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Help with getting images


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Hello i just bought both rpg maker, spriter pro and game character hub(rpg maker official sprite making tool) on steam and i want to know some things:

1- Do you get any images to work and do testing/learning with spriter pro besides the essential pack?

2- Can you use any png image to work and animated?

3- Can you create a sprite from zero or this isnt the software for this?

4- Can you take images from Game character hub and animate them in spriter pro?

5(last)- Someone can tell me what are in each dlc? I just bought the effects one since effects are in everygame, but im  in doubt if i will need the other if they are just art  packs or can i edit them and make effects/sprites from zero?

Sorry for the high number of questions im kind of lost XD 

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Hi rauber-sama,

1) Yes, you get lots of images and animations for free when you buy Spriter Pro, for Steam users, they are all found here: Steam Installation Directory>/SteamApps/common/Spriter/Art Packs/Essentials

2) any PNG should work, but every once in a great while we hear from customers who use obscure programs to create their PNG's which end up incompatible with Spriter and many other programs... So long as you use mainstream programs ranging from krita and Gimp to Photoshop, Illustrator, Pro-motion etc you should not have any problems. Just don't work at print resolutions, work for on-screen resolutions (remember, you're making a game and not a printed comicbook ;) ) and make sure the backgrounds are transparent and your images are trimmed. Also, don't steal and use other people images without their permission. Make sure you use royalty free art you have permission to use, such as the Essentials Art Packs or the full art packs you can purchase.

3) No, you have to create the images (body parts etc) in another program or get them from art packs.

4) Most likely, if they are PNG images... but they are very low-resolution, so the results wont look great if you animate using bones and image rotation. Have you seen the RPG Heroes art pack. I suggest you start there instead... You have the free Essentials version in the folder location I mentioned in answer number 1.

5) See Answer number 1

-Mike at BrashMonkey

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On 22/10/2016 at 8:33 PM, Mike at BrashMonkey said:

Hi rauber-sama,

1) Yes, you get lots of images and animations for free when you buy Spriter Pro, for Steam users, they are all found here: Steam Installation Directory>/SteamApps/common/Spriter/Art Packs/Essentials

2) any PNG should work, but every once in a great while we hear from customers who use obscure programs to create their PNG's which end up incompatible with Spriter and many other programs... So long as you use mainstream programs ranging from krita and Gimp to Photoshop, Illustrator, Pro-motion etc you should not have any problems. Just don't work at print resolutions, work for on-screen resolutions (remember, you're making a game and not a printed comicbook ;) ) and make sure the backgrounds are transparent and your images are trimmed. Also, don't steal and use other people images without their permission. Make sure you use royalty free art you have permission to use, such as the Essentials Art Packs or the full art packs you can purchase.

3) No, you have to create the images (body parts etc) in another program or get them from art packs.

4) Most likely, if they are PNG images... but they are very low-resolution, so the results wont look great if you animate using bones and image rotation. Have you seen the RPG Heroes art pack. I suggest you start there instead... You have the free Essentials version in the folder location I mentioned in answer number 1.

5) See Answer number 1

-Mike at BrashMonkey

Can you help me with another thing? I just bought the rpg heroes art pack and started making the characters, but how do i make a character sprite like in the videos from the tutorials? Where you have a huge portrait of the character, and  sprites of every possible movements of him/

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You have to save your character in the character maps palette (bottom right save icon) so that you can later re-load it into the spriter file of the sprite size you want.

Find the tutorials for exporting specific animations and export the portrait with whatever custom trimming you'd like:

Export your portrait, and if you want the high res sprite sheet of the character, then choose the FullSpriteSheet Animation and export that as a spritesheet:

If you want the lower res sprite sheet, then load the appropriate size and gender Spriter file and reload your character file into that Spriter file.. Then choose FullSpriteSheet and export it as in the video above.

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6 hours ago, Mike at BrashMonkey said:

You have to save your character in the character maps palette (bottom right save icon) so that you can later re-load it into the spriter file of the sprite size you want.

Find the tutorials for exporting specific animations and export the portrait with whatever custom trimming you'd like:

Export your portrait, and if you want the high res sprite sheet of the character, then choose the FullSpriteSheet Animation and export that as a spritesheet:

If you want the lower res sprite sheet, then load the appropriate size and gender Spriter file and reload your character file into that Spriter file.. Then choose FullSpriteSheet and export it as in the video above.

I  got it now, but last questions: The files for left/right arms/legs for me are exactaly the same is that normal?  Also how you make animations without using the bones? For example i made 2 sprites for my character to walk down(facing forward on the camera) how i animate him walking? Sorry for so many begginer questions.

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To make an animation without bones you simply place the images in the canvas and then move or rotate them from frame to frame however you see fit.

HOWEVER, this whole art pack is designed to not use tweening (for the character sprites) in the animation because its fairly low res and because the upward and downward animations can not be animated via bones and tweening due to perspective requirements.

It really sounds like you need to take a few minutes and go through the built in manual (help/help in Spriter) from the quickstart guide at the beginning and things will start to make sense quickly.

If you (like me) hate manuals, then watch all the quicktip videos 


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