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Problem understanding bones.


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I am not sure whether or not there is a tutorial out there that can help me, but after some time searching online, I decided to ask for help from the forums.

Basically, my bones do not act like I expect them to do.

That is one case. In that instance, I wanted to scale down one of the bones and bring the child bones in a certain position. While that does happen, in between it does that unnecessary stretching before reaching it's final position.
In another instance, I had IK locked a bone and tried to do an animation. Instead of staying relatively still, the bone got displaced considerably, only to do a loop and end up in the original position it had at the beginning of the animation.

It happens all the time. Am I missing something? I tried looking up of any answers, but I didn't come up with much. Thank you for your time.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi KanaX,

I'm very sorry for the extremely late reply. I had thought I replied to you but apparently somehow it didn't happen. 

The issue is that things like IK, IK locking and turning off inheritance are only to help in the creation of keyframes and do not actually change how things are tweened. For this reason the child bones and images during playback start to grow as you enlarge their parent bone, and then halfway through to the next key frame start to tween back to their original size.
The only way to fix this is to add one or more frames in between for those objects that get effected to force them to the normal size... often just one keyframe perfectly between the start and end keyframe with the problem is enough... but you can ad more as needed.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and again. for taking so long to get back to you.

-Mike at BrashMonkey

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I'm the co-founder of BrashMonkey, but I'm the artist part of the team. Aside from contributing some ideas, feedback, testing etc, my role is on the infrastructure/support end, as well as managing and contributing to the creation of the art packs, tutorial videos etc. Edgar (Lucid) in the forums is the programmer and main designer of Spriter.


-Mike at BrashMonkey

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