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Question about multiple entities


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So I'm finishing up my player model and soon starting enemies, I plan to make the game with Construct 2. I'm wondering what the best way to have enemies made with spriter as well as the player character interacting. I come up with a few different ways of doing this but Im not sure which will be the best/most effective way to do so.


1. Each enemy and the player is a separate scml spriter file. I'm not sure if this is doable but I see a problem occurring with Grapple moves as I'd have to animate the player and the enemy separately and then assign coordinates within Construct while the 2 animations are playing together to make sure they are lined up correctly. This seems a little complicated to get them lined up right. I'm also unsure how well multiple spriter scmls will work.

2. Each enemy is a Separate Entity within the player SCML ultimately only using 1 scml for all enemies and the player. This way I can have triggered animations that spawn the player and enemy to interact with one another and I don't have to worry about things lining up right. This seems to be the easiest way to do it. Is it possible to have 1 scml file that can spawn its different entities on screen at the same time? Also, wondering if this will complicate Character maps as I have a lot going on with the player character and plan to also use these to create differential enemies.

Any Help is greatly appreciated, The most important part for me in this is the character maps being maintained after the interaction is over, say the player breaking free from the grapple, it doesn't change from what it originally was without some crazy code that accounts for each part that has been swapped. Thanks.

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  • 2 years later...

You could have all the enemies separate, but have the specific grapple animations include enemies... maybe one "dummy" enemy that can hive their body part images replaced on the fly via a character map to look like any enemy? Or have a copy of each grapple animation to handle each enemy.

Then when a grapple move is triggered, you'd make the real enemy disappear and play the animation that has that enemy built in. Then when he animation finishes, make the enemy visible again and in the proper place and animation to seamlessly continue where the animation left off.

The benefit of separate Spriter projects for enemies vs player is it will be logically more easy to distinguish which Spriter object is which, as it would be a totally different one instead of having to check a variable or something else to figure out what instance of the same Spriter object is the player or the enemy. 

You're looking to make a complicated game, and any solution is going to be tricky one way or the other, but any of the methods you are considering should work.

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