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Questions about Spriters future and features.


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I only knew spine before founding out about spriter, frankly with all the recent pixel art support(B8), and the general style of things, spriter seems a lot more artists and not industry focused that spine, giving it an edge.

I wanted to know however if you guys plan implementing prime spine features like using meshes, free form deformation and bounding boxes for physics. These to me where the prime features that make spine useful, other things like defining curves in the animation or the timing i guess are a given.

Also it would be cool if in the future you guys could include a fbx export.(not sure how hard that would be)

Sometimes 2D is usefull in 3D.

Since spine and spriter talk different languages those features would be important, I would also look forward to a working unity plugin that i read about around the forums, but i also read that you guys will look to make spriter compat. with most engines later on so no worries there.

I wouldn't mind waiting for the above features, if they will come eventually.

Just the spixel art features and recent focus already makes it a good editor for me.

Thanks for any response.

Great job so far.

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Welcome Kiori,

Thanks much for the kind words.

There will indeed eventually be a very flexible (no pun intended) deforming system, and there is already a collision rectangle feature.

Edgar is working simultaneously on some nice new features and full data format documentation and full example code in C++. Once this is done it should be very fast and easy for developers to create full Spriter support for just about any modern authoring system...and we'll help them as much as possible as needed.


Mike at BrashMonkey

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Hi Kiori,

We fix all bugs as soon as we can once they're reported, but Edgar and I predominantly use PC (Windows based), so all new features and bug fixes start there. This means while all features and even platform specific bugs will all be fixes, PC is likely to always be the version to occasionally get new features and bug fixes slightly sooner than the other platforms.

Similarly, because Mac and Linux represent fewer users, that means it might take longer for platform specific bugs to be discovered and properly reported to us in a manner that we can reproduce and fix it quickly.


Mike at BrashMonkey

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  • 3 months later...

Hmm, I understand the nature of PC and Macs, you I guess something to consider is that most artistic types (people who are going to be using software such as Spriter) are most likely on a Mac. Is there an updated dev list that can add some transparency on the roadmap and progress of development?

I just purchased Pro to support you guys in hopes that my contribution can help expedite the time table for v1 release.

Lastly, do you have any idea what the final export format will be (I read that it may change)? SXML seems to be counter against current market trends to merge to a common serialization of data (ie. JSON).

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Hmm, I understand the nature of PC and Macs, you I guess something to consider is that most artistic types (people who are going to be using software such as Spriter) are most likely on a Mac.

You must be on a Mac to come up with that opinion.

Here is a link to a recent poll conducted on Thea Renders forum, a site full of very artistic types, showing preferred OS's.


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Yay, I win! (Win 7 64-bit) :D j/k

Seriously, though...

[sCML] seems to be counter against current market trends to merge to a common serialization of data (ie. JSON).

Actually, Spriter already supports JSON, by exporting a .scon file. You might also be interested in this thread.

(BTW, Mike/Edgar... what does the "C" in SCML/SCON stand for? "Character"?)

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