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How do I replace set of selected images over the entire timeline


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I have a character whose headlight animates (rotates around the head) continuously as the character itself animates. I was able to replace different frames for the headlight rotation using "swap image at that timeline functionality". I did this for the first 10 frames of headlight rotation. Now how do I copy (cut-paste) these 10 headlight animation swap image keys to my entire timeline of 228 frames? I cant do swap replace manually for the entire timeline. Please help!



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Hi kmsravindra,

I just did a quick test, and if you scroll up the timeline palette to reveal the individual key-frames/timelines for each object, then select the key-frame nodes for those specific image swaps for that specific sprite (image object) (hold control and left click to add to the selection) that you can then go to a new part of the time line and paste (control+v) and it will add that same sequence of key frames for the image swapping starting from wherever you are in the timeline...HOWEVER, this will also simultaneously copy the images x and y position, scale and opacity relative to the parent bone... so it could break other aspects of your animation if you had been changing those other attributes across the time-line.

There are other features we're working on which will make things like this drastically easier... one of which being sub-entities (animations within animations)...which is already palatially implemented in Spriter, but be careful, as this feature is still slightly glitchy in the UI department and is not yet supported by any of the Spriter implementations such as the Construct2 Spriter plug-in or Spriter2Unity... so only use this feature for now if you're just exporting full frame animations as sequential images.

We also plan on eventually updating Spriter to allow for controlling the timelines of transforms, image swaps, position, and alpha all completely separately..which will also drastically increase the flexibility for the animator.

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