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My question is simple this time. Is it better to combine all the animations in the game ever into one construct file, or make each entity that i create that is dissimilar (example: All humans in one animation and all monsters in the other) its own construct file?


My question is very similar so I thought I might as well ask it here instead of creating a new topic.


EDIT: (made question clearer - also, ignore this post if you saw and answered my question in my separate topic that I just created!)


I read the manual and watched the tutorials and it still isn't clear when we should be using the Character Maps, the Entities, or when to just make separate spriter files (scml/scon) for each enemy.


You said that it is better RAM-wise to make separate spriter files (though it was unclear if you meant for each enemies). I have like 36 enemies sharing the same walking animation. I was thinking of putting them all in the same spriter file and then either use character maps OR entities, but after reading your RAM post, I'm wondering what would be the best RAM wise. Would using 36 different spriter files (scml/scon) actually be better? But then, when would we use entities? and character maps?


Thank you for your time!

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