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version B1 bug/crash report thread (and daily Win32 builds)


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ok cool for daily build installation

So i spoke about spriter B1 before any daily build i guess (or the one from 08/04)

"I'm not totally clear on what you mean with the question. If I understand you correctly, you're trying to move one part, but the other parts are being tweened? if so you can just copy the whole frame (diamond key) to the new position, and then move the body part"

I wanted to keep one part at the same position and the other parts of the body are still in motion.

I want the guy to turn his head and move the arms but then he stops his head, but his arms are not stopped he still moves them so it's not like he's frozen but he still doesnt move his head.

Well i found a way, you expand the timeline, (i didnt know this) and you remove the keyframe for each part you want to keep in motion, but it can become annoying with a lot of body parts.

About the smoothing png, there is a box that can't be checked i guess.

PS : a "bug" when you export to png and create a new folder in this window, the new folder doesn't appear, until you reload the export to png window

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Not sure if I'm doing anything stupid, but I downloaded the latest setup file, and getting this error when I try to install

"The program can't start because QtOpenGL4.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Hey Spriter crew

thanks for the quick replies :D

no for the fun part...i have and animation where i want to copy past the keys down my extended timeline, but when i past the keys out it "forgets" some of my graphics and im left with a not usable animation...

See attaced pngs




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Hey Spriter crew

thanks for the quick replies :D

no for the fun part...i have and animation where i want to copy past the keys down my extended timeline, but when i past the keys out it "forgets" some of my graphics and im left with a not usable animation...

See attaced pngs


can you please send me that project folder zipped. I keep hearing about copy paste problems, but it's not happening to me

also, that looks fantastic

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Hey guys im new here and i really like Spriter. But i want to try the newest daily builds but i keep getting the error , "The program can't start because QtOpenGL4.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.".

Now am i supposed to have the latest B1? because i installed that and i still get that error. :( Any help would be gladly appreciated thanks!

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Finally, got an update. Sorry for the slowness everyone. Aside from the copy/paste bugs being deeper than I originally thought, we've also still been working on getting ready to send you your serial keys and some other business related aspects.

4/27/2013 19:13

    [*:ymgskyn5]fixed a number of copy paste bugs, including crashes, things not copy pasting as expected, boned objects shifting on paste, zorder not pasting as copied, etc, etc.

I haven't had much time to test this beyond a cursory test, so please report everything you find. Things are mostly done business side now, so there shouldn't be another delay like this between the semi daily builds. Thanks to everyone testing and reporting

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in the next few days BigJDTec, less than 5. I just want to make sure this really did fix the problems

4/28/2013 13:23

added back in some shortcuts:

    [*:ln920k4c]ctrl up down - move a single selected sprite up or down one position in the zorder
    [*:ln920k4c]ctrl left right - move a single selected sprite to the bottom or top of zorder
    [*:ln920k4c]ctrl space and ctrl alt space to zoom in or out when using a stylus, trackball, or mouse with no wheel

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