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Char Maps sorting


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first I would like to thank BrashMonkey for making such a great tool.

I am making a game with Construct2, it's a roguelike where you play a dwarf, and then when you die, the game gives you a new unique dwarf.

I say unique because every dwarf is randomly generated, haircuts beards faces etc. Then you can equip pieces of gear that have also unique skins.

Therefore, I use a lot of char maps, one by armor/weapon/haircut/beards.

I have two questions :

- am I doing it right ? :p 

- Spriter sorts those char maps by date of creation, and it would be easier if I could sort them by name, or even better with folders. Does it exist ? If not, do you think you can implement it ?


I have an other small problem :

this is my Spriter folder http://imgur.com/5auWhql

I already made some animations, but I didn't sort the files I used back then.

I'm now having those files (sword.png, etc) that I would like to move to the weapons folder, but if I do it, Spriter won't find the missing files even if it's just in a subfolder.

Do I have to delete those objects that have missing image in Spriter, and reimport everything and replace everything, or is there some function that let me tell Spriter where are those files ?


Once again, thank you for your tool and your help.



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I already made some animations, but I didn't sort the files I used back then.



here is something you can do manually to fix that , remmber before you start , in each SCML file , each folder you make has ID and A name , and each image has an ID and a name as well

1) Copy your SCML file and past it as back up in case you do something wrong

2) Create a folder to put your original image , call it for example "Parts"

3) edit the SCML file using note pad or notepad++, give your folder a name and add the name of the folder along with the sympol "/" to you images , check the code for original code and the modified code

   // ORIGINAL <folder id="0">        <file id="0" name="arm_l.png" width="14" height="13" pivot_x="0" pivot_y="1"/>        <file id="1" name="arm_R.png" width="13" height="28" pivot_x="0" pivot_y="1"/>    </folder>// Modified <folder id="0" name "Parts">        <file id="0" name="Parts/arm_l.png" width="14" height="13" pivot_x="0" pivot_y="1"/>        <file id="1" name="Parts/arm_R.png" width="13" height="28" pivot_x="0" pivot_y="1"/>    </folder>

4) your done , i wish there was option in spriter that would do that for us XD jus don't play with the code too much cause it can cause problem if you don't know what you are doing , and never play with IDs , also check that your charmaps is functioning well when your are done


also I don't think there is a sorting for charmaps sadly 


hope that answers your questions

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Another way, perhaps more artist friendly that you can handle the issue is to:


1) Create copies of all the images you want to move in their new folders. (maybe temporarily tint these images a color so its obvious when you're using the new images)

2) Create a character map that swaps the images you want to move with their new, (temporarily tinted) replacements.

3) Turn on this character map, and ONLY this character map.

4) Choose the option to create a new entity based on that character map!

5) REsave the new images after removing the temporary tint from them.


This will create a clone of the entire entity that now, by default is actually using those new images!  Then you could delete the original entity.


The only problem with this method is that all the character maps you created would need to be remade for the new entity, suing the new images.

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Hi nicolasfantoni,


I have two questions :

- am I doing it right ? :P

- Spriter sorts those char maps by date of creation, and it would be easier if I could sort them by name, or even better with folders. Does it exist ? If not, do you think you can implement it ?



It certianly seems like you're doing it right.  Sorry, I think there's currently no way to needly organize character maps, but its definately a planned feature for a future update.  Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.  The order of Character maps is likely something that would not be hard to fix with a text editor by directly editing the scml or scon file.


Mike at BrashMonkey

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