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  1. These are some animation I've been working on in Spriter. I may post more... *Update* I changed the running sprite a bit.
  2. Im making this topic because i'm having trouble whenever I try to load a sprite. Right before loading a sprite, the main screen gets totally white, but when I try to put a sprite on it, it starts to flash an it gets impossible to see anything. Thanks for reading.
  3. Hey guys - I'm making an animation for practice and I have a character, 3/4 view with eyes as a separate bone on the head. How can I get them to blink and become small properly? I've tried scaling but it looks really odd and skews them rather than shuts them. I'm really new to spriter so this might seem dumb but I'm having trouble finding answers for my specific problem on the youtube channel or forums. Can someone help me? This is what I mean: http://1drv.ms/1W3J31M Thank you!
  4. Hi everyone! My main question: has anyone experience in crosscompiling the runtime to JS by GWT with gradle? I have a class, SpriterScreen, which I pasted below. In the class I put more/less the content of one of trixt0r's testclasses,com.brashmonkey.spriter.tests.backend.LibGdxTest, for the libGdx runtime. I had refactor it to fit in a Screen. When I want to crosscompile this class with GWT by the gradle-Task gradlew html:sperdev I get compiler errors. I copied them below the origination class. package net.systemexklusive.site.app.screens;import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;import com.badlogic.gdx.Screen;import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle;import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.GL20;import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.OrthographicCamera;import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Sprite;import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.SpriteBatch;import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.glutils.ShapeRenderer;import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Data;import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Drawer;import com.brashmonkey.spriter.Player;import com.brashmonkey.spriter.SCMLReader;import com.brashmonkey.spriter.libGdx.LibGdxDrawer;import com.brashmonkey.spriter.libGdx.LibGdxLoader;import net.systemexklusive.site.SysExApp;/* Error is in the show-method */public class SpriterScreen implements Screen {Player player;ShapeRenderer renderer;SpriteBatch batch;Drawer<Sprite> drawer;LibGdxLoader loader;OrthographicCamera cam;@Overridepublic void show() {cam = new OrthographicCamera();cam.zoom = 1f;renderer = new ShapeRenderer();batch = new SpriteBatch();FileHandle handle = Gdx.files.internal("monster/basic_002.scml");Data data = new SCMLReader(handle.read()).getData();loader = new LibGdxLoader(data);/* ---- The line below is responsible for the crosscompiler Error --- */loader.load(handle.file());drawer = new LibGdxDrawer(loader, batch, renderer);player = new Player(data.getEntity(0));}@Overridepublic void render(float delta) {}@Overridepublic void resize(int width, int height) {cam.setToOrtho(false, Gdx.graphics.getWidth(), Gdx.graphics.getHeight());cam.position.set(0, 0, 0f);cam.update();renderer.setProjectionMatrix(cam.combined);batch.setProjectionMatrix(cam.combined);}@Overridepublic void pause() {}@Overridepublic void resume() {}@Overridepublic void hide() {}@Overridepublic void dispose() {renderer.dispose();loader.dispose();}} Here is a snippet of the console out triggered by 'gradlew html:superDev' 17:25:28.124 [QUIET] [system.out] Compiling module net.systemexklusive.site.GdxDefinitionSuperdev17:25:30.789 [QUIET] [system.out] Validating units:17:25:30.790 [QUIET] [system.out] Ignored 2 units with compilation errors in first pass.Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors.17:25:32.755 [QUIET] [system.out] D:\coding\libGdx\IdeaProjects\SysExSiteGame\html\.17:25:32.755 [QUIET] [system.out] ../android/assets17:25:32.758 [QUIET] [system.out] Copying resources from ../android/assets to war/17:25:32.759 [QUIET] [system.out] D:\coding\libGdx\IdeaProjects\SysExSiteGame\html\..\android\assets17:25:32.759 [QUIET] [system.out] D:\coding\libGdx\IdeaProjects\SysExSiteGame\html\assets17:25:33.149 [QUIET] [system.out] [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/D:/coding/libGdx/IdeaProjects/SysExSiteGame/core/src/net/systemexklusive/site/app/screens/SpriterScreen.java'17:25:33.150 [QUIET] [system.out] [ERROR] Line 56: The method file() is undefined for the type FileHandle17:25:33.155 [QUIET] [system.out] Computing all possible rebind results for 'com.badlogic.gwtref.client.IReflectionCache'17:25:33.155 [QUIET] [system.out] Rebinding com.badlogic.gwtref.client.IReflectionCache17:25:33.156 [QUIET] [system.out] Invoking generator com.badlogic.gwtref.gen.ReflectionCacheGenerator17:25:33.157 [QUIET] [system.out] com.badlogic.gwtref.client.IReflectionCache17:25:33.651 [QUIET] [system.out] java.lang.Double17:25:33.652 [QUIET] [system.out] double Somehow it complains that the FileHandle has no file()-Method. But as I understand, the runtime and the libGdx-Type are about the java.io.File. I put the runtime sources in the core-module and expanded the xxx.gwt.xml. Can anyone give me some hints? This would be great because I struggling with this build for quite a while now and I'd really like to see the anims on a browser! Thank you
  5. Hello! I am trying to make a game with spriter sprites. :-P Basically, my problem is I just want to add separated parts of images as a resource and move it around with joint codes; For that, I need spriter to export all these separated images' origin(pivot x, y) and it's x, y, and direction in every frame separately(including key frames (like the "images" section in png/gif export)) to a nice (*.txt) file. So now, their is my question : does Spriter supports this feature? I think it should, pretty much because it says Spriter is a game animation solution or something. :-|
  6. Hi!! after 6 months of work and with only 2 people working in the project (my girlfriend and me) finally we just published the game on Steam GreenLight. All the animations have been done with Spriter!! I hope you like it :) You can see here some pictures, and also the link to Steam GreenLight, of course if you vote us you would make us so happy !! The game is called Planet Apolion. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=388737755 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DROkv57WhR8 Greetings!!
  7. I wanted to know if its possible to, instead of export the whole animation as a whole (meaning lets say the whole body of the player), to export each body part by itself in its own frame. The reason im asking about this, is for character customization in my game; we draw the player layer upon layer, and then we just "dress" him by placing a shirt image for example over the body image. Is there a way to do something like that? If now, are there any suggestions on how to develop a spriter project that will be used for in game customization? Thanks! -BTW, I am right now using the free version, but if spriter is capable of doing this, I would definately buy it!
  8. Hi. I've been having this problem since the previous update and the current one (Spriter_r4_1). I can open and work normally with it, but if I close it, or crashes, or change project, then I can't open the software again. For it to re open I have to restart the computer and I find very unpractical. On Windows task manager the process appears (more than once if I try to open it multiple times) but even ending the process (or process tree) I still can't open it. Am I doing something wrong?
  9. Hello guys :D Introduce... My Name is Rizky Djati Munggaran from Indonesia, call me ridjam :D . I'm Vector Artist, hopefully not the only one here haha... I've purchased spriter since January 2015, and it's great software! especially for me who live in developing countries, the price is very affordable and reasonable :D I've startup company with my friends call “Sinaulin Studio†a Game Studio Company, we are now making our first game, named “Save My Wifeâ€, tells the story of a husband who drove his pregnant wife to the hospital with a old scooter named Vegi. I use linux for work, and still use the Spriter version R2 because R3 version does not run on my system, hoping to be fixed. Below is the result of my work using spriter. I have difficulty in making "Add or Remove Bones", like Wonky Skeleton Animation in AdventurePlatfortmerPack_Essentials, I hope Mike made a tutorial about it, hehe :D Critique are wellcome, guys. :D And this is one of my process of designing using vector graphics program.
  10. Hi friends, I recently discovered the Spriter :-P software (used Spine until)...I need Spriter to making animations for Unity (v 4.6.1f), planning to buy the Spiter PRO version but I have some issues :???: and I'm wondering if are there solutions for this problems: First of all for some animations when are imported I get this :???: error: Quaternion To Matrix conversion failed because input Quaternion is invalid {-1.#IND00, -1.#IND00, -1.#IND00, -1.#IND00} l=-1.#IND00UnityEditor.AnimationUtility:GetCurveBindings(AnimationClip)UnityEditorInternal.AnimationWindowState:get_allCurves() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/AnimationWindowState.cs:237)UnityEditorInternal.AnimationWindowHierarchyDataSource:FetchData() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/AnimationWindowHierarchyDataSource.cs:43)UnityEditor.TreeView:ReloadData()UnityEditorInternal.AnimationWindowHierarchyDataSource:UpdateData() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/AnimationWindowHierarchyDataSource.cs:146)UnityEditorInternal.AnimationWindowState:Refresh() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/AnimationWindowState.cs:525)UnityEditorInternal.AnimationWindowState:OnGUI() (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Animation/AnimationWindow/AnimationWindowState.cs:70)UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI() ...this error generates strange behavior for this particular animation, video example: View My Video Please help me as soon as possible...Thanks in advance !
  11. does anyone have an old download that works on osx 10.6.8? I bought this product (through kickstarter) and now that I can use it my computer is no longer supported (my computer died so my old file is just gone). I have an animation that needs to get made for a play that will be projection mapped onto a surface (james and the giant peach [crocodile tongues]). I tried messaging edgar through kickstarted but he hasn't responded yet any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you Paul
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