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Spriter R3 Released!


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Hi everyone,


We're please to announce the release of Spriter build R3, which includes some great new time saving features and bug fixes.


First a quick note to Linux users.  Spriter for Linux is available to test on Steam.  We're not going to officially announce it as supported for Steam until we get some more users to confirm it works for them.  Please reply here if you get a chance to try it and it works, or if it doesn't, please post as many details as you can, such as OS version, 64 or 32 bit, any relevant error messages, etc.  If you own Spriter Pro on Steam, just log into Steam under Linux, and it should be available.


As for Spriter R3, we've got handy new shortcuts for moving through the timeline, and a new batch export (to png/gif) feature.


Here is a quick video showing showcasing whats new to R3 (Full Change-log at the bottom of this post):



We hope this new build will save you time and make using Spriter an even more convenient and enjoyable experience, and we also hope you find it to be worth the wait.

Speaking of waiting, we apologize for the prolonged silence in regards to the Spriter reference implementation we're working on. While it is our top priority until it's finished, there has been a great deal of preliminary planning, and careful design decisions to work through before the actual coding was begun.


Our original plan was to create a basic implementation which covers only Spriter's current feature set as quickly as possible, but then realized that a rushed version would definitely cause the need for some fairly drastic re-writes in order to accommodate several of the up-coming features we have planned for the coming many months.

This made us realize its a better idea to take the time needed to do it right...to make sure its as future/feature proof as possible, and that it's built from the ground up in anticipation of the upcoming expanded feature-set. In fact, some of the new features will just work instantly on any Spriter implementation ported from the reference implementation as soon as the feature becomes available in Spriter.  We've also done quite a bit of planning to ensure that even some of the larger upcoming features will require minimal additions to existing code.

In other news, aside from the preliminary work for the implementation itself, as well as small bug fixes and new features to Spriter itself, we've also been very busy with many other investments in Spriter's future, including but not limited to commencing with the design and creation of a new art pack, which will not only introduce new animation and art content to Spriter's library (hint, not for a side-scrolling game type), but will also introduce several new features to Spriter itself. These new features will not only give this art pack an unprecedented level of customizability, but will also offer even more flexibility and options to all Spriter users for the creation of their own original content. (more on this up-coming new art pack is a future update. It's roughly half finished, but still several months away.)

Again, we apologize for the not so regular updates, and we will make sure the next update won't take so long, and progress reports will be more frequent and more complete.  We'll do everything we can to make the implementation (and eventual new features that it will accommodate) well worth the wait. And of course, once we're finished, our focus will be on helping developers port this fully featured implementation to as many authoring systems languages as possible.

Thanks again everyone for your support and patience.

Cheers, Edgar at BrashMonkey

Download Spriter R3 here if you don't have the Steam version or automatic update notifications on.



Spriter Release 3
Released 2/26/2015


Additions and Enhancements

  • Added Shift key modifier to shortcuts for Previous Keyframe and Next Keyframe (1 and 2 keys). Shift+1 and Shift+2 will go to the previous and next frame where the currently selected objects are keyed
  • Added Control key modifier to shortcuts for Previous Keyframe and Next Keyframe (1 and 2 keys). Ctrl+1 and Ctrl+2 increment and decrement time by the currently set Snapping Interval, or by one millisecond if snapping is turned off
  • Cleaned up Export to PNG/Gif Dialog to hide controls that don't apply to the current export settings
  • Added new Pro Feature 'Batch Export' to the Export to PNG/Gif Dialog. Allows you to choose several animations to export at once
  • Added 'Trim To Entity' as an option for the Source Rectangle when performing a Batch Export. This will choose one bounding box size that will fit all of the selected animations for each entity
  • Added 'Trim To All Entities' as an option for the Source Rectangle when performing a Batch Export. This will choose one bounding box size that will fit all selected animations for all entities

Bug Fixes

  • Removed tutorial video playback within Spriter (video links are still available) as a temporary fix for some users who were experiencing crashes due to the feature
  • Fixed a bug where creating a bone required several undos to revert instead of one
  • Fixed a bug where the images in the File Palette weren't updated after the Reload All Images was pressed
  • Fixed a crash that would occur if you attempted to close Spriter while in the middle of renaming an entity
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