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Mike at BrashMonkey

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Everything posted by Mike at BrashMonkey

  1. This means you either did not get it from our store, in which case you need to find out/remember where you got it from, because that will change how you access the alpha of Spriter 2, or, you did get it from our store, BUT you missed the messages and emails a long time ago when we migrated to this new forum and store system. Do you remember which email of yours is associated with the actual purchase? (maybe the email address you has assigned to your paypal account at the time)
  2. Yes, make sure you are logged into your steam account which owns Spriter in a browser (not the Steam client program), and then go here: https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/332360/discussions/1/2274827383917696444/
  3. Sorry that at the moment we can't offer any first part support for the Unity run-time or importer. We'll try to resolve that as soon as we can, but it might not happen until after the next few Spriter update builds are released. In the meantime, can you confirm you're using SpriterDotNet.Unity with the latest build of Unit and it's mostly working, but you can't find the way to completely pause animations?
  4. Hi thegodo. Unfortunately not yet. I know other Construct 3 users have contacted Scirra to appeal to them to update the C3 sdk soon, but we've not heard back from Scirra themselves about it.We'll contact them again soon if we don't hear back in the next few business days. Thanks for your patience, it's frustrating for us to. Not only do we want to provide excellent value and service to C3 users, but I'm also using it with Spriter myself f or several personal projects.
  5. Hi thegodo, sorry for the inconvenience. 'a dead end'road' is a colorful expression, but unfortunately not very clear in this context. Does it mean the link to the page itself is blocked or broken for you, or that the download link on the page is broken for you or something else? Did you but Spriter Pro of the Spriter 2 pre-order from us directly, or did you get it by some other means like the scirra store, the Click store, Steam, etc? If you purchased it here, and are logged into the forums with the account that purchased it, then the link should work for you. Hopefully we can figure it out and resolve it for you ASAP.
  6. You mean for Spriter or Spriter 2? It's too soon to start making tutorials for Sprite 2, but I'll start making them as soon as possible. I'll also consider making a udemy course. Thanks very much for the suggestion.
  7. Have you gone through the example capx and tried to analyze it? Did you try importing your own spriter object into a construct project and then apply a character map? I think you think it's more complicated than it is and it's throwing you off. You don't need to use local storage or list boxes or anything else. If you want the game to switch your character's sword, you just create the character map in the spriter project that switches the sword image and then in construct use the action to append the character map and type in the name of the character map.
  8. email mail@brashmonkey.com with a screengrab proving your purchase on Steam and the exact price you paid and I can give you a coupon code to deduct that exact amount from the price of the of the non Steam version here on our store. This way, if you paid full price on Steam, you'll get the non Steam version for free.
  9. that's not impossible, but we can't promise it because the feature and data formats are so different. We're definitely considering it and weighing how possible it is though.
  10. Sorry, Spriter was more based on traditional frame by frame animation creation and a limitation if this approach is as you experienced, easing only happens from one key to another. Spriter 2 will allow separate easing for any attributes of any objects and across frames.
  11. 1 is the way Spriter is intended to work. Spriter 2 will allow for separate easing curves for different attributes of the same or different objects. 2 This is a minor bug, batch exporting only exports frames, not sound, so the sound is being triggered as Spriter makes it's way through the animation to export frames becasue sound was not considered when making the export feature. 3 I've never seen this issue before. Hopefully if it happens again you'll be able to figure out the cause and way to avoid it. Spriter is not being actively developed becasue Edgar is working hard to get Spriter 2 (which will be a free upgrade) up and usable as quickly as possible.
  12. I guess I misunderstood your original question, and I think I still do, are you trying to make animations in a different program and convert the animation to Spriter format after the fact? I guess referencing the open source spriter run-times will help you understand the data format, and you can post the resulting spriter file that is broken and someone might be able to tell you what is wrong with the conversion.
  13. The file formats are completely different between Sprite and Spriter 2, and so are almost every aspect of the way images are manipulated and displayed. It's not impossible that we will make an importer or converter, but definitely don't count on that happening for sure. There will be lots of tutorials for using Spriter 2, but it's too soon for that because even the core features are not fully implemented yet, and character maps will come after that. It's impossible to say how soon and which Alchemist features will appear. We plan for all of them to eventually become available, but since the Kickstarter did not meat its goal it will take longer than it would have. Please keep an eye out for our update posts and update builds for Spriter 2 roughly every two weeks .
  14. Yes, Spriter was designed to animate one character at a time, especially for games. You'd need to script multiple characters interacting, environments etc in the game engine for best results. Spriter 2 will likely end up much more capable and flexible for animating entire scenes.
  15. how is this related to Spriter? This seems like a Phaser question.
  16. Sorry, he's trying to wrap up the new Spriter 2 alpha build (which got delayed... he's hoping to release it today) and updating the Construct 3 plugin will be his first task once it's out.
  17. Absolutely, Unity will always be among the fastest updated and supported directly by us for Spriter 2. Yes, Spine has first party support for many engines and has mesh deforming features, these are two major issues Soriter 2 will address. Thanks very much for the support and thoughtful post.
  18. Please keep an eye out for the update notes and new builds every 2 weeks. The next few builds should get the three core features (bones, 'pins', and 'strokes') in and working together, and things should pick up momentum from then on. Our goal is to get all the core features in and working nicely as quickly as possible. Estimates are dangerous and nearly always wrong. The best way to assess progress is to keep an eye on the update build releases.
  19. All Spriter Pro owners have access to the Spriter 2 alpha builds which are now updated on a roughly 2 week schedule. We're really sorry for all the long delays to this point and are developing it as fast as we can while simultaneously making sure we don't rush any aspect of it's data format or code base in a way that would cripple it's development in the future. There should be an update any moment now with information on what's currently being worked on and a new build shortly after that. We're doing our best to provide frequent update builds and progress reports as we work towards getting all the core features fully functionally and tied in with each other and the required UI as soon as we can. We have big plans for features and expansions well beyond the release of version 1.0, which is a big part of why it took us so long to get to this point (making sure the core code and data format are future-proof and will easily support the more advanced features we plan down the line.)
  20. I have a suspicion it's a NW.js issue and it's becasue your png images are pure black and white. Try replacing them with full 24 bit pngs with color data and see if they then appear correctly in the NW.JS exported version.
  21. Unfortunately there's no such thing as avoiding problems an any OS, especially Linux as there are so many variations that people continue to use. Also, [please keep in mind even the Mac represents a tiny percent of our user base or purchases, but requires equal time for customer support and bug fixes, Linux is even more so that case. The only possible way for a small business to support Linux is to support only the most commonly supported Linux distro.. in our case, we would only target support for the same exact distro of Linux which Steam requires, since our products are also on Steam. The Windows version of any product which exists across many platforms is typically going to be the best supported, becasue it produces the most revenue to keep the developers alive and it gets the most through testing from the multitude higher number of users so the best bug-reporting.
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