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what is wrong w my files


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Hi morintari,

I don't think you're presenting enough information for us to figure out if its something you're doing specifically or some kind of bug. Obviously the vast majority of people currently using Spriter are not having such an issue, so if it is a bug, we'd love to know exactly what is causing it for you.

Did you watch the tutorial videos and read the built in manual?

Are you properly setting up a project folder with sub-folders for your images before you begin animating in Spriter?

Are you moving image files out of the folder they were in when you created the animations?

Spriter just references to image files, which need to be kept in the same folder structure/location relative to the .scml file. If you move the images after creating your animation, when you reload the file in Spriter, Spriter can no longer find the images.

Is this what's causing your problem?

I've never experienced or seen a Spriter project folder dissappear on a user due to a bug. Are you saying a folder you create is literally being moved or deleted on its own?

The best course of action might be to make a screen-recording of this issue, to show us exactly what's happening.


Mike at BrashMonkey

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  • 2 weeks later...

BrashAdmin wrote

Are you properly setting up a project folder with sub-folders for your images before you begin animating in Spriter?

Are you moving image files out of the folder they were in when you created the animations?

Spriter just references to image files, which need to be kept in the same folder structure/location relative to the .scml file. If you move the images after creating your animation, when you reload the file in Spriter, Spriter can no longer find the images.

Is this what's causing your problem?

Ok I feel like and idiot, However I do think for future versions a dialog should come up saying that Spriter cannot find image files I think that would be easier than thinking that Spriter screwed up when it was really me. Thanks for answering my question. Can't wait for future versions especially if you implement my suggestion on page 28 of suggestions for Spriter it would be very useful to me. Brash Monkey is Great in my book once more and I am glad that I purchased it :) .

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Thanks for the kind words. We're very glad to help. And please do not feel like an idiot, because that would make me one too. I never read manuals unless absolutely forced to. ;)

Edgar and I feel that a good tool should be as intuitive and easy to learn as possible, and soon we'll be able to address this exact concern. Once all of Spriter's remaining 1.0 features are in, Spriter development will be all about increasing ease of use, stability, flexiblity etc, and one of the first steps in this direction will be all the necessary pop-ups or mouse-over messages to explain what each tool does, what's happening at the moment etc.


Mike at BrashMonkey

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