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Everything posted by Erik1

  1. I take that back, if I open spriter from the start menu then pro is activated but if I open or create a new project then it gets deactivated. Another issue I see is sounds are not persisted, I can add my sounds save the project then open again and all the sounds are gone. Maybe these are related.
  2. Do you happen to have an updated ScmlReference for the sound?
  3. Ditto, I waste too much time messing with graphics. Please release the art pack.
  4. Tombmonkey is there a reason images are all rotated? Is that some artist trick?
  5. https://ERIKKIPP@bitbucket.org/ERIKKIPP/animation.git I wrote a C# Monogame implementation so the images and scml file need to be part of the project. The code is similar to XSpriter but I've done just about all tweening and transforms when loading for performance reasons.
  6. When going through the frames using the 1 and 2 keys with an image highlighted what does it mean when the pivot point turns red?
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