashmo ... Bug_b5.zip

I moved the key frame to 0 in the time line by multiselecting the objects individual keyframes and dragging them to the beginning of the time line...Obviously it should work just by dragging the main keyframe...Edgar will look into the issue when he gets a chance.

Well try and look into the other bugs, but can you describe a step by stem way to reproduce these errors so we can examine them more closely?

About the blurry thing..This is normal image filtering when stretching or rotating an image. Some time after version 1.0 of Spriter is released we'll be adding a pixel-art friendly mode with will use non-filtered scaling etc, and not allow partial pixel coordinates etc.

PS. Ay particular reason uyou have a bone for the sword? I'd normall assign the sword to the hand bone....and also set the pivot point for the sword image where it centers in the hand...that way, not only would the sword move naturally with the arm and hand, but you could still naturally rotate it i nthe hand. The bone seems redundant to me.


Mike at BrashMonkey

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Thank you very much. (btw when deleting the keyframe in the project you provided, it still crashes for some reason)

Those other bugs happen to me all the time. When I parent an image to a bone, most of the time, that will make some (sometimes a lot of) objects in the hierarchy disappear.


They reappear after being selected in the main window.

The filtering looks kinda weird in the editor. It looks right when rendered out, but the image in the editor looks very strange to me. If this is due to optimization, it would be cool if the "high res" filter could be used when the animation is not running. A preview that looks like the final result would be cool, too. This is what I mean:


PS. You are right about the sword. I haven't started to actually animate anything, or I would have noticed :).

btw: what about that Right.scml_000.png thing?

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I have a feature request that may seem a little strange at first, but let me explain. I would really like the ability to set and lock the pivots on the individual pieces at a global level for an entire character. The reason for this is that for the atlasing package we're using (Unity and 2D Toolkit) batching will break if you do a non uniform scale on the transform of the object. It's easy enough to take the curves and apply them to the built in scale component on the sprite but the pivot point can't be set on a per object basis, it can only be set a single time in the atlas. I believe that this limitation applies to most, if not all, atlasing solutions. We've already had a few times where a pivot got moved by accident during an animation and we've had to go back in and redo chunks of it so that the character would show up correctly on import. It would be very handy to have a way to set and lock the pivots so that this can't happen by accident.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I found something weird with scml file, my file have a strange value a="nan", which I assume is special value "Not a Number". Is that considered a bug? I can still open it normally with Spriter B5 though, but it may cause a problem for coder/game devs when they try to use it in game.

I attached the file in case you want to look into it. You can find a="nan" at line 517 and 520.

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  • 1 month later...

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