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Delete all references to a sprite in a project


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Hi, is there any way of deleting all references to a sprite in a project through Spriter? I have a number of sprites that appear in many frames of many animations that are no longer required. Rather than manually going through all the animations and deleting these sprites or hiding these sprites in my character maps I want to remove them completely to clean up my project.  Is there a simple way to just delete sprites completely from a project so I no longer get the "project is missing images" message on start up?

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I can only think of one tricky way. That would be to make that character map you mentioned to hide the sprites, and then make that character map active and choose the option to "bake active character maps to new entity". Then delete the original entity which had the sprites in it.

Finally you'd then have to make sure to delete any remaining character maps that might reference those images... but I don't think any character maps that had referenced those images would survive the process anyway.

Always make sure you're working with a back-up copy so there's no risk if anything goes wrong.

please let me know if that does the trick for you.

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That seems to work, but a very long winded process given the number of character maps I have. Would be really great if there was an option to just physically delete images and have them automatically removed from all character maps.

Any plans for a Spriter 12 release any time soon where this could be added as a new feature?


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I'll pass the feedback along, but can't promise any specific delivery date for a feature.. especially for Spriter Pro as most development time has shifted to Spriter 2 (still a lot of work to go before even the first testing phase)


I'll update here if I learn more in the near future.

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