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Steam Spriter not exporting all body parts / sprites to Construct 2


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Hello, I have just purchased Spriter pro and all of the add on packs and this is my first post to the forum (and I am new to posting on forums so if I have made a faux pas by posting in a wrong section / area etc I apologise and will endeavour to act upon advice given to me to post correctly in future). I'm excited to make some great sprites for some games! 

I just went to create a test character by constructing a character using your goblin body pieces from the adventure pack. 

I created the character, made the movements with bone settings, updated the construct 2 add-on for spriter exports, followed Construct 2's recommendations for customised saves inside Spriter (by allowing additional save data for authoring tools), saved the spriter file with the same name as scml and scon files and then dragged the scml into construct 2. 

Most of the goblin character appeared but some parts were missing such as the shin on one of his legs and a couple of other parts. 

I had followed the steps on this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yLiMxoUIVs but the missing body parts problem remains. 

Can anyone offer any assistance on this? Thanks in advance :) I have included a picture of what imports into Construct 2. 

Screen Shot 12-29-15 at 07.20 PM.PNG

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