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Aprowolf Animation Gallery


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Greetings everyone ^^

I decided to share some of my animation works that has been using Spriter Pro, hopefully some of you guys will come to like some of what you see :) 
All of the work you'll see is related to my game "The Bludgeons" which can be found in Steam green light or published already in Google play.


Title Animation

Heroes Collections

Monsters Collections



Special Monsters Collection


More to come soon ^^;
for time being , you can check the game on steam green light 
or check it out in google play
wishing you all good day :)

Edit will reduce the size of Animations soon so it will be easier for the eyes to see everything~

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thanks XD! and yup :)
In The Lore of the game The last one does not Speak about his past, But after loosing the count of shooting 50k Arrows in the world his nickname was changed from "The Cyclops" into "ArchBillion" By the locals. The first nick name was given to him back in the time he was a warrior and the second when he basically switched classes.

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you can use paint tool sai with mouse yes ^^ The advice I can give you though is that you do your sketches on pencil and paper first though then take a pic(or scan it if u have scanner) and imported to sai, then use sai for coloring and out lines~

this video might be useful to you if u want to go about drawing with mouse on sai~


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