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Some GUI ideas and workflow question


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First of all, I just want to say Spriter is BRILLIANT; its truly incredible to have a tool like that that really democratizes sprite creation. :) viva 2d!

I wanted to take a second to share some early feedback on Spriter and its workflow. Here are a few things that could be super helpful.

1. include actual time markers on the timeline. If I am working off of recorded video and am basing animation on an actor's performance, matching the miliseconds to the actor would be super helpful!

2. the speed/slow animation is a really helpful feature. would it be possible to have an "apply timestretch" to a timeline where for example, i have a 1k ms animation and if its at 50% speed to flatted the duration of the animation to 1.5, adjusting to the new duration

3. the option of having a grid in the background to help make it easier to track object positions,

4. being able to dump/screenshot individual items. I've actually found that spriter is a pretty easy way to compile larger body parts...it would be awesome to be able to compile and dump images to load into other animations.

5. how about a dump to AVI feature? that could be helpful for collaboration with others, etc.

6. how about a way to copy a section of a timeline to a separate animation... or the ability to trim the beginning or ending from an animation

7. how about the ability to import spriter "models" into animations to make it easier to animate animations that involve other sprites. IE if you are animating a fighting game and a character throws an enemy, being able to import a separate model the complete the throw animation.

What you all are doing is AMAZING and is a huge gift to the game creation world. Thank you so much for your combined efforts guys!

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Thank you very much lodger

1. I think the new timeline might have what you mean, see this thread about the delayed update, and if not, please elaborate on what you mean: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1102

2. We're going to have a visual interactive stretching feature. I'm not sure if it'll make it into this build, but yes.

3. Yes, in a future version

4. Hmm...individual items? Specific frames? or just like every currently selected sprite?

5. This is not impossible at some point, but unlikely for the foreseeable future. Though our export to PNG feature will be improved and expanded with many more features to make it more useful for generating a sequence you can directly translate to a movie easily in any app that can import PNG sequences.

6. In the near future, yes. You will just copy paste several keyframes to another animation. This doesn't work yet.

7. Not in the short term, but after 1.0 (ETA Dec), we will start focusing on procedural animation, and other interactive features. Things like what you're asking would fall under this category.

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og. being able to dump/screenshot individual items. I've actually found that spriter is a pretty easy way to compile larger body parts...it would be awesome to be able to compile and dump images to load into other animations

reply "4. Hmm...individual items? Specific frames? or just like every currently selected sprite? ">>

I was thinking individual frames. What I've been doing is taking 3 or so smaller moving parts and chunking them in spriter. I'm fairly new to graphic design and animation, so I'd been using spriter to assemble, for example, a forearm, hand and object it is holding and using printscreen to capture the compiled image. Since the time I posted this, I've begun just using layers in my graphic editing software to do the compiling. Nevertheless, a screenshot button could be helpful for part design, potentially.

Again, thanks for all of your hard work and your quick and thoughtful reply.

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