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Sprites "break" when imported.


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I have a Problem when I Export files to Construct 2. I made my first Sprite, animated it wanted to see how it Looks in C2. But when I imported it to C2 everything was placed wrong and no animations were there. Can anyone please tell me what I could to to fix this? I have got the newest Version of C2 and Spriter, the Spriter Plugin for C2, and saved and exported it as a Spriter file. You can see on the Pictures what it should be and what it actually is.

Thank you for your help,




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It sounds like you may be missing a step in the import.   Please check out this thread if you haven't already: 

Mainly, did you check all the Custom Save Options referenced in the thread?  Also, make sure the scml object itself in c2 is in the visible frame (it doesn't matter where the sprites are).  

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