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  1. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from beastman632 in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    Oh right, I forgot about this. I honestly don't know whether or not it affects performance. I don't think it does in a significant way. If commenting it out makes your animation work properly and you won't miss out on anything, should be fine if you leave it like that.
  2. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from Tekuzo in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    It's not supposed to do that, but I don't know why it does that or how to fix it. Long story short, try importing your images a Sprite, rather than Texture2D. Set your Project Settings to 2D while you're at it. Then reimport the .scml file.
  3. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from some1else in SpriterDotNet.Unity   
    I updated the project to also add a behaviour to the root StateMachine that lets you customize Any State transitions.
    I really would appreciate it if people checked out the project and pointed out features that seem important but are currently missing.
  4. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from some1else in SpriterDotNet.Unity   
    I've been doing some experimenting with SpriterDotNet and thought, maybe I can just add a tiny whiff of Mecanim to the mix.
    This is a little demo of what I've been able to do thus far.
  5. Like
    Dengar reacted to loodakrawa in SpriterDotNet.Unity   
    SpriterDotNet.Unity The Unity plugin for SpriterDotNet. Supports all Spriter features.

    Documentation The most up to date documentation can be found on the GitHub Repository.
  6. Like
    Dengar reacted to loodakrawa in SpriterDotNet.Unity   
    This is awesome - nice work!
  7. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from loodakrawa in SpriterDotNet.Unity   
    I appreciate the compliment.

    It doesn't actually create any Mecanim animations (since that is unnecessary) so it's more of a "pseudo pretend Mecanim". The animation states are just empty shells that tell the SpriterAnimator what to do.

    Here's the github link for anyone interested in tinkering with it.

    The main feature is basically for just basic statemachine-based animation, you use the AnimatorController just as you would with full Mecanim animations. With transitions, parameters and whatever you will. User-side scripts would communicate with the Animator component just like most Unity-users are used to.

    There are a few caveats though. Unity's AnimatorController is quite... limited in its runtime accessibility. I already have to hop through a number of hoops just to make it possible to edit individual transition lengths. As such, some features might work a little differently than one would expect.

    Animation blending and blend trees are a thing that don't work at this point in time, but substatemachines should work (in theory, it is untested).

    Regarding the blending, I'm not sure if I CAN make it work. Like I said, the runtime accessibility, and even the edit time accessibility leave much to be desired.

    That said, it appears that a future version of Unity will come with additional statemachine-based shenanigans, maybe the answer will lie therein.
  8. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from K in Spriter for Unity 5.0   

    Previous thread: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3365-spriter-for-unity-43-updated-integrated/
    Old version: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity
    Even older version (Unity 4.x compatible): https://github.com/bonus2113/Spriter2Unity
    So I've decided to build an entirely new version of the importer from scratch. This enabled me to work with it way more easily. Hopefully other programmers will also find it much easier to work with now:
    Spriter2UnityDX 1.0.3
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX
    Anyone is free to fork it and do their own work. If it's pretty good stuff I'll merge it into the main branch.
    Package Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage
    Use instructions: 
    !!!Requires Unity 5.x!!!
    1) Import the above package into your Unity project. Just drag and drop it into your Project View.
    2) Import your entire Spriter project folder (including the .scml file and all of the textures) into your Unity project.
    3) The converter should automatically create a Prefab and an AnimatorController in the same folder that contains the .scml file.
    4) When you make any changes to the .scml, the converter will attempt to modify existing assets if they exist.
    5) If these updates cause any irregular behaviour, try deleting the Prefab and Controller and re-importing the .scml.
    Differences from previous version:
    -The textures' import settings are examined before building the prefab, and automatically set to the format that is needed to build the Spriter Entity.
    -AnimationClips only contain curves for properties that actually change.
    -When updating existing assets, priority goes to the AnimatorController that is actually connected to the prefab, in case you are using the same AnimatorController for multiple Spriter Entities.
    -Body parts that have alternate textures (such as facial expressions) have an additional script component named "Sprite Swapper" on them which controls which sprite is displayed at any one time. You can manipulate this component at runtime to do fun things like give your characters alternate skins. For sprites that don't need a Sprite Swapper, you can just manipulate the Sprite Renderer.
    -The root GameObject now holds an "Entity Renderer" which allows you to manipulate all of the children's Sprite Renderers simultaneously as if they were one sprite. Disabling the Entity Renderer will also disable all the Sprite Renderers, and enabling it will enable them again.
    -Easily extensible, readable code.
    (Currently) Unsupported Features & Future Ideas
    -Automatically generate an Override Controller
    -CharacterMap support (I don't have Spriter Pro myself though, and I know very little about this at this point in time)
    -Dynamic Reparenting (changing the parent of a sprite during the animation will not be translated to Unity)
    -Support for other Pro features (subentities, notably)
    Known Issues:
    -Pivot points that are assigned on the canvas. Right now if you do this, your sprite will be misaligned when imported in Unity. I am planning on creating a fix for this on the next update, but not sure when that will be. For now, just set the default pivot point instead.
    -On a related note, NOT setting any default pivot points at all will also cause irregular behavior.
    -In some cases, the importer will endlessly loop. A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings. I have not figured out the cause for this but hopefully it'll be fixed in a future update.
    -Bones that are added later during animations are perpetually disabled.
    -The only supported curve types are smooth ones.
    Warning: Only the basic features of Spriter are implemented. And most certainly none of the Pro features. That said, if you feel you're a pretty good coder, feel free to take a shot at implementing it yourself.
    Warning: The tool as it is is very new. If you run into any unexpected behaviour, please tell me and I'll see if I can work out a fix.
    -AnimationEvents are now preserved between reimports
    -SpriteSwapper renamed to TextureController to avoid confusion
    -Fixed a z-position issue with the SortingOrderUpdater
    v1.0.3: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where flipped (negative-scaled) bones caused child sprites to appear out of place and in odd angles Features: -Added a toggle to the Entity Renderer that allows you to apply the .scml file's Z-index to the order-in-layer property of the Sprite Renderers -Removed Spriter2UnityDX components from the Add Component menu, since they are automatically added or removed v1.0.2: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process Features: -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer v1.0.1:
    Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the Z-order would get messed up if body parts were moved during animation
    Features: -Z-order can now be mutated by the animation
    v1.0: Initial version
  9. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from CallMeZ in Spriter for Unity 5.0   

    Previous thread: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3365-spriter-for-unity-43-updated-integrated/
    Old version: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity
    Even older version (Unity 4.x compatible): https://github.com/bonus2113/Spriter2Unity
    So I've decided to build an entirely new version of the importer from scratch. This enabled me to work with it way more easily. Hopefully other programmers will also find it much easier to work with now:
    Spriter2UnityDX 1.0.3
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX
    Anyone is free to fork it and do their own work. If it's pretty good stuff I'll merge it into the main branch.
    Package Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage
    Use instructions: 
    !!!Requires Unity 5.x!!!
    1) Import the above package into your Unity project. Just drag and drop it into your Project View.
    2) Import your entire Spriter project folder (including the .scml file and all of the textures) into your Unity project.
    3) The converter should automatically create a Prefab and an AnimatorController in the same folder that contains the .scml file.
    4) When you make any changes to the .scml, the converter will attempt to modify existing assets if they exist.
    5) If these updates cause any irregular behaviour, try deleting the Prefab and Controller and re-importing the .scml.
    Differences from previous version:
    -The textures' import settings are examined before building the prefab, and automatically set to the format that is needed to build the Spriter Entity.
    -AnimationClips only contain curves for properties that actually change.
    -When updating existing assets, priority goes to the AnimatorController that is actually connected to the prefab, in case you are using the same AnimatorController for multiple Spriter Entities.
    -Body parts that have alternate textures (such as facial expressions) have an additional script component named "Sprite Swapper" on them which controls which sprite is displayed at any one time. You can manipulate this component at runtime to do fun things like give your characters alternate skins. For sprites that don't need a Sprite Swapper, you can just manipulate the Sprite Renderer.
    -The root GameObject now holds an "Entity Renderer" which allows you to manipulate all of the children's Sprite Renderers simultaneously as if they were one sprite. Disabling the Entity Renderer will also disable all the Sprite Renderers, and enabling it will enable them again.
    -Easily extensible, readable code.
    (Currently) Unsupported Features & Future Ideas
    -Automatically generate an Override Controller
    -CharacterMap support (I don't have Spriter Pro myself though, and I know very little about this at this point in time)
    -Dynamic Reparenting (changing the parent of a sprite during the animation will not be translated to Unity)
    -Support for other Pro features (subentities, notably)
    Known Issues:
    -Pivot points that are assigned on the canvas. Right now if you do this, your sprite will be misaligned when imported in Unity. I am planning on creating a fix for this on the next update, but not sure when that will be. For now, just set the default pivot point instead.
    -On a related note, NOT setting any default pivot points at all will also cause irregular behavior.
    -In some cases, the importer will endlessly loop. A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings. I have not figured out the cause for this but hopefully it'll be fixed in a future update.
    -Bones that are added later during animations are perpetually disabled.
    -The only supported curve types are smooth ones.
    Warning: Only the basic features of Spriter are implemented. And most certainly none of the Pro features. That said, if you feel you're a pretty good coder, feel free to take a shot at implementing it yourself.
    Warning: The tool as it is is very new. If you run into any unexpected behaviour, please tell me and I'll see if I can work out a fix.
    -AnimationEvents are now preserved between reimports
    -SpriteSwapper renamed to TextureController to avoid confusion
    -Fixed a z-position issue with the SortingOrderUpdater
    v1.0.3: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where flipped (negative-scaled) bones caused child sprites to appear out of place and in odd angles Features: -Added a toggle to the Entity Renderer that allows you to apply the .scml file's Z-index to the order-in-layer property of the Sprite Renderers -Removed Spriter2UnityDX components from the Add Component menu, since they are automatically added or removed v1.0.2: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process Features: -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer v1.0.1:
    Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the Z-order would get messed up if body parts were moved during animation
    Features: -Z-order can now be mutated by the animation
    v1.0: Initial version
  10. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from gumdrops in Spriter for Unity 5.0   

    Previous thread: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3365-spriter-for-unity-43-updated-integrated/
    Old version: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity
    Even older version (Unity 4.x compatible): https://github.com/bonus2113/Spriter2Unity
    So I've decided to build an entirely new version of the importer from scratch. This enabled me to work with it way more easily. Hopefully other programmers will also find it much easier to work with now:
    Spriter2UnityDX 1.0.3
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX
    Anyone is free to fork it and do their own work. If it's pretty good stuff I'll merge it into the main branch.
    Package Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage
    Use instructions: 
    !!!Requires Unity 5.x!!!
    1) Import the above package into your Unity project. Just drag and drop it into your Project View.
    2) Import your entire Spriter project folder (including the .scml file and all of the textures) into your Unity project.
    3) The converter should automatically create a Prefab and an AnimatorController in the same folder that contains the .scml file.
    4) When you make any changes to the .scml, the converter will attempt to modify existing assets if they exist.
    5) If these updates cause any irregular behaviour, try deleting the Prefab and Controller and re-importing the .scml.
    Differences from previous version:
    -The textures' import settings are examined before building the prefab, and automatically set to the format that is needed to build the Spriter Entity.
    -AnimationClips only contain curves for properties that actually change.
    -When updating existing assets, priority goes to the AnimatorController that is actually connected to the prefab, in case you are using the same AnimatorController for multiple Spriter Entities.
    -Body parts that have alternate textures (such as facial expressions) have an additional script component named "Sprite Swapper" on them which controls which sprite is displayed at any one time. You can manipulate this component at runtime to do fun things like give your characters alternate skins. For sprites that don't need a Sprite Swapper, you can just manipulate the Sprite Renderer.
    -The root GameObject now holds an "Entity Renderer" which allows you to manipulate all of the children's Sprite Renderers simultaneously as if they were one sprite. Disabling the Entity Renderer will also disable all the Sprite Renderers, and enabling it will enable them again.
    -Easily extensible, readable code.
    (Currently) Unsupported Features & Future Ideas
    -Automatically generate an Override Controller
    -CharacterMap support (I don't have Spriter Pro myself though, and I know very little about this at this point in time)
    -Dynamic Reparenting (changing the parent of a sprite during the animation will not be translated to Unity)
    -Support for other Pro features (subentities, notably)
    Known Issues:
    -Pivot points that are assigned on the canvas. Right now if you do this, your sprite will be misaligned when imported in Unity. I am planning on creating a fix for this on the next update, but not sure when that will be. For now, just set the default pivot point instead.
    -On a related note, NOT setting any default pivot points at all will also cause irregular behavior.
    -In some cases, the importer will endlessly loop. A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings. I have not figured out the cause for this but hopefully it'll be fixed in a future update.
    -Bones that are added later during animations are perpetually disabled.
    -The only supported curve types are smooth ones.
    Warning: Only the basic features of Spriter are implemented. And most certainly none of the Pro features. That said, if you feel you're a pretty good coder, feel free to take a shot at implementing it yourself.
    Warning: The tool as it is is very new. If you run into any unexpected behaviour, please tell me and I'll see if I can work out a fix.
    -AnimationEvents are now preserved between reimports
    -SpriteSwapper renamed to TextureController to avoid confusion
    -Fixed a z-position issue with the SortingOrderUpdater
    v1.0.3: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where flipped (negative-scaled) bones caused child sprites to appear out of place and in odd angles Features: -Added a toggle to the Entity Renderer that allows you to apply the .scml file's Z-index to the order-in-layer property of the Sprite Renderers -Removed Spriter2UnityDX components from the Add Component menu, since they are automatically added or removed v1.0.2: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process Features: -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer v1.0.1:
    Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the Z-order would get messed up if body parts were moved during animation
    Features: -Z-order can now be mutated by the animation
    v1.0: Initial version
  11. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from JohnnyType in Spriter for Unity 5.0   

    Previous thread: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3365-spriter-for-unity-43-updated-integrated/
    Old version: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity
    Even older version (Unity 4.x compatible): https://github.com/bonus2113/Spriter2Unity
    So I've decided to build an entirely new version of the importer from scratch. This enabled me to work with it way more easily. Hopefully other programmers will also find it much easier to work with now:
    Spriter2UnityDX 1.0.3
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX
    Anyone is free to fork it and do their own work. If it's pretty good stuff I'll merge it into the main branch.
    Package Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage
    Use instructions: 
    !!!Requires Unity 5.x!!!
    1) Import the above package into your Unity project. Just drag and drop it into your Project View.
    2) Import your entire Spriter project folder (including the .scml file and all of the textures) into your Unity project.
    3) The converter should automatically create a Prefab and an AnimatorController in the same folder that contains the .scml file.
    4) When you make any changes to the .scml, the converter will attempt to modify existing assets if they exist.
    5) If these updates cause any irregular behaviour, try deleting the Prefab and Controller and re-importing the .scml.
    Differences from previous version:
    -The textures' import settings are examined before building the prefab, and automatically set to the format that is needed to build the Spriter Entity.
    -AnimationClips only contain curves for properties that actually change.
    -When updating existing assets, priority goes to the AnimatorController that is actually connected to the prefab, in case you are using the same AnimatorController for multiple Spriter Entities.
    -Body parts that have alternate textures (such as facial expressions) have an additional script component named "Sprite Swapper" on them which controls which sprite is displayed at any one time. You can manipulate this component at runtime to do fun things like give your characters alternate skins. For sprites that don't need a Sprite Swapper, you can just manipulate the Sprite Renderer.
    -The root GameObject now holds an "Entity Renderer" which allows you to manipulate all of the children's Sprite Renderers simultaneously as if they were one sprite. Disabling the Entity Renderer will also disable all the Sprite Renderers, and enabling it will enable them again.
    -Easily extensible, readable code.
    (Currently) Unsupported Features & Future Ideas
    -Automatically generate an Override Controller
    -CharacterMap support (I don't have Spriter Pro myself though, and I know very little about this at this point in time)
    -Dynamic Reparenting (changing the parent of a sprite during the animation will not be translated to Unity)
    -Support for other Pro features (subentities, notably)
    Known Issues:
    -Pivot points that are assigned on the canvas. Right now if you do this, your sprite will be misaligned when imported in Unity. I am planning on creating a fix for this on the next update, but not sure when that will be. For now, just set the default pivot point instead.
    -On a related note, NOT setting any default pivot points at all will also cause irregular behavior.
    -In some cases, the importer will endlessly loop. A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings. I have not figured out the cause for this but hopefully it'll be fixed in a future update.
    -Bones that are added later during animations are perpetually disabled.
    -The only supported curve types are smooth ones.
    Warning: Only the basic features of Spriter are implemented. And most certainly none of the Pro features. That said, if you feel you're a pretty good coder, feel free to take a shot at implementing it yourself.
    Warning: The tool as it is is very new. If you run into any unexpected behaviour, please tell me and I'll see if I can work out a fix.
    -AnimationEvents are now preserved between reimports
    -SpriteSwapper renamed to TextureController to avoid confusion
    -Fixed a z-position issue with the SortingOrderUpdater
    v1.0.3: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where flipped (negative-scaled) bones caused child sprites to appear out of place and in odd angles Features: -Added a toggle to the Entity Renderer that allows you to apply the .scml file's Z-index to the order-in-layer property of the Sprite Renderers -Removed Spriter2UnityDX components from the Add Component menu, since they are automatically added or removed v1.0.2: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process Features: -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer v1.0.1:
    Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the Z-order would get messed up if body parts were moved during animation
    Features: -Z-order can now be mutated by the animation
    v1.0: Initial version
  12. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from Ad.Dany in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    Ohhhh that's interesting. :O

    It never occurred to me that someone might NOT have set default pivot points.

    Should be easy enough to fix. I'll add it to known issues.
  13. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from Ad.Dany in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    About scaling: You can just scale the parts instead of the bones without problems.
    About flipping: You can do this just fine by using negative scale (on the parts! not on the bones).
  14. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from Ad.Dany in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    I know the converter is imperfect. I only created it when I was hobbying with code. And I tend to get like into this programming 'mood' only like one or two times a year for a month or two and then it dies down again.
    It's a known issue but I have not yet examined what might be the cause. I've tried to make my code as readable and easy to work with as I possibly could but only a few people have come up with their own additions.
      I... honestly can't say.
  15. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from Ad.Dany in Spriter for Unity 5.0   

    Previous thread: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3365-spriter-for-unity-43-updated-integrated/
    Old version: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity
    Even older version (Unity 4.x compatible): https://github.com/bonus2113/Spriter2Unity
    So I've decided to build an entirely new version of the importer from scratch. This enabled me to work with it way more easily. Hopefully other programmers will also find it much easier to work with now:
    Spriter2UnityDX 1.0.3
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX
    Anyone is free to fork it and do their own work. If it's pretty good stuff I'll merge it into the main branch.
    Package Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage
    Use instructions: 
    !!!Requires Unity 5.x!!!
    1) Import the above package into your Unity project. Just drag and drop it into your Project View.
    2) Import your entire Spriter project folder (including the .scml file and all of the textures) into your Unity project.
    3) The converter should automatically create a Prefab and an AnimatorController in the same folder that contains the .scml file.
    4) When you make any changes to the .scml, the converter will attempt to modify existing assets if they exist.
    5) If these updates cause any irregular behaviour, try deleting the Prefab and Controller and re-importing the .scml.
    Differences from previous version:
    -The textures' import settings are examined before building the prefab, and automatically set to the format that is needed to build the Spriter Entity.
    -AnimationClips only contain curves for properties that actually change.
    -When updating existing assets, priority goes to the AnimatorController that is actually connected to the prefab, in case you are using the same AnimatorController for multiple Spriter Entities.
    -Body parts that have alternate textures (such as facial expressions) have an additional script component named "Sprite Swapper" on them which controls which sprite is displayed at any one time. You can manipulate this component at runtime to do fun things like give your characters alternate skins. For sprites that don't need a Sprite Swapper, you can just manipulate the Sprite Renderer.
    -The root GameObject now holds an "Entity Renderer" which allows you to manipulate all of the children's Sprite Renderers simultaneously as if they were one sprite. Disabling the Entity Renderer will also disable all the Sprite Renderers, and enabling it will enable them again.
    -Easily extensible, readable code.
    (Currently) Unsupported Features & Future Ideas
    -Automatically generate an Override Controller
    -CharacterMap support (I don't have Spriter Pro myself though, and I know very little about this at this point in time)
    -Dynamic Reparenting (changing the parent of a sprite during the animation will not be translated to Unity)
    -Support for other Pro features (subentities, notably)
    Known Issues:
    -Pivot points that are assigned on the canvas. Right now if you do this, your sprite will be misaligned when imported in Unity. I am planning on creating a fix for this on the next update, but not sure when that will be. For now, just set the default pivot point instead.
    -On a related note, NOT setting any default pivot points at all will also cause irregular behavior.
    -In some cases, the importer will endlessly loop. A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings. I have not figured out the cause for this but hopefully it'll be fixed in a future update.
    -Bones that are added later during animations are perpetually disabled.
    -The only supported curve types are smooth ones.
    Warning: Only the basic features of Spriter are implemented. And most certainly none of the Pro features. That said, if you feel you're a pretty good coder, feel free to take a shot at implementing it yourself.
    Warning: The tool as it is is very new. If you run into any unexpected behaviour, please tell me and I'll see if I can work out a fix.
    -AnimationEvents are now preserved between reimports
    -SpriteSwapper renamed to TextureController to avoid confusion
    -Fixed a z-position issue with the SortingOrderUpdater
    v1.0.3: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where flipped (negative-scaled) bones caused child sprites to appear out of place and in odd angles Features: -Added a toggle to the Entity Renderer that allows you to apply the .scml file's Z-index to the order-in-layer property of the Sprite Renderers -Removed Spriter2UnityDX components from the Add Component menu, since they are automatically added or removed v1.0.2: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process Features: -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer v1.0.1:
    Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the Z-order would get messed up if body parts were moved during animation
    Features: -Z-order can now be mutated by the animation
    v1.0: Initial version
  16. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from JohnnyType in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    :O That sounds pretty awesome. I'll be sure to make some time to incorporate it ASAP when it's finished.
  17. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from Kiori in Spriter for Unity 5.0   

    Previous thread: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3365-spriter-for-unity-43-updated-integrated/
    Old version: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity
    Even older version (Unity 4.x compatible): https://github.com/bonus2113/Spriter2Unity
    So I've decided to build an entirely new version of the importer from scratch. This enabled me to work with it way more easily. Hopefully other programmers will also find it much easier to work with now:
    Spriter2UnityDX 1.0.3
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX
    Anyone is free to fork it and do their own work. If it's pretty good stuff I'll merge it into the main branch.
    Package Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage
    Use instructions: 
    !!!Requires Unity 5.x!!!
    1) Import the above package into your Unity project. Just drag and drop it into your Project View.
    2) Import your entire Spriter project folder (including the .scml file and all of the textures) into your Unity project.
    3) The converter should automatically create a Prefab and an AnimatorController in the same folder that contains the .scml file.
    4) When you make any changes to the .scml, the converter will attempt to modify existing assets if they exist.
    5) If these updates cause any irregular behaviour, try deleting the Prefab and Controller and re-importing the .scml.
    Differences from previous version:
    -The textures' import settings are examined before building the prefab, and automatically set to the format that is needed to build the Spriter Entity.
    -AnimationClips only contain curves for properties that actually change.
    -When updating existing assets, priority goes to the AnimatorController that is actually connected to the prefab, in case you are using the same AnimatorController for multiple Spriter Entities.
    -Body parts that have alternate textures (such as facial expressions) have an additional script component named "Sprite Swapper" on them which controls which sprite is displayed at any one time. You can manipulate this component at runtime to do fun things like give your characters alternate skins. For sprites that don't need a Sprite Swapper, you can just manipulate the Sprite Renderer.
    -The root GameObject now holds an "Entity Renderer" which allows you to manipulate all of the children's Sprite Renderers simultaneously as if they were one sprite. Disabling the Entity Renderer will also disable all the Sprite Renderers, and enabling it will enable them again.
    -Easily extensible, readable code.
    (Currently) Unsupported Features & Future Ideas
    -Automatically generate an Override Controller
    -CharacterMap support (I don't have Spriter Pro myself though, and I know very little about this at this point in time)
    -Dynamic Reparenting (changing the parent of a sprite during the animation will not be translated to Unity)
    -Support for other Pro features (subentities, notably)
    Known Issues:
    -Pivot points that are assigned on the canvas. Right now if you do this, your sprite will be misaligned when imported in Unity. I am planning on creating a fix for this on the next update, but not sure when that will be. For now, just set the default pivot point instead.
    -On a related note, NOT setting any default pivot points at all will also cause irregular behavior.
    -In some cases, the importer will endlessly loop. A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings. I have not figured out the cause for this but hopefully it'll be fixed in a future update.
    -Bones that are added later during animations are perpetually disabled.
    -The only supported curve types are smooth ones.
    Warning: Only the basic features of Spriter are implemented. And most certainly none of the Pro features. That said, if you feel you're a pretty good coder, feel free to take a shot at implementing it yourself.
    Warning: The tool as it is is very new. If you run into any unexpected behaviour, please tell me and I'll see if I can work out a fix.
    -AnimationEvents are now preserved between reimports
    -SpriteSwapper renamed to TextureController to avoid confusion
    -Fixed a z-position issue with the SortingOrderUpdater
    v1.0.3: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where flipped (negative-scaled) bones caused child sprites to appear out of place and in odd angles Features: -Added a toggle to the Entity Renderer that allows you to apply the .scml file's Z-index to the order-in-layer property of the Sprite Renderers -Removed Spriter2UnityDX components from the Add Component menu, since they are automatically added or removed v1.0.2: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process Features: -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer v1.0.1:
    Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the Z-order would get messed up if body parts were moved during animation
    Features: -Z-order can now be mutated by the animation
    v1.0: Initial version
  18. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from JohnnyType in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    I've never seen this error before. And I've deleted my prefabs and recreated them countless times. Besides, that code that you pointed out is supposed to run when there ISN'T a prefab file.
  19. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from SauloDaniel in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    I think this can be officially called a "known issue" now. Once again, I don't know why it happens. But I also haven't investigated it yet. That said, the project is open source so other coders can take a shot at it. I'll be happy to answer any questions people have when trying to figure out how the script works. I've spent a lot of effort on making sure the code is understandable by third parties. I just don't have the time or energy to work on it myself right now.
  20. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from DarrenOl in Spriter for Unity 5.0   

    Previous thread: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3365-spriter-for-unity-43-updated-integrated/
    Old version: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity
    Even older version (Unity 4.x compatible): https://github.com/bonus2113/Spriter2Unity
    So I've decided to build an entirely new version of the importer from scratch. This enabled me to work with it way more easily. Hopefully other programmers will also find it much easier to work with now:
    Spriter2UnityDX 1.0.3
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX
    Anyone is free to fork it and do their own work. If it's pretty good stuff I'll merge it into the main branch.
    Package Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage
    Use instructions: 
    !!!Requires Unity 5.x!!!
    1) Import the above package into your Unity project. Just drag and drop it into your Project View.
    2) Import your entire Spriter project folder (including the .scml file and all of the textures) into your Unity project.
    3) The converter should automatically create a Prefab and an AnimatorController in the same folder that contains the .scml file.
    4) When you make any changes to the .scml, the converter will attempt to modify existing assets if they exist.
    5) If these updates cause any irregular behaviour, try deleting the Prefab and Controller and re-importing the .scml.
    Differences from previous version:
    -The textures' import settings are examined before building the prefab, and automatically set to the format that is needed to build the Spriter Entity.
    -AnimationClips only contain curves for properties that actually change.
    -When updating existing assets, priority goes to the AnimatorController that is actually connected to the prefab, in case you are using the same AnimatorController for multiple Spriter Entities.
    -Body parts that have alternate textures (such as facial expressions) have an additional script component named "Sprite Swapper" on them which controls which sprite is displayed at any one time. You can manipulate this component at runtime to do fun things like give your characters alternate skins. For sprites that don't need a Sprite Swapper, you can just manipulate the Sprite Renderer.
    -The root GameObject now holds an "Entity Renderer" which allows you to manipulate all of the children's Sprite Renderers simultaneously as if they were one sprite. Disabling the Entity Renderer will also disable all the Sprite Renderers, and enabling it will enable them again.
    -Easily extensible, readable code.
    (Currently) Unsupported Features & Future Ideas
    -Automatically generate an Override Controller
    -CharacterMap support (I don't have Spriter Pro myself though, and I know very little about this at this point in time)
    -Dynamic Reparenting (changing the parent of a sprite during the animation will not be translated to Unity)
    -Support for other Pro features (subentities, notably)
    Known Issues:
    -Pivot points that are assigned on the canvas. Right now if you do this, your sprite will be misaligned when imported in Unity. I am planning on creating a fix for this on the next update, but not sure when that will be. For now, just set the default pivot point instead.
    -On a related note, NOT setting any default pivot points at all will also cause irregular behavior.
    -In some cases, the importer will endlessly loop. A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings. I have not figured out the cause for this but hopefully it'll be fixed in a future update.
    -Bones that are added later during animations are perpetually disabled.
    -The only supported curve types are smooth ones.
    Warning: Only the basic features of Spriter are implemented. And most certainly none of the Pro features. That said, if you feel you're a pretty good coder, feel free to take a shot at implementing it yourself.
    Warning: The tool as it is is very new. If you run into any unexpected behaviour, please tell me and I'll see if I can work out a fix.
    -AnimationEvents are now preserved between reimports
    -SpriteSwapper renamed to TextureController to avoid confusion
    -Fixed a z-position issue with the SortingOrderUpdater
    v1.0.3: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where flipped (negative-scaled) bones caused child sprites to appear out of place and in odd angles Features: -Added a toggle to the Entity Renderer that allows you to apply the .scml file's Z-index to the order-in-layer property of the Sprite Renderers -Removed Spriter2UnityDX components from the Add Component menu, since they are automatically added or removed v1.0.2: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process Features: -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer v1.0.1:
    Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the Z-order would get messed up if body parts were moved during animation
    Features: -Z-order can now be mutated by the animation
    v1.0: Initial version
  21. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from AlisaMesy in Spriter for Unity 5.0   

    Previous thread: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3365-spriter-for-unity-43-updated-integrated/
    Old version: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity
    Even older version (Unity 4.x compatible): https://github.com/bonus2113/Spriter2Unity
    So I've decided to build an entirely new version of the importer from scratch. This enabled me to work with it way more easily. Hopefully other programmers will also find it much easier to work with now:
    Spriter2UnityDX 1.0.3
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX
    Anyone is free to fork it and do their own work. If it's pretty good stuff I'll merge it into the main branch.
    Package Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage
    Use instructions: 
    !!!Requires Unity 5.x!!!
    1) Import the above package into your Unity project. Just drag and drop it into your Project View.
    2) Import your entire Spriter project folder (including the .scml file and all of the textures) into your Unity project.
    3) The converter should automatically create a Prefab and an AnimatorController in the same folder that contains the .scml file.
    4) When you make any changes to the .scml, the converter will attempt to modify existing assets if they exist.
    5) If these updates cause any irregular behaviour, try deleting the Prefab and Controller and re-importing the .scml.
    Differences from previous version:
    -The textures' import settings are examined before building the prefab, and automatically set to the format that is needed to build the Spriter Entity.
    -AnimationClips only contain curves for properties that actually change.
    -When updating existing assets, priority goes to the AnimatorController that is actually connected to the prefab, in case you are using the same AnimatorController for multiple Spriter Entities.
    -Body parts that have alternate textures (such as facial expressions) have an additional script component named "Sprite Swapper" on them which controls which sprite is displayed at any one time. You can manipulate this component at runtime to do fun things like give your characters alternate skins. For sprites that don't need a Sprite Swapper, you can just manipulate the Sprite Renderer.
    -The root GameObject now holds an "Entity Renderer" which allows you to manipulate all of the children's Sprite Renderers simultaneously as if they were one sprite. Disabling the Entity Renderer will also disable all the Sprite Renderers, and enabling it will enable them again.
    -Easily extensible, readable code.
    (Currently) Unsupported Features & Future Ideas
    -Automatically generate an Override Controller
    -CharacterMap support (I don't have Spriter Pro myself though, and I know very little about this at this point in time)
    -Dynamic Reparenting (changing the parent of a sprite during the animation will not be translated to Unity)
    -Support for other Pro features (subentities, notably)
    Known Issues:
    -Pivot points that are assigned on the canvas. Right now if you do this, your sprite will be misaligned when imported in Unity. I am planning on creating a fix for this on the next update, but not sure when that will be. For now, just set the default pivot point instead.
    -On a related note, NOT setting any default pivot points at all will also cause irregular behavior.
    -In some cases, the importer will endlessly loop. A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings. I have not figured out the cause for this but hopefully it'll be fixed in a future update.
    -Bones that are added later during animations are perpetually disabled.
    -The only supported curve types are smooth ones.
    Warning: Only the basic features of Spriter are implemented. And most certainly none of the Pro features. That said, if you feel you're a pretty good coder, feel free to take a shot at implementing it yourself.
    Warning: The tool as it is is very new. If you run into any unexpected behaviour, please tell me and I'll see if I can work out a fix.
    -AnimationEvents are now preserved between reimports
    -SpriteSwapper renamed to TextureController to avoid confusion
    -Fixed a z-position issue with the SortingOrderUpdater
    v1.0.3: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where flipped (negative-scaled) bones caused child sprites to appear out of place and in odd angles Features: -Added a toggle to the Entity Renderer that allows you to apply the .scml file's Z-index to the order-in-layer property of the Sprite Renderers -Removed Spriter2UnityDX components from the Add Component menu, since they are automatically added or removed v1.0.2: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process Features: -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer v1.0.1:
    Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the Z-order would get messed up if body parts were moved during animation
    Features: -Z-order can now be mutated by the animation
    v1.0: Initial version
  22. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from DarrenOl in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    I've never seen this error before. And I've deleted my prefabs and recreated them countless times. Besides, that code that you pointed out is supposed to run when there ISN'T a prefab file.
  23. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from dagondev in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones.
    -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process
    -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist
    -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer
    Note that there is still some anomalous behaviour here and there. But the weird distortions should see about a 95% decrease. Special thanks to dagondev for helping me identify the issue, and Mike and Edgar for teaching me some things about Spriter to help me fix the issue.
    It's a bit of a shame that the tool is getting slightly slower with every update, but it's still within reason. I was able to import a project that has over 60 different AnimationClips in less than 20 seconds.
    I also have to add that most animation transitions work best if they are instant (IE no blend). Although it's really a case by case basis. But generally if the poses between two animations are radically different from one another, you want the transition to happen instantly.
  24. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from lucid in Spriter for Unity 5.0   
    -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones.
    -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process
    -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist
    -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer
    Note that there is still some anomalous behaviour here and there. But the weird distortions should see about a 95% decrease. Special thanks to dagondev for helping me identify the issue, and Mike and Edgar for teaching me some things about Spriter to help me fix the issue.
    It's a bit of a shame that the tool is getting slightly slower with every update, but it's still within reason. I was able to import a project that has over 60 different AnimationClips in less than 20 seconds.
    I also have to add that most animation transitions work best if they are instant (IE no blend). Although it's really a case by case basis. But generally if the poses between two animations are radically different from one another, you want the transition to happen instantly.
  25. Like
    Dengar got a reaction from dagondev in Spriter for Unity 5.0   

    Previous thread: http://brashmonkey.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3365-spriter-for-unity-43-updated-integrated/
    Old version: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2Unity
    Even older version (Unity 4.x compatible): https://github.com/bonus2113/Spriter2Unity
    So I've decided to build an entirely new version of the importer from scratch. This enabled me to work with it way more easily. Hopefully other programmers will also find it much easier to work with now:
    Spriter2UnityDX 1.0.3
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX
    Anyone is free to fork it and do their own work. If it's pretty good stuff I'll merge it into the main branch.
    Package Link: https://github.com/Dharengo/Spriter2UnityDX/raw/master/Packages/Spriter2UnityDX.unitypackage
    Use instructions: 
    !!!Requires Unity 5.x!!!
    1) Import the above package into your Unity project. Just drag and drop it into your Project View.
    2) Import your entire Spriter project folder (including the .scml file and all of the textures) into your Unity project.
    3) The converter should automatically create a Prefab and an AnimatorController in the same folder that contains the .scml file.
    4) When you make any changes to the .scml, the converter will attempt to modify existing assets if they exist.
    5) If these updates cause any irregular behaviour, try deleting the Prefab and Controller and re-importing the .scml.
    Differences from previous version:
    -The textures' import settings are examined before building the prefab, and automatically set to the format that is needed to build the Spriter Entity.
    -AnimationClips only contain curves for properties that actually change.
    -When updating existing assets, priority goes to the AnimatorController that is actually connected to the prefab, in case you are using the same AnimatorController for multiple Spriter Entities.
    -Body parts that have alternate textures (such as facial expressions) have an additional script component named "Sprite Swapper" on them which controls which sprite is displayed at any one time. You can manipulate this component at runtime to do fun things like give your characters alternate skins. For sprites that don't need a Sprite Swapper, you can just manipulate the Sprite Renderer.
    -The root GameObject now holds an "Entity Renderer" which allows you to manipulate all of the children's Sprite Renderers simultaneously as if they were one sprite. Disabling the Entity Renderer will also disable all the Sprite Renderers, and enabling it will enable them again.
    -Easily extensible, readable code.
    (Currently) Unsupported Features & Future Ideas
    -Automatically generate an Override Controller
    -CharacterMap support (I don't have Spriter Pro myself though, and I know very little about this at this point in time)
    -Dynamic Reparenting (changing the parent of a sprite during the animation will not be translated to Unity)
    -Support for other Pro features (subentities, notably)
    Known Issues:
    -Pivot points that are assigned on the canvas. Right now if you do this, your sprite will be misaligned when imported in Unity. I am planning on creating a fix for this on the next update, but not sure when that will be. For now, just set the default pivot point instead.
    -On a related note, NOT setting any default pivot points at all will also cause irregular behavior.
    -In some cases, the importer will endlessly loop. A workaround is manually setting your texture files to Sprite in the import settings. I have not figured out the cause for this but hopefully it'll be fixed in a future update.
    -Bones that are added later during animations are perpetually disabled.
    -The only supported curve types are smooth ones.
    Warning: Only the basic features of Spriter are implemented. And most certainly none of the Pro features. That said, if you feel you're a pretty good coder, feel free to take a shot at implementing it yourself.
    Warning: The tool as it is is very new. If you run into any unexpected behaviour, please tell me and I'll see if I can work out a fix.
    -AnimationEvents are now preserved between reimports
    -SpriteSwapper renamed to TextureController to avoid confusion
    -Fixed a z-position issue with the SortingOrderUpdater
    v1.0.3: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where flipped (negative-scaled) bones caused child sprites to appear out of place and in odd angles Features: -Added a toggle to the Entity Renderer that allows you to apply the .scml file's Z-index to the order-in-layer property of the Sprite Renderers -Removed Spriter2UnityDX components from the Add Component menu, since they are automatically added or removed v1.0.2: Fixes: -Fixed an issue where sprites appeared distorted when resizing bones -Exceptions are wrapped up nicely and no longer abort the whole process Features: -Now adds AnimationClips to existing AnimatorStates if they exist -Autosaves no longer trigger the importer v1.0.1:
    Fixes: -Fixed an issue where the Z-order would get messed up if body parts were moved during animation
    Features: -Z-order can now be mutated by the animation
    v1.0: Initial version
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