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  1. Hi, In my pipeline, I need to export seperate frames on each animation by itself (so not a sprite sheet, but an image sequence for every animation) so I can generate normal maps for them on Sprite Illuminator, then pack using Texture Packer. An organized folder structure is essential to avoid messing things up. What I need is a checkbox on Export dialog (when using "seperate numbered image files") to create folders for each animation (named by animation itself) and export their frames into the necessary folder.
  2. oops, i noticed there's a "feature request" topic in this forum section. sorry, you can delete this post.
  3. guys i'm experiencing a strange bug: if i import another asset before Spriter2UnityDX, importing a spriter project to Unity gets stuck on an endless loop towards the end. the only times i succesfully import spriter projects are when the Spriter2UnityDX is first (and the only) asset i imported to my project. mike told me this "infinite loop" problem was discussed before but i can't seem to find it. so anyone stumbled upon this bug before?
  4. i started to rig a character to test R5, and the only bug i encountered was about docking undocked window panels back where they are. other than that, i don't see anything problematic. the thing is, i bought Spriter over Steam and I don't know how to evaluate my R5 (i need IK and TP export) beta since there's not an activation key affilliated with steam. any idea?
  5. I just did a quick test and the mac version runs far better on Retina MBP (compared to R4). UI boxes fixed, performance improved. Keep in mind that without disabling OpenGL, Mac version is still kinda slow (like playing and 60fps animation at 30fps with frameskipping). But disabling OpenGL made it as fast as the windows version. I don't know you guys but it's a huge relief for me and my workflow now!
  6. Hi, In my pipeline, I need to export seperate frames on each animation by itself (so not a sprite sheet, but an image sequence for every animation) so I can generate normal maps for them on Sprite Illuminator, then pack using Texture Packer. An organized folder structure is essential to avoid messing things up. What I need is a checkbox on Export dialog (when using "seperate numbered image files") to create folders for each animation (named by animation itself) and export their frames into the necessary folder.
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