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Jesse Rioux

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  1. You're right I do lack knowledge with art programs, I am trying to learn and am frustrated but I assumed it would be as simple as just loading the psd files into ps or another software that can access and edit psd files and away you go. I think I figured it out. Do I split the layer? If there is a better way could you please point me in the right direction? I'm using krita. I don't need a video, just which steps to follow under which menus.
  2. I downloaded ps trial, gimp and krita and none of these programs allowed me to seperate the sprites because they are all on the same layer. You claim that I will be able to edit in one of these art programs which was part of the appeal and thus this is not the case! It was false advertising and a complete lie.
  3. Can't even seperate or edit the sprites because they are merged on a layer.
  4. From what I can tell it doesn't specify a configuration, just that it has to be a sprite atlas or sprite sheet. I just think the sprite sheet is packed to closely together, the auto slicer feature can't distinguish how many sprites are on the sheet, or where one begins and the other ends. I don't currently have access to photoshop either so I can't rearrange the sprites.
  5. I just purchased the delta missions pack and have imported my chosen enviroment into unity but can't make sense of the tiles. Why are they together? Some are on top of others, and Unity can't tell what is what. How am I supposed to slice these sprites in Unity?
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