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Hi! I want to share with you our first game made by our small three-dude team.  The idea of the game is somewhere between runner and team-manager. Your goal is to run through hordes of enemies, smash the boss and get to the tavern.

We used Spriter to make an animation of characters and enemies. It's our first expirience of working with Spriter and first expirience to make an animation. Then Spriter animation have been transfered to Unity 3D.

The game is already completed so you can check it in the Google Play


Feel free to criticise, our goal is to learn something and get better :)










Ah, just forgot! You can post your questions and reports in our groups, in social network you prefer.

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Groups are quite empty, but we try to fill it with interesting stuff, and appreciate if you'll help us :)

  • 4 weeks later...

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