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The tile sets and art were not specifically designed or set up for Unity, though I'm sure they can be used in Unity.  You'd likely have to rearrange the art to satisfy whatever specific configuration Unity wants.

Can you link to some documentation which explains the specific configuration of tile-art that Unity wants for whatever tile system you're using inside Unity?

-Mike at BrashMonkey

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From what I can tell it doesn't specify a configuration, just that it has to be a sprite atlas or sprite sheet. I just think the sprite sheet is packed to closely together, the auto slicer feature can't distinguish how many sprites are on the sheet, or where one begins and the other ends. I don't currently have access to photoshop either so I can't rearrange the sprites.

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There are two programs which can load basic Photoshop files. 

I highly recommend krita from https://krita.org/en/

There is also GIMP from https://www.gimp.org/downloads/

Once you have one of these programs installed it should be easy to load the files and figure out how big each tile is. (seems to be 256x256)
If you need the tiles to be smaller (a lower resolution) be sure t oscale down to perfect multiples of two, like down to 128x128 or 64x64 using "nearest neighbor" sampling (which is technically no sampling or "filtering" at all) so the edges of the tiles don't end up blurry and broken.

There are also programs out there that can cut up tile-sets into individual images for you: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/off-topic/computer-science-and-technology/480850-program-tileset-cutter-download

This program also looks very cool: http://renderhjs.net/shoebox/


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I downloaded ps trial, gimp and krita and none of these programs allowed me to seperate the sprites because they are all on the same layer. You claim that I will be able to edit in one of these art programs  which was part of the appeal and thus this is not the case! It was false advertising and a complete lie.

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(I assume you mean tiles and not sprites.) The fact that its one image has nothing to do with whether or not you can edit or slice it up. It's clear you're getting frustrated and I sympathize, but please consider that maybe a lack of experience with art programs in general is the core issue here, and not false advertising.

It's absolutely true that anyone can use their graphic program of choice to edit the images... this includes changing colors, totally repainting, flipping, scaling, adding details, or removing specific tiles etc... it includes cutting out little pieces of many tiles and adding them together to make custom tiles that match the original set as needed, and it also includes slicing up the tiles any way you need... however, no tool is useful to someone who has not yet learned (or is unwilling to take the time to learn) how to use it, at least in the core ways needed for the task at hand. 

You could turn on a grid guide, set snapping on, and hand cut up the image into separate tiles, doing it column by row and not individual tiles to save time, or you can use one of the tools I previously provided links to (above) which can slice up single imaged tilesheets into individual tiles.. Once you do that, you can use this program to reassemble them with whatever padding you want.  https://spritesheetpacker.codeplex.com/

If this is not enough help, then please explain exactly how much spacing you need between your tiles and I'll make a step by step tutorial video showing you how to do it using one or more of the free art programs. However, be aware, my time is spread really thin right now with compound family and work obligations, so it may take several days for me to get a chance to make the video if it comes to that.


-Mike at BrashMonkey


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You're right I do lack knowledge with art programs, I am trying to learn and am frustrated but I assumed it would be as simple as just loading the psd files into ps or another software that can access and edit psd files and away you go. I think I figured it out. Do I split the layer? If there is a better way could you please point me in the right direction? I'm using krita. I don't need a video, just which steps to follow under which menus.

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