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Windows 64-bits : Crash when export GIF


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Hi everyone,


My friend has just offer to me Spriter and I tried a quick little thing to try the export... And... I have a problem with the Export. When I try to export in GIF, Spriter crash. 


- I've already try to reinstall it with the version on the website (because I had a "old" demo, I was thinking that the bug was from that). 


- I'm on windows 64bits and have download the correct version of them. 


- The picture I try to export is only 237x230pixels.


- Here is a screenshot of the problem : http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/44/1445959191-problem.png

(The screenshot is 1266*725px, so I think he is too large for the forum)



Thanks by advance and sorry for my english. ^^'

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Thanks for you answers ! :)


Note : 

I've tried something else. The only thing that differenciate a FR computer from a EN computer is the accent that could be included in the name of the session. And indead, when I install Spriter in the file "Public", there is no problem. Maybe you could fix this on the hardware ? (I don't know if it's possible) If not, no problem, but it's too bad (I've already try to rename my computer but I think that it's impossible). 


So ! Problem solve ! 



Here is the explication in French for those who will search on the forum if they have the same problem than me : 


- Si l'exportation .GIF ne fonctionne pas il se peut que le problème vienne du nom de votre session d'ordinateur. Si celle-ci comporte un accent, préférez installer Spriter sur C:\Users\Public . Il faut également exporter le fichier .GIF dans un dossier qui se trouvera sur cette même session public.



I hope that the problem could be solve with an update of Spriter because it's not really "ergonomic". ^^'

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I'm glad you found a solution, but I don't quite understand.


Are you saying if Spriter itself is installed in a folder who's name uses a French character, like a letter with a little symbol over it, that Spriter will crash when exporting animations, but if Spriter is installed in a folder which only uses English used standard letters, Spriter will not crash when exporting animations?



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OK, Thanks..


But is this the foldr you installed Spriter into, or the folder you created for your Spriter project, to hold the images and the scml file?  I assume the problem occurs when your folder with your images and scml file includes one of these characters, is this correct?


thanks again.

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If fact, the problem comes both from the file in which Spriter is install and where the project is created and exported. No files has to contain of accent (from what I can observe, I tried several options to verify from where exactly comes the bug). Even the name of the exported file mustn't contain any accent. :)

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