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MSVCR120.dll and MSVCP120.dll missing!


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@bernardo @Mroverlord

I did a quick search engine search and discovered this is not a Spriter specific problem, and some people trying to use Photoshop and other programs including many games are running into this same issue.

It is a case of DLL's and runtimes which are commonly used and which are typically pre-installed on Windows PC's no longer being preinstalled on some Windows installs.

Here is Microsoft's recommended solution:

I also found this video which might offer an easier solution  BUT the person is recommending an installer program made by a third party individual which will install all required DLL's all at once for you, which is convenient, but you'll need to decide if you trust the install program for yourself. BrashMonkey LLC can't be held responsible if you decide to trust this persons solution and something goes wrong.  We are not recommending it, just letting you know it exists and might be an easy solution, but there's always potential risk with such things.

También encontré este video que podría ofrecer una solución más fácil, PERO la persona está recomendando un programa de instalación creado por un tercero que instalará todos los archivos DLL necesarios a la vez para usted, lo cual es conveniente, pero tendrá que decidir si confíe usted mismo en el programa de instalación. BrashMonkey LLC no se hace responsable si decide confiar en la solución de esta persona y algo sale mal. No lo recomendamos, solo le hacemos saber que existe y que podría ser una solución fácil, pero siempre existe un riesgo potencial con tales cosas.




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@Jones1991 I just got a new windows 11 system which complained about the missing DLL instead of starting Spriter, I then downloaded and installed the free trial of Adobe Creative cloud and specifically Photoshop and then immediately Spriter would run perfectly. This is likely the easiest way to solve the issue. Just remember to cancel the Adobe creative cloud subscription before they charge you money if you go this rout!

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@lokiwhizz most windows systems have at least one, typically more versions of visual studio pre-installed out of the box as far as I recall, regardless, this is the typical way to get the missing DLL file installed onto your system.

Did you try following the instructions here: 

Did you try installing the trial Adobe Creative Cloud/Photoshop? That seems to resolve the issue for most people as well, but if you try this approach, be sure to cancel the creative cloud subscription before you're charged anything if you don't want to continue the subscription to it and end up being charged.

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