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Know that I apologize that the nature of this email is to "utilize monetary funds to acquire some sort of benefit", but I wanted to propose to anyone that if I offered seventy five usd for them to publicly post a photoshop-to-spriter  how-to-build-a-dont-starve-like-character-from-scratch tutorial that included them shifting from a blank page in photoshop to a finalized bone-laced structure in spriter so I could get forward on my game design, I think I would be very appreciated as well as the gaming design community.



I put my foot in  my mouth for asking this. I could save the money. I watched this video entitled





I think I would just draw every small element in PS, save it as a .png file, and go to spriter, and import it.

Sorry . Heres the video



Welcome Threshroge,

I'm glad you're finding your way through Spriter. Just be careful, there are specific requirements for the the don't starve Spriter importer and it doesn't support some of Spriter's features.  I suggest you communicate specifically with the Don't Starve staff and members of its community who have already worked with the importer to be sure you dont spend a lot of time making Spriter animations that are not compatible.


Mike at BrashMonkey 

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